Military Interactions with Extraterrestrials

Exopolitics Book, Chapter 2 (Draft)

The thing to understand about life is that environmental conditions are always changing and all creatures have to adapt to these changing conditions else they suffer or even die. I am discovering that this is just as true for extraterrestrial beings with advanced technology, as it is for us the indigenous human species of earth. Retired Air Force Airman Charles Hall has written extensively about a species of human extraterrestrial called the Tall Whites who occupy and maintain a base in the mountains now encompassed by Nellis AFB. (Search: Charles Hall Tall Whites)


Chapter One:

Charles has also has told me personally that the extraterrestrial species know as the Greys occupy and maintain a base larger than the TW base at Area 55 that is also on Nellis, while a very human type of ET with 24 teeth have a base near a fiord in Norway. Charles claims to have met all three types in his life. Nellis is the home of the world renown Area 51 that is now part of global popular culture.

In later chapters I will get into great detail about the nature of other ET races like the TW and the Grays along with the supporting case history. I have found Charles Hall’s claims compelling because of the detail and the fact that there are many additional witness to the TW, completely separate from Charles that have come forward before and after he published his books and did interviews. I even traveled to Indian Springs, Nevada in the spring of 2011 and found a couple of more cases while investigating.

Charles Hall claims that the Tall White’s base in the Nevada desert predates for hundreds of years modern human activity on this planet. He has stated that he believed that the TW base was there at least since the time Madison was president of the United States, because his female TW teacher had mentioned that the TW have watched the wagon trains roll through the Nevada desert. They had a front row seat from their small Nevada base and from the Spring Mountains looking down on Indian Springs and Vegas as ranchers and miners began to settle the area.

According to Charles the TW live to about 800 years and his teacher had grown up in the region and so this area of the United States was very dear to her and their hearts as they spend a lot of R&R time in the desert and nearby Spring Mountains in the summer. Interestingly, Charles has said that the Greys and the TW don’t get along and are in a kind of longstanding cold war, even though their bases in Nevada are not that far from each other. There also is a lot of intense speculation in the UFO field that the Greys have a biological research facility underground near Duce, New Mexico where they treat us like lab animals, but there is so much psyops involved in this controversy, it’s hard for me to determine if this is true.

Against this backdrop let’s move forward a bit to 1947. At the time the American military had a Top Secret Army Air Force base at Roswell that was active during World War Two with the only Atomic Bomb Wing stationed there. Some investigators believe that by this time the American military and top governmental officials already had the remains of at least one ET crash that happened in the early 1940s, but because of the extreme situation of World War Two at the time, efforts were concentrated on short term technological solutions to winning World War Two including the making of the atom bomb at Los Alamos, another top secret base in New Mexico.

It would appear that the Germans may have recovered a crash in 1938 and because of this were much further along at the time toward understanding exotic electromagnetic-electrogravitic technologies than the United States. This would soon change when the Germans lost the war and lost their top scientists to Russia and the U.S. along with the accumulated information on these advanced technologies.

Sometimes huge shifts in our society are triggered by relative small acts by one or several individuals. World War I was triggered by an assassination and an international incident between the U.S. and Iran was triggered when some hikers strayed into Iranian territory several years ago. When I was in Roswell in the spring of 2011 and talked and interviewed contactee and military whistleblower Clifford Stone he had an interesting story to tell me. Clifford like many of us older folks have developed over our lifetimes extensive contacts through which we share information. Unknown to Clifford several months earlier there was a mention in the Senior Research Engineer Boyd Bushman interview, that a friend of his said he shot down the craft that crashed at Roswell.

I really perked up my ears then when Clifford began to tell me what he had pieced together from his military contacts. There must have been contact with the Gray ETs themselves to get their side of the story. Clifford claims to have known personally several types of ETs but has only seen dead Greys. (I realize that only one source backing up part of this story is not enough, but I am hoping before publication in print one or more people will contact me to further substantiate this intriguing detailed perspective on the crashes near Roswell.)

Clifford told me that there was not just one craft that went down near Roswell but three! The first craft went down because of mechanical and communication problems. There is debate in the UFO field as to if one or more craft crashed because of mechanical failure caused by lightning, or because the craft ran into a high power military radar that adversely effected the craft’s navigation system. From the documents of the period there is no doubt that the military was tracking these craft by radar at the time. Perhaps what may have happened was that one or more Greys had taken a little excursion out in the New Mexico desert maybe, even from their base that Charles claims exists at Area 55 at Nellis.

According to Clifford and his inside contacts that when the craft lost communication, two other craft were quickly sent out to find out what happened and rescue the occupants if they were still alive. If I remember correctly Clifford said that in one of the craft were experienced adults, but in the other craft were inexperienced Grey children or teenagers. I figure that a recovery a few years previously would have not been that difficult for the Greys because the technological capabilities of the U.S. military would have been very limited. There would not have been radar to track the craft, and the human population would have been smaller because many people had not yet moved into the desert who could report a crash.

Clifford said that he had been told that these two rescue craft had lowered their protective fields and were flying in close formation in order to better search for the suspected downed craft. At this time a military craft came upon these two craft and asked base to be allowed to shoot them down. It may have been vectored into the area with all three craft being tracked by radar, but Clifford did not mention this if memory serves me.

The Greys in their two ships were following these transmissions and when the pilot got the order to shoot, the inexperienced Greys in one of the craft panicked and powered up their craft too close to the other, causing one craft to come down right away which must have been at the exact same time as Bushman’s friend fired at the craft thinking he shot it down. The other ET craft traveled quite a distance before it too went down. Clifford said that the craft had not been shot down as had been assumed by Boyd Bushman’s friend.

I would assume that such a series of accidents, a perfect storm, put the Greys into turmoil and meant that they did not have craft in the area to recover bodies and craft, because the area was crawling with U.S. military. This seems to have been an unmitigated disaster for the Greys, creating a real turning point of history. These crashes galvanized the military and top political leaders into action and the National Security Act of 1947 was signed in September, creating the CIA, NSA and MJ 12 the organization to coordinate ET activities for the U.S. government and private corporations.

By the 1950’s official contact seems to have been established with several extraterrestrial races including the Nordics, Greys and the TW and Nellis AFB was built to encompass at least two ET bases. Charles Hall talks about the creation of Nellis in his four books and that he entered into the picture in the early 1960s when our government and TW were still in the very early stages of developing relations in an environment of extreme distrust and paranoia. Charles told me personally that he had met a very scary Grey adult in the desert and also others including young Greys who were not so scary at Area 55.

