Why And How I Became A Conspiracy Theorist

Man will occasionally stumble over the truth but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on.” – Winston Churchill
It started in 1963 when JFK was assassinated. I was too young to fully comprehend what had happened but in the years that followed, I listened and read what the Warren Commission had to say. It was my introduction to the idea that the powers that are could very well be hiding the truth from the general public. I asked questions – still do – but my gut reaction was that no one really wants to know what is really going on. Maybe it’s that it requires people to leave their comfort zone by learning how to think or it was fear that kept people from finding out what the truth is.
In the late 1960’s I discovered Mad Magazine when William M Gaines was still the owner. I was a faithful reader for close to twenty five years as Mad showed how satire could be a lot closer to revealing the truth than more serious publications put out. After Gaines died in 1992 it was the end of an era as Mad ceased to be the same and within a years time I refused to read it any longer. Until that time I noticed people loved or hated Mad, a sign that things were shown that made readers think or feel uncomfortable about what they believed in.
As I passed through my teen years and reached adulthood my instincts told me that things weren’t what they could be. Politicians, religious leaders, among others sounded like they were reading from a script dictated from their masters who were hiding in the background. One of the reasons I continue to read newspapers is that it gives me that chance to decipher doublespeak and see what the matrix system is up to. In recent years I’ve come to the conclusion that some conspiracy theories are closer to the truth than the official version that is presented to us under a daily bombardment.
I find it a shame that it is still socially unacceptