If you missed Part I of this series click here: https://www.ufodigest.com/article/peru-reopens-0208

The reasons Chamorro presented to his superiors for opening an office for the study of possible alien craft were based on Chapter 12 of the Peruvian Constitution, declaring that the duty of the State is to safeguard the Nation through its Armed Forces.
“The officers working at the La Joya military base were used to sightings. There was an event that repeated every December. We called it the Star of David because we didn’t know the nature of that bright light that shined at us day and night. There was also the so-called lost city: in the distance you could see a brightly-lit city that receded as you approached it. It was so frequent that it stopped being important,” said Chamorro to BBC Mundo.
A Luminous Orb
There was a rumor circulating at the time. Alberto Fujimori, who was president at the time, used to go fishing on the Amazon River aboard a FAP aircraft. They say that while he fished, a luminous orb emerged from the river and flew into the air. Fujimori and his team saw it, but agreed to say nothing about it.
“It’s true, it happened,” states Chamorro. Marco Barraza corroborates the anecdote. Was it for this reason that the office could be opened? According to Chamorro, “this possibly aided in making the decision to open the office.” But what has been the use of all the information collected, both by the first office as well as the current department?
“What’s important is acceptance by the public and their desire to share their experiences. This is something that involves all of humanity and no one is excluded from what’s going on,” Chamorro stressed. There isn’t much criticism in Peru against programs of this sort, unless they incur considerable expenditures or some important error is revealed.
In The Region
Perú isn’t the only country looking for an explanation about anomalous aerial phenomena. Chile has the Commission for the Study of Anomalous Aerial Phenomena (CEFAA), Argentina has the UFO Phenomena Study Commission (CEFORA) and Uruguay has the Unidentified Flying Obejct Report Reception and Investigation Commission (CRIDOVNI).
“Some of the country’s regions have built alliances with a view toward exchanging specialized information in a strategic manner, in order to pool their efforts on the research into these subjects,” stated Defense Minister Pedro Cateriano. “However, Peru is fully capable today of analyzing and researching this phenomenon in an autonomous and independent manner and it would only appeal for an exchange of information with neighboring countries in an exceptional manner with the aim of cross-checking information for more exact conclusions.”
And until a more exact conclusion is achieved, DIFAA’s advisory board will wait for the phone to ring again to create another file that may someday, perhaps, answer the question: What if we’re not alone?
[Translation (c) 2014, Scott Corrales (IHU) with thanks to Guillermo Giménez, Planeta UFO]

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