While there is considerable evidence for extraterrestrial crashes beginning as early as 1936 in Germany and the early 1940s in the United States. It was not until the end of World War Two that the United States and its allies could really begin to focus on the problem and began interactions in earnest with extraterrestrial civilizations. In the 1950s serious compartmentalization, secrecy and propagandizing of the public was so pronounced that one part of the government often was not aware what another part was doing in regard to integration into extraterrestrial reality. Only MJ 12 knew the whole story. It was at this juncture that President Eisenhower realized that the whole thing was getting out of constitutional control and into the hands of the military-industrial complex.

The Fontes Briefing gives a good general overview of what some global governments knew about the extraterrestrial presence, but it would seem that direct contact and negotiations were already ongoing between political and military leaders by 1955 as evidenced by information that has leaked into the public domain, regarding the then United States president Eisenhower’s contact and negotiations with more than one extraterrestrial civilization.

Timothy Good in his classic book Above Top Secret said that sources told him that at one time the Air Forces were losing a craft a day, trying to intercept and even shoot down extraterrestrial craft in the 1950s. MOD documents in regular releases refer to some of this activity. This high state of paranoia and fear by global militaries is very evident in the Fontes Briefing.

By the late 1950s, and early 1960s when Air Force Airman Charles Hall became involved with a human extraterrestrial race called the Tall Whites (TW) it becomes apparent from the testimony of Charles Hall and others that there was now active cooperation with at least two extraterrestrial races, the Tall Whites and those known as the Greys who were not human.

It makes sense to me that contact was established with these races first because it would appear that these two ET bases were not that secure and it would make sense that the ETs might want to cooperate with our military for purposes of trade and security. I am not sure if there was cooperation with those Human ETs known as the Nordics, because it would appear from one Eisenhower meeting that the military generals would not accept some of the conditions required by these human extraterrestrials for cooperation.

Charles Hall also talks of another blond race that he calls the Norwegians with 24 teeth who maintain a base up a fiord in Norway and I would assume there might be some cooperation here with the Norwegian authorities as that base also might be a small forward operating base like that manned by the TW. In fact Charles has said that their deep space capabilities were not as advanced as the TW. UFO/ET investigators in Norway might check Norwegian military bases and UFO sightings to see if they could pinpoint such an ET base surrounded by a Norwegian military base with a fiord within its borders.

I intend to get into this later in much more detail in further chapters, but for now let’s first start this chapter with the Fontes Briefing and other briefings to give the reader an idea of the overall context of military interactions over time with several ET races. Dr. Olavo T. Fontes from Brazil was a prominent and respected UFO researcher in the 1950’s. He was given an informal briefing by two American Intelligence officials that he wrote up in a letter of February 27, 1958. The briefing clearly details the paranoid military mindset and the degree of military understanding in regards to extraterrestrial reality in the late 1950s.

1. They told me that all governments and military authorities through the world know that flying saucers exist and that they are craft from another planet. They have absolute proof of both things.

2. As a matter of fact, six flying discs already crashed on this earth and were captured and taken apart by military forces and scientists of the countries involved under the most rigid and ruthless security restrictions to keep the matter absolutely secret. One of those discs crashed in the Sahara Desert but was too much destroyed to be of some use. Three others crashed in the United States, two of them in very good condition. The fifth crashed somewhere in the British Islands, and the last one came down at one of the Scandinavian countries; these two were almost undamaged too. All these six discs were small craft – 32, 72, or 99 feet in diameter. In all of them were found bodies of members of their crews. They were “little men” and ranged in height from 32 to 46 inches. They were dead in all cases, killed in the disasters.

The examination of the bodies showed they were definitely “humanoid” but obviously not from this planet. In some cases the cause of the crash was determined with accuracy; it wasn’t apparent in the others. All ships had the general shape of a saucer with a cabin on the top; all of them were of a very light metal which was assembled in segments that fitted in deep grooves and were pinned together around the base. There was no sign of this on the outer surface of the ships. Some of the ships had portholes made of an unknown type of glass; many kinds of unknown materials were found inside the ships.

3. Examination of instruments and devices found aboard these discs showed that they were propelled by an extremely powerful electro-magnetic field. Evidence shows it is a rotating and oscillating high voltage electro-magnetic field. Such a kind of field obviously produces some type of gravity effect yet not understood.

4. All ships were carefully dismantled and studied. Unfortunately the more important problem was not solved; how these fields were produced and what was the source of the tremendous amount of electric energy released through these fields. No clues were found in any of the discs examined. Apparently they got their power from nowhere. There is, on the other hand, evidence that large UFOs use some type of atomic engines as power source suggests that they were able to transmit electric power through radio beams as we now send it through wires. Some of the devices found inside the small disks would well serve to receive and to concentrate the electric power coming this way. If this is right, a nuclear power-plant operated on a ship or satellite of large dimensions, placed outside our atmosphere. None of these UFOs of greater size was captured till now.

5. Our scientists could build a ship propelled by a similar rotating and oscillating electro-magnetic field– if they knew some method to change the energy released into a nuclear-reactor directly into electric power. The problem is not solved yet.
6. These visitors from outer space are dangerous when apprehended and definitely hostile when attacked. We have already lost many planes attempting to shoot down one of them. We have no defense against them till now. They outperform easily any of our fighters, which have no chance against them. Guided missiles are also useless; they can fly still faster than any of them and can even maneuver around them, as if they were toys; or they can interfere with their electric instruments and make the useless soon after launched; or, if they like, the can explode them before they reach their proximities.

They have produced the crash of military planes (propeller or jet type) and airliners by stalling their engines through interference with their electrical systems. (We don’t know yet if this is a side effect or their powerful magnetic field, or the result of some kind of weapon–possibly a high frequency beam of some sort). They have also a horribly destructive long range weapon which has been used mercilessly against our jet fighters. In one case, for example, an U.S. Navy interceptor with a crew of two, scrambled to go after an UFO.

Their mission was, as usual, to make it land or to shoot it down–if necessary. They used their guns. The answer was immediate and terrifying: instantly all metallic parts of their plane were disintegrated, disrupted into thousands of fragments, and they found themselves suddenly seated in the air (nonmetallic pieces or objects were not affected by the phenomenon); one of them was killed but the other lived to tell the story. We have evidence that this tremendous weapon is an ultra-sonic beam of some sort, which disrupts the molecular cohesion of any metallic structure. They have means to paralyze our radar systems too, to interfere with our radio and television apparatus, and to short-circuit our electric power-plants.

7. They have not showed, till now, any interest in contacting us. They are obviously preparing a planet-wide huge military operation to interfere against us. We don’t know what kind of operation will be this. There are, however, three possibilities: (a) total war followed my mass-landings, to destroy our power, slave the remnant of our people and colonize the planet; (b) police-action to stop our plans for the conquest of space, and to avoid our dangerous progress in the field of atomic weapons; this would involve mass landings at strategic points with occupation by forces of limited areas of vital interest for their purposes; (c) “friendly interference” (followed by military intimidation) to make us agree with their plans for us–whatever they may be–avoiding open war or any other kind of direct interference; patrolling and eventual police-action only outside our atmosphere.

8. All military authorities and governments through the world are informed about the situation. There is an exchange of information through intelligence services, and top-secret military conferences are held periodically to discuss new developments on the subject. The Brazilian Navy, for example, receives monthly classified reports from the U.S. Navy and sends back to them any information available here. A similar contact exists among our Army and Air Force and several (similar) military organizations in other countries. Here in Brazil only the persons who work in the problem know the real situation: intelligence officers in the Army, Navy and Air Force; some high-rank officers in the High Command; the National Security Council and a few scientists whose activities are connected with it; and a few members of certain civilian organizations doing research for military projects.

9. All information about the UFO-subject from military is not only classified or reserved for official uses, it is top-secret. Civilian authorities and military officers in general are not entitled to know. Even our President is not informed of the whole truth.
10. Military authorities through the world agree that the people are not entitled to know anything about the problem. Some military groups believe that such knowledge would be a tremendous shock–enough to paralyze the life in our countries for many years in the future. On the other side, the believe that flying saucer reconnaissance (as it is now) might last other 10 years–the people couldn’t be controlled for so long a time and the danger of uncontrolled panic would be high.

Besides, the probability of UFO-hostile interference (described on item 7) is still estimated at 50%; there is yet a 10% probability that their hostility is only a consequence of our attacks against their ships; because of this possibility, we are attempting now to make them aware that we would like to make a peaceful contact–so, the orders now (now) are to avoid any further attack against their craft. This policy has been adopted generally, with the exception of some countries which still have fools in their Air Forces–who think otherwise. We don’t know if UFOs will react to these measures recently put under operation. We still hope the will.

11. To conceal the truth from the public, a carefully planned censorship is under operation for several years. The policy to debunk the whole saucer-subject is the better weapon we are using for this purposed. Ridicule is an efficient tool against most people who attempt to inform the public but other measure are sometimes necessary. Chiefly against persons who possess evidence that, if published, would open the eyes of the people. In some countries force has been used to silence some of them, when this is not possible, all tricks had been used to make their evidence useless. In a few cases, unfortunately, violence had to be used; we regret this but we have no choice. We are going to keep this thing secret at any cost. We are not interested in the so-called “inalienable rights” of the people. Right or wrong we– the military– are going to do our job and no one is going to stop us. (End)

As we can see from the following article at least some ET races were not cooperating with our military even by 1968 and I believe this still continues to this day from my experiences with local contactees. It would appear there is still disagreement between we the indigenous people of earth and those ETs that are here as to who owns the earth and its environs. I suspect it is those races with advanced enough technology to maintain bases deep underground, under the oceans and from huge motherships that are outside global government’s ability to enforce jurisdiction. This article is from the Mercury Newspaper.


After supper on a warm Thursday in July, Gene Ruegg finally did what he had wanted to do all day. He went into the back bedroom of his apartment in a suburb of Memphis, Tennessee, and firmly shut the door behind him. His wife shrugged at the sound of the closing door and busied herself with washing up. Her husband’s consuming interest in radio-telegraphy had long been a matter of indifference to Nancy Ruegg, as it was to most people in the small apartment block.

Occasionally there were requests that “Gene should turn down that awful noise” but usually he would pursue his hobby – which he did most evenings and weekends. He spoke to other radio hams as far away as Chicago and Florida on the sophisticated equipment that had cost him over 5,000 dollars to buy and assemble. But much of the time Gene Ruegg did something that he knew was technically against the law. He eavesdropped on radio transmissions from the nearby top-secret air force base at Southlands, Tennessee, and the squadrons of Phantom jet fighters which operated from the airfield.

For over two years Ruegg had listened in on routine transmissions between pilots and ground control, fascinated by a world which, as a maintenance manager of a haulage firm, he was never likely to share. But all that changed on the evening of July 9, 1968 when Gene Ruegg became central to a mystery which still baffles both scientists and psychic investigators. For that was the evening when he heard the capture of a jet plane by a flying saucer…. and made a tape-recording to prove it! Today, the tape is in the possession of the US Air Defense Command. Gene Ruegg’s repeated requests for its return are courteously refused. He doubts if he will ever see it again.

Flying saucer research groups who have studied the incident are convinced that Ruegg’s story is true. And after continual pressure from researchers, an Air Force spokesman admitted that a Phantom jet did go missing from the Southlands base in July 1968 in circumstances which remain a mystery. Today, Gene Ruegg has only a copy of the tape and a typed transcript as proof of the 15 minutes when he listened incredulously to what seemed to be a real-life drama more incredible than anything in space fiction.

When I interviewed Gene Ruegg in Cleveland, Ohio, we he had been addressing an extra-terrestrial study conference, he gave a vivid account of the events of that July evening. “I had a call to make to an operator in Montgomery, Alabama, but I was a bit early, so I tuned into the Southlands base. At first it was just routine transmissions between the tower and aircraft on training flights and I was just about to switch over and call up Montgomery when I realized something pretty dramatic was happening. An aircraft coded Delta four-zero had disappeared.”

For five minutes Ruegg listened fascinated as the operator called vainly to the aircraft with reply. Then, through the crackling static came a voice, “I am being attacked by unidentified objects. I think I …” The transmission went dead. Ruegg realized he was listening into something highly significant. Feverishly, he connected a tape recorder to his receiver. Seconds after he had finished, the set once again crackled into life.

He told me: “It was the voice of the pilot. This time he was near-hysterical and shouting. “They’re closing in on me. I am unable to steer a course. Something is happening to the plane… I am being taken along by this thing. I require assistance. I require assistance…” “Then the voice of the controller came in and told him to pull himself together. Seconds later, he said that they had got him on the radar scanner and that they could see objects clustered about the plane. “Someone else came on the radio then and told the pilot that other Phantoms in the area had been alerted and would stand by. “Then I heard a strange, searing noise like scraping metal and the pilot shouted something I couldn’t make out. Control tried repeatedly to re-establish contact, but they couldn’t.”

The tape on which Ruegg had recorded the drama was scrutinized by experts of the American Society for Unidentified Object Research, who claimed that it had not been tampered with and appeared to be 100 percent genuine. The Society contacted the Air Force authorities on Ruegg’s behalf and asked for details of the incident. But for the next six years the authorities denied there had been any mishap that day. Finally it was admitted: An aircraft had gone missing.

Over the years Ruegg has had visits from security men. He has been told to say nothing further about the incident and to hand over the copy-tape and transcript, but he has refused. “I am convinced that what I heard was a genuine encounter with a flying saucer,” he told me. “I believe the plane was destroyed or captured by some alien spaceship.”

George C. Tyler’s Report
(From UFO Crash AT Aztec)

“They gave me the finest equipment I had ever handled and told me to photograph the thing. For two days I crawled all over it, on top, underside, photographing it, both close up and from a distance–literally within inches of special pieces of equipment. In particular, they wished my photographs to show the texture of the metal of which it was composed. In actually, there seemed to be different kinds.”
“Most of it appeared to be steel, but different than any I’d ever seen. Some of it was actually translucent. Now I’ll try to describe it to you. It was a fraction of a foot less than 100 ft. across. They, the builders, seem to have a different basic mathematical number, the difference between 6 and 9. It was about eight feet thick in the middle. The technicians managed to open a door on the side, with its base on the chime.” Von Poppen

As to our personal relationship, I was, 25 years ago, president of the Shale and Metal Company in Denver, Colorado, where we make the first successful shale oil mill in the United States. It worked successfully, but was not economical, at the time. One day the Baron (the noble title of Von Poppen) arrived in Los Angeles at the head of a delegation from France. He had trailed me all over the country after being informed that I was the only person who had engineered such a mill in this country. The Baron wanted me to visit his land of Estonia, which together with Latvia and Lithuania, made up a population of 17 million, and build a shale oil mill, in fact many of them. His country had developed oil fields with fine shale beds, and oil was needed.

I was afraid of the rising tide of communism, which was beginning to wash against their borders on the east; but he assured me there was no real danger. I finally consented to go after he made his offer more financially substantial. He had their Reichstag elect me Premier of the little country, with full power to rejuvenate the commerce. On the strength of this move, they borrowed 30 million dollars in New York, bought an old steamer of large capacity, and loaded it with old cars, discarded radios, and so on, to be made over in their land by mechanics that at that time were out of work and starving.

Shortly afterward, however, and before I could get my affairs in shape here, secret service men of a certain people came to me with the information that the entire end of Europe would soon be conquered by the Bolsheviks, and that persons such as myself would be hastily liquidated. The information was so definite, that I backed out, much to the Baron’s dismay.

He departed for his country at once. They carried out the plans as we had made them, or tried to; but all was brought to an end by the disaster I feared would happen. The Baron saw his beautiful wife cut to pieces and his two children dashed against the wall of a stone cellar, as he hid under some driftwood, wounded and helpless. The Baron was finally smuggled out of the basement and out of the country. He finally returned to the United States. He had dabbled in photography and continued that interest here, eventually making a profession of it. He finally became a top man in the field. Our paths finally crossed once again. I learned to love the personality of the frail man. Already a scientist, he had to do constructive work, so he became a scientific photographer, and his work grew to be so well recognized that he was repeatedly called upon for difficult work along this line.

I was a little surprised one day in November of 1949 when his voice came over the telephone, asking me to meet him in the coffee room of a downtown hotel. He said, “I have a matter I must discuss with you. Get there at once; it will take about an hour to tell you.” It took not an hour, but several, before I left the meeting, my head was spinning. Here is his story as he told it to me, without many details, since these would require a whole book.
“Last week, two secret service men came to my home. They told me they had a photographic job to be done, to please go with them. We went by plane and landed inside the vast Los Alamos Field, where I was met by the superintendent of that part of the field. We walked to the fringe of a crowd of several hundred men who were milling around a large flat object lying on the ground. When a lane was opened, I was led through the crowd and found myself viewing, what one might term a Flying Saucer.

There it was, surrounded by an estimated 1000 men, technicians and experts of all kinds, the best that the government can hire. To say that I was astonished would be putting it mildly. The door was so finely machined that when closed it left no indication that it was there. I suppose this served to insure against any seepage of air, when in space. Inside, was a circular room 30 ft. across, a curving ceiling in conformity to the outside of the machine. Between the sides next to the chime, were very heavy cables, some of which looked like copper, the rest I couldn’t determine, and nobody expressed an opinion in my presence. It was like that all the time, very much hushed up. All of them seemed to be afraid of each other, and almost of themselves.

Approximately in the center of this room was a panel control board, covered with push-buttons and tiny levers, somewhat similar to those we have on earth. Before this small panel control board were four swivel, bucket type seats. And in all four seats were men—strapped in and dead. The largest, which seemed to be the captain, was four feet, nine inches tall, and weighed about 35 pounds. The smallest and obviously the youngest was 23 inches tall and weighed about 22 pounds. They were white men, with very pale skin, as if they had come from a cold world with little air.

Their faces were intellectual and refined. I have never seen anything like them here on Earth. The captain’s right arm hung down as he lay slumped over the controls, and his fingers touched what must have been the ship’s log book, lying open on the floor. The exposed pages covered with glyphs, nothing like I had ever seen before. But the book was made of some indestructible material which was not paper at all, but could be written on.

On the floor were some 15 little machines, beautifully welded to the floor, with welds that left no indication that showed any difference in appearance with the rest of the floor. Even though I could see that they were indeed welds. I am particular about this, for here is some secret which an expert should be able to discover. The machines appeared somewhat like typewriters, beautifully made, though not so intricate as you would imagine. It showed me that these people have long ago passed through the period of technological development we are in now, and have again tended toward the simplification of life, thus eliminating the intricacies which tend to obscure the natural laws of being.

I concluded that the machines were the different pieces of apparatus which controlled the cosmic space motor which was made up, it seemed, of the big cables coiled around the inside of the ship’s chime, and of some mechanism which they did not let me photograph. Beyond the central control center of the ship was a kind of garret, which I will try to describe. Against the sides were several Pullman like bunks, but suitable only for the pygmies. Against the wall was clipped a water bottle, out of which we drew water. I drank some of it, and it tasted good. In fact, that was all they would let me have. You could tell no difference between this bottle and any water cooler that we have in our offices, except that it was not made of glass, but was nevertheless translucent. There was a toilet, with peculiar arrangements, all very modest.

One thing in this compartment that drew my attention above everything else, was what appeared to be a regular radio tube (or at least it looked like one of our tubes) clipped against the wall. Every now and then it delivered a BEEP! BEEP! Sound, which I judged was a call from space, since I had the idea that other ships connected with this one were anxiously trying to communicate with it. That went on all day until I was ready to leave.” So ends the informative story that Von Poppen relayed to me on that rainy day in November of 1949. Very Sincerely Yours, Dr. George C. Tyler, March 15,

(From UFO Crash from Aztec)

There is a second interesting saucer story involving human occupants in this the book, UFO Crash from Aztec, where a saucer was found at low tide on a small German island called Heligoland. This story was by Norwegian Hans Larson Loberg a Prize-winner for physics in Hungary. “From the waters arose to the surface during low tide the dome of a flying saucer.” “The discovery has contributed to clear up a few obscure points on the mystery of the spacecraft and has served to confirm the existence of extra-terrestrial creatures, much distant from us and our actual life, whether in time or space.

The revelations of Dr. Loberg truly leave us thoughtful.
“The flying saucer half-submerged was of impressive proportions; it measured 30 meters in diameter and 23 in height. Externally it was a light color similar to aluminum, but there was no question of the metal. The material of which it was composed, resulted from exceptional solidity, being however extremely light. As proof of its casting a sample of such material resisted 15,000 Fahrenheit without melting. “In its construction, the disc did not present any traces of any screws, riveting or of soldering; it seemed coined in a single piece like a coin.”
“The cabin of the giant flying saucer, hermetically closed, was provided with beds similar to removable reclining chairs, but no one was lying there.”

The crew because of the slope of the spaceship were stretched out in a corner of the cockpit in a macabre heap of carbonized bodies. Seven corpses were counted; all men from 25 to 30 years old, whose stature attained about a meter and 85 (6 ft.) In the judgment of Dr. Loberg, the unfortunate pilots had found death in the precipitate descent of the Saucer, which had happened to find itself in the tremendous active ray of a hydrogen-bomb exploded during the frequent thermo-nuclear experiments. In their death contortions and poor souls showed a magnificent set of teeth.”

“In the same cabin was found an ampoule containing a transparent liquid similar to water, but with a specific gravity some three times greater.” “Two cylindrical jars were brimful with small discoidal-shaped sweets which one supposes to be composed of nutritive and energy-giving substances. In the saucer no other food at all for the pilots was found.” “There was discovered, deteriorated and unserviceable, a microscopic radio-apparatus, some special maps and a few volumes printed in an unknown language.

“In the saucer no weapons of any sort were traced, but as regards this, Loberg affirms that Flying Saucers do not need offensive arms, in as much as they are protected by their powerful magnetic field, whose existence was confirmed. This magnetic field constitutes, however, the defensive armament of the saucer and its own motive force, since it was provided with motors and possesses uniquely a gadget for landing formed by a metallic tripod which can rotate in any direction.”


In the early 1990s I Ed Komarek received the following narrated ET shoot down report in the mail. I had apparently forgot about it, but found it again about fifteen years later and put it up on the Internet to see if anybody else might have any information. I posted it to the Open Minds Forum where somebody noted that Colonel Corso had written about the shoot-down in three different places in his book, The Day After Roswell. Corso’s book came out several years after the author received this report in the mail. This was powerful confirmation of the account.

Corso said: “Nor could I forget about the radar anomalies at the Red Canyon missile range or the strange alerts over Ramstein air base in West Germany. Our only successes in defending against them, back in the late1950s and early 1960s, occurred when we were able to get a firm tracking radar lock. Then when we locked our targeting radars on, the signals that missiles were supposed to follow to the target, it somehow interfered with their navigational ability and the vehicle’s flight became erratic.”

“If we were especially fortunate and able to boost the signal before they broke away, we could actually bring them down. Sometimes we actually got lucky enough to score a hit with a missile before the UFO could take any evasive action, which an army air defence battalion did with an antiaircraft missile near Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany in May 1974. The spacecraft managed to crash land in a valley. The craft was retrieved and flown back to Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.” “We hid the truth and the EBEs used it against us until 1974 when we had our first real shoot-down of an alien craft over Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany.”

After the shoot down article had been on the Internet for some time I received an email from (name withheld) the squad leader of an XM163 Towed Vulcan. He served from February 1973 to Nov 1974 at Ramstein AFB Germany, 4th Squad 4th Platoon in B Battery 2/60 ADA 32nd AADCOM. He confirmed that the event happened and that there were some errors and a little poking of fun at certain members of the team. He said because he was sworn to secrecy he would not explain the errors.

This informant asked that his name be removed from the report because he still held a secret clearance and was afraid of being blamed for this leak. He did confirm that the names were real. He also told me after he read about the widely reported UFOs over nuke bases, that nukes may have been used as bait setting up an ambush. This was speculation on his part, but he did say nukes were in the area.

It was the night of May 23/24, 1974 at the height of the “Cold War”. The men of the 4th Platoon, Bravo Company, B Battalion, and 2nd Regiment of the 32nd Air Defense Command of the United States Army were deployed in a mountain pass northeast of Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany. They were only a few kilometers from Landstuhl – a man-made mountain Adolph Hitler had created to protect his underground bunker/headquarters. Landstuhl was still in use in 1974 connected by an underground trolley to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) at Ramstein Air Force Base.

The men were also very close to a multi-storied German Government Brothel.
First Lieutenant Robert Cardeni of Long Beach, CA was the 4th Platoon Leader and Captain Michael J. Shestak was commanding Bravo Company. The men were all weary because they had been on this special duty for 10 days alternating every 72 hours with other units. Half of the men would be on duty while the other half slept. They alternated this pattern every 4 hours during their 72 hours of on-duty regimen.

These soldiers had been told the special duty was because the Russians and/or Warsaw Pact forces had been messing around trying out the Western Air defenses. This was a common tactic of both the NATO and Warsaw Pact alliances. Each would send aircraft into each other’s airspace to see how quickly the radar sites would come on, where they were located and on what frequencies they were operating and how quickly the other side’s fighter aircraft would intercept them. Usually the American forces would achieve missile and gun lock-on’s on the hostile aircraft to scare them and armed American fighters would intercept the “hostiles” and give them the alternative of being escorted home or being shot down.

Up until that point in the “Cold War”, the Western response had always been to scare and turn around. But now there seemed to be a big difference as the urgency of the mission was impressed upon the men and the fact that they brought live ammunition for the cannons and live Chaparral Antiaircraft Missiles. In this eventful night, two Chaparral Missile emplacements were deployed in the valley not far from the whorehouse. The missile sites were linked by field telephones to observers on the mountainside.

Lieutenant Cardeni gave orders to the crews of the Vulcan 20 Millimeter Cannons to load canisters of live high explosive phosphorus rounds into their cannons and to maintain a steady alert. These orders were given about midnight local time. The Vulcan Cannons had the capability of firing 2000 rounds a minute through their six rotating barrels at a kill and accuracy range of up to 6000 meters.

On the north side of the pass at about the 1050 foot level the Vulcan Cannon emplacement was manned by Specialist Houston “Tex” Thomas from Indio, CA. “Tex” was a big, jovial black man. About 4000 meters south, the Vulcan Cannons across the pass at about the 850 foot level were manned by Private William Langdon from West Seneca, NY, the top gunner in the 4th Squad. Bill was of Quaker ancestry and was an enigma for not claiming “Conscientious Objector” status.

About 12:45 AM, Lieutenant Cardeni gave orders that something hostile was incoming and that the gunners were to shoot down anything coming through the pass. He stated that no “friendlies” would be flying below 2700 feet and anything else was to be shot down. At that point, “Bill” Langdon suddenly came in touch with his Quaker upbringing, left his cannon and went back to awaken his squad leader, A(name deleted), from the San Francisco Bay Area of California. Langdon refused to shoot down anything with someone in it.

The Private said his piece and climbed into one of the auxiliary vehicles and went to sleep while (name deleted) shook himself awake and climbed into the Vulcan Cannon and began adjusting his eyesight to the bright moonlight. (Name deleted) then got on his radio and confirmed that Lt. Cardeni had indeed issued orders to shoot down anything flying under 2700 feet of altitude.

About 1:00 a.m. local German Time, (name deleted) had his chance as something came down the valley headed for the pass. He described it as a flattened ellipsoid with rounded edges, about 30 feet long and glowing with a silvery iridescence. He said it was moving at a rapid speed that was impossible to judge accurately as it was apparently trying to be evasive by zigzagging side to side.

It took a few seconds for (name deleted) Cannon’s computer and Doppler radar to calculate a precise speed, range, and direction of travel and to achieve a lock on. When the cannon was locked onto the object and he was visually sighting the object through the reticule gun-sights he began firing. First a few rounds for effect and then three four second bursts of 110 rounds each into the side of the object which was at about eye level.

(Name deleted) was almost eye level with the object as he watched his rounds pouring into its sides. He was expecting to see the “blooming flower” effect of the phosphorus rounds exploding but he did not, although he could clearly follow the trail of his shots pouring into the side of the object. “It was as if the shells were being absorbed or being vaporized at the explosion by some sort of “force field”. (Name deleted) said. (Name deleted) perception was that the rounds were going into invisible tubes that contained the detonations, so that he saw only pie-tin sized explosions but not phosphorus “blooming” that he expected.

This was quite a remarkable containment of shells having a 35 meter kill radius. (Name deleted) could observe “Tex” Thomas shooting down on the object from the higher elevation across the pass and he noted that Tex’s rounds were trailing the object missing it.

At the same time as the shooting was going on, on the mountainside, Sergeant William McCracken from Pittsburgh, KS was inside the launch control console of a Chaparral Missile Battery in the valley was rotating his console according to directions supplied by his uphill observer (the operator in the launch console could not see out at night because of the reflections on the Plexiglas’s bubble from the instruments on his control panel).

Up until that point, McCracken had not painted anything on his radar screen. When he had rotated to the 10 o’clock position (a heading of about 300 degrees), Sgt. McCracken saw a green light flashing on his console and heard a warbling tone indicating an infra-red signature lock on. After tuning adjustments, the sergeant pushed the “launch” button and a bright fire ignited on one of the launch rails as a Chaparral Antiaircraft Missile streaked skyward.

The missile climbed to about 900 feet (near the minimum operating altitude of the missile), found the flying object, moved along side of it, turned close in front of it, and detonated its 75 pounds of high explosives warhead. (The Chaparral, designed to bring down conventional aircraft with cockpits near the front. always moved to the front of a target before detonating so as to potentially kill the pilots and disable a plane’s engines by shutting off their air.)

The gunners and observers on the two mountain sides, missile crews in the valley, and anyone else not currently known about, saw the target start wobbling and then stop forward motion and finally wobble downward to the valley floor in what the observers believe was a controlled descent.

The cannon and missile crews were ordered to immediately drive their artillery back to the Ramstein Air Force Base Motor Pool which was highly unusual because the artillery was normally stored in its own area for rapid reuse if needed. The crews were also told not to take time to pick up their expended brass – also highly unusual. The crews were told to quickly get the cannons and missile launchers to the motor pool and go right to bed and not to talk to each other about the incident and they would have the next day off. As the crews were packing, they noticed Air Force Personnel moving into the valley to secure the crash (or landing?) site.

As is expected when someone is ordered not to talk about something, the men couldn’t wait to talk about what they had seen once they got back to the barracks. Specialist Thomas swore he was shooting at a MIG-25 and (Name deleted) held fast that it was not an airplane at all and neither could the other. Sergeant McCracken from the Chaparral mount said that for all he knew he could have shot down the Oscar Meyer “Wiener Wagon”.

At the same time as the American Soldiers were shooting at something in Germany, other events were set in motion in the United States. Major Mike Andrews, from Silver Spring, MD, had spent a week on ready alert duty at McGuire Air Force Base, New Jersey, while his C141 Starlifter sat nearby, serviced and preflighted daily. The major was awaiting orders that would send him and his crew winging off to they knew not where. Now this was unusual because a transport like the C141 was not exactly a B52 bomber.

About 2025 hours (8:25 PM EDT), 1:45 in Germany, Major Andrews’ waiting was over as he was handed typed orders. Quickly gathering together his crew, checking the weather, and filing a flight plan, Major Andrews and his crew were airborne at 2100 and flying South Southwest. About 2200, they landed at Andrews Air Force Base, Maryland. They were met by an Air Force Brigadier general and a 50ish civilian bearing CIA identification.

Major Andrews was given sparse details of what was about to be his mission and was told he would be taking aboard air force personnel who would be arriving soon from Wright Patterson and Nellis Air Force Bases and that neither he nor any of his crew were to talk to any of the airmen they would be flying to Germany.
Shortly afterward, 26 airmen from Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio arrived carrying large cases of equipment. As they boarded the C141, Major Andrews noted that the airmen were all sergeants of one grade or another and that they all wore blue berets and white ascots and were armed, not with traditional .45 caliber automatic service side arms, but with ivory handled revolvers. Major Andrews was told that the officers had flown on direct to Germany in a faster jet. About a half hour later a jet arrived from Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada, carrying 6 officers who were going along. They were waiting only for a helicopter from Aberdeen Army Proving Facility, Maryland that was bringing the last 3 passengers.

About 2300 (11 PM EDT) three army officers from the Army Vulnerability Assessment Laboratory in Alamogordo, New Mexico arrived by helicopter from Aberdeen, Maryland. At 23:30, Major Andrews was airborne and soon was winging over the dark waters of the Atlantic Ocean carrying a strange group of passengers to Germany for he knew not what.

At 1030 German time, Major Andrews landed his C141 Starlifter at Ramstein Air Force Base in Southwestern Germany only about an hour’s drive from Belgium. The disembarking passengers were met by a delegation of ranking air force officers including a few generals. The men of Bravo Company had been told they would have Friday, May 24, 1974 off to catch up on their sleep. They were a little edgy when they were awakened before noon for a “debriefing”.

The soldiers who had a direct active part in the mission less than 12 hours earlier met individually with the debriefers. The first debriefing was handled by the three officers from the Vulnerability Assessment laboratory in Alamogordo, NM. They wanted minute specific details about every phase of the operation from what kind of shells were being used to opinions on what type of damage was being done to the target.
The debriefings continued the rest of Friday afternoon and Saturday morning by groups of Air Force Officers. One central theme was repeated over and over to the debriefers: “You weren’t up there, nothing happened, and don’t ever talk about this to anyone.”

The men were warned that if they ever told anyone about what they imagined had happened that they would never work for the government or any government contractors and warned of unspecified dire things that would happen to them should they ever talk. They were told that in following years people would question them about the night and these people would be testing them to see if they would divulge any details and if they did, “Too Bad”. Then the men were required to sign a security oath to never divulge the details of the night and if questioned in the future to deny it ever happened.

The men of Bravo Company felt confused and very irritable for about a week after the incident. The soldiers noted that they did not recognize any of the Air Force officers who debriefed them and they felt that although the officers were all in uniform they did not act like military. The debriefers felt that they were being questioned by civilians in air force uniforms.

More questions are raised about the incident than can be currently answered. Why had the men been on alert in Germany for a week and a half at the same time as a C141 crew was kept on alert in New Jersey for over a week? Why was the object not picked up on the control tower radar at Ramstein Air force nor by the Chaparral Missile launcher? Was it because both used radio frequency radar whereas the Vulcan Cannons used Doppler radar? Why would the Army and air force risk showing secret wartime defense emplacements to an incoming MIG?

What could have totally fried the IFF receiver on the Chaparral Missile? (All NATO aircraft then and today carry radio transmitters that emit a specific signal on a specific frequency. Other friendly aircraft and defense emplacements are fitted with IFF (Identification Friend or Foe) receivers that interrupt firing mechanisms on the guns or missiles from firing at each other.)

Why was it that when the soldiers of Bravo Company first saw their weapons systems at the tactical site a few days later, everything had been overhauled and cleaned? (Name deleted)’ and Tex Thomas’ Vulcan Cannons had been totally cleaned and the multiple barrels had been replaced so as no one could tell they had been fired. Sgt McCracken’s Chaparral system was cleaned up and the burned up IFF unit replaced.
The official explanation for the incident was that a firepower demonstration was being conducted.

But why would live ammunition be used in just a demonstration? Why would live ammunition and missiles be used near a civilian populated area? Why was a first lieutenant the only officer at the scene? It is obvious that a first lieutenant did not have the authority to order firing live ordinance in peacetime. Why had the army’s chain of command been short circuited, and who gave Lieutenant Cardeni the orders to fire?

Perhaps the answers can be partially found on the afternoon of Saturday, May 25, 1974. Major Andrews and his crew were told to report to their aircraft which was then at a remote spot on the air base. Major Andrews was shocked to see that a set of metal supports had been constructed on the wings and fuselage of his Starlifter and that something large and ellipsoid had been attached to the supports. Whatever it was was it was covered with olive drab green canvas tarpaulins with dangling ropes. The airmen returning to the US were already on board the plane.

Mike Andrews noted when he prepared for takeoff that he had only a minimal fuel load aboard because of the weight on top of his bird. A motorized tractor called a “mule” towed the aircraft to a runway turn on position accompanied by armored security police vehicles with flashing red lights.

Once clearance for takeoff was obtained, the tarpaulins were pulled away and Major Andrews began his takeoff roll. His fuel supply dwindled rapidly as they took off with the heavy load. When they had achieved cruising altitude, a KC-135 was waiting to refuel the C141 with a much larger fuel load. Major Andrews’ orders were that he was not to land until he reached Wright Patterson Air force Base in Ohio and that he would be met by refueling tankers at strategic points across the Atlantic.

It was dark in Ohio when Major Andrews landed to disembark the airmen – all but 4 who were to remain aboard and who then were carrying M16 rifles in addition to their side arms. The pilots and crew of the C141 were not allowed out of the plane while on the ground and they did not refuel. Taking off again with a minimal fuel load, the were once again met at altitude by another KC135 tanker and flew on direct to Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada where the crew was once again not allowed outside the aircraft as their wing-top cargo was offloaded and taken away again covered completely.

Upon returning to McGuire air Force Base, Major Andrews and his crew were debriefed by an Air force Colonel who told them they had just participated in a highly classified mission and they were never to talk about it to anyone. For eighteen years they did not nor did the soldiers of Bravo Company.


The following Briefing clearly gives some indication of intense government involvement with various ET races and the extent of military knowledge by the late 1980s. The reader can see that by this time military integration into extraterrestrial realities is accelerating even as the public continues to be deceived, lied to and propagandized by world governments though the mainstream media and the tabloids. We can also see that military fear and paranoia of the Fontes Briefing has been dissipating over time.

Here I include portions of an interview published July 9, 1989 in Tim Beckley’s UFO Universe Magazine under the title: Blowing the Whistle on the Governments UFO Cover-up, is included below. The interview is with a three star general and this general presents some very detailed documentation and pictures to the person doing the interview. The general only allows the interviewer to see the pictures and secret reports which he then plans to return to a secret file in a safe before it is discovered missing.

The general had not been interested in the subject but the interviewer had got him interested and he made inquiries and pulled in some favors which blew his mind. Then his superiors wanted him to be part of the extraterrestrial awareness program and he refused. He eventually got into a lot of trouble over this and decided to retire.
The following is a little of the specific information in the article. The general states in the article, “There have been several crashes of UFO’s over the years. From all documentation and information available that I have seen with my own eyes as well as the physical evidence, this is in answer to your questions.”

1. “The aliens really do not have any sort of “invasion” planned for this planet. Aliens have visited this planet off and on for thousands of years. Our U.S. guest is over 300 years old. There are both “good and bad” aliens just as there are good and bad humans. They are not all that different from us. The aliens utilize around 55% of their brain capacity or ability. The aliens do have DNA, just as we do. The alien which is the guest of the U.S. Government is 5 feet, 3 inches tall and weighs 96 pounds. Large head (no hair) large slanted eyes. Some of the alien’s abilities include moderate telepathy and telekinesis.”

“The purpose of alien visitation to this planet is one of curiosity and scientific research, not world domination as some would have you believe. Cattle and humans have been used in alien and U.S. research for various biological applications. Most humans are not hurt in this research and experimentation. Some however have died due to complications and down-right carelessness. Several cross-breed “young” have been born to both human females and alien females. We as humans are fully biological compatible with most visiting aliens. Some are not. More than one type or “specie” of alien has visited this planet. They are listed by category ….this information I could not retrieve.”

2. “The U.S. Government and the British have made secret treaty agreements with the aliens in exchange for technology and so-called “recon” missions during times of human conflict. The aliens have basically agreed to not concern themselves with the wars or conflicts of humans. “Not to interfere” in society. Let the governments rule and decide. Exactly what the aliens get in return was not exactly made clear or available. Also, there are special “teams” which eradicate, discredit, harass and “trump-up charges” to control humans which experience any visitations from aliens, or make verifiable UFO sightings. This is one of the reasons I retired. It’s too much for any government to impose upon the civilian population like this.”

3. “Many of the “strange” happenings which people experience with UFO sightings can be one of two things. First, it can simply be an overactive and wishful imagination. Second and foremost is the influence of the vast mental power of the alien visitors. In the reports and experiments conducted with live aliens, they have an incredible power of “telepathic suggestion.” Combine this with their telekinetic abilities and just about anyone can be some-what directed to do or think just about anything. The general has this further to say, “Make no mistake, President Truman and later President Eisenhower gave specific direct orders to keep everything and I mean everything top secret.”

“The “special group” assigned to oversee the alien situation and other government VIPs agree to gather all of the technology possible and put it to use for the benefit of the USA. I really wonder what other motives are there.” Further on he makes these very disturbing comments. The questioner asks when seeing the documentation, “Why are children aboard these crafts? My God! You don’t mean the aliens are snatching our kids? What for?”

The general says, “There are over a million missing children every year in the world. Now not all of them have been taken by aliens. The aliens take about 2,200 children a year from the United States and other countries. It’s all right there in the report attached to the three photographs. The rest of the missing children are the result of Mankind’s Dark Side.” “The children are used in several ways: Biological, to educate and return, experimentation, disease study, the same as adults.”

The questioner is looking at the report, “According to the report, implants are being used on the people that are taken aboard UFOs and returned. Some of these implants are microscopic in size (and smaller) and influence the growth, function and learning capabilities of the individual. This is a very detailed report. Could I have a copy?”

The general says, “No. Sorry but you know our agreement was that you did not get to keep or copy any paperwork. As well as the other matters we discussed. I warned you that this material is very serious and real.”


This is a very well researched case first by the highly regarded crash retrieval investigator Len Stringfield and the later by others like Richard Hall The case is important because of the insight into military alien interactions and the exopolitical dynamics of integrating into extraterrestrial realties. Billy Booth did this summary of the incident, but if you want to see more detail and documents check out the links sited here.

“In the wee hours of January 18, 1978, several reports of UFOs were made by personnel of Ft. Dix and McGuire AFB in New Jersey. Soon, Air Force security was called to McGuire’s back gate to allow the New Jersey State Police entry. One airman on duty that night we shall call Sgt. Jones. He was told that Dix Military Police were chasing a low flying UFO, which had hovered over one of the M.P. vehicles.
The account given to Jones would take on another dimension when he was told that an alien looking being with a large head and slim body had appeared right in front of the M.P.’s car, with the startled patrolman shooting the alien several times with his .45 automatic weapon. The alien had managed to get over a fence that separated the two bases before dying on a runway.

Jones and company soon located the body. The area was roped off. Soon, a group of “blue beret” forces took over the scene. Although Jones had been removed from the main investigative group, he was still close enough to watch the action. Hours later, a group of soldiers from Wright-Patterson arrived upon the scene. They quickly crated up the body, and loaded it on their C-141 cargo plane.
Jones, along with the soldiers who accompanied him as the first group on the scene, were strongly warned to not discuss the incident under the threat of court-martial. Jones’ group was taken to Wright-Patterson, where they were interrogated, and again threatened with court-martial if they ever discussed what they had seen. Jones would later reveal the names of the interrogators by recalling their names from tags on their clothing, and their identities have been verified.

Jones would return to McGuire AFB, and again be debriefed. Afterwards, he would hear nothing of the incident again. Soon, airmen involved in the incident were transferred to a base overseas. Jones himself was sent to Okinawa. He would subsequently talk about the incident on numerous occasions, and sign a deposition on the incident. Jones’ life would suffer because of his knowledge of this unusual UFO incident, having trouble finding employment in the private sector.

George Filer (Major, Ret.), of Filer’s Files fame, was another witness to some of the events surrounding the Ft. Dix-McGuire alien being. He was stationed as an intelligence officer at McGuire at the time of the incident, and though he was not on duty at the exact time of the occurrence, he heard talk about the “alien body” the next morning. He also saw a lot of unusual activity that morning.

In 1985, at a MUFON gathering, Jones would relate more details of the alien incident. Though the testimony is copyrighted, I can paraphrase some of the more important details. He stated that the skin of the unclothed being was wet, shiny, and snake-like. The entity would be about 4 foot tall, with a large head and a slender body. The overall color was a grayish-brown.

Although the Air Force has deemed Jones’ report as a hoax, several well regarded UFO investigators that have come to know Jones well, know better. He has gained nothing from his story, and it has been corroborated by others. An investigation into this monumental case is still in process. Hopefully, more details will be forthcoming in the near future.”(End)

I would like to point out as I end this chapter that what I have presented here is only a very small amount of the evidence available that provides a suitable foundation for exopolitics and the military and intelligence community involvement no matter what the uninformed critics have to say. For those that would like to build on a reliable foundation they would be well served to read Richard Dolans books, UFOs and the National Security State 1 &2 that is rich in documentation as well as AD After Disclosure. For a good source of declassified and leaked documents one can go to .

There is no need for me to get into all this background material in this exopolitics book when there are already very good books on UFOs and documents easily available. Furthermore one can use the social networks to keep up to date on developments in the UFO field and in exopolitics, if one is willing to stick with the credible people in the field and avoid those trashing up the field with wild unfounded speculations.

High on your list to follow on Facebook should be: Richard Dolan, Nick Pope, Stanton Friedman and Steve Bassett all who are credible and who interface with the mainstream press fighting for disclosure. One should not make the mistake of getting involved with the less credible people, until one has a factual foundation that can be used to sort fact from fiction in the UFO/ET and exopolitics field. else one ends up confused and discouraged.

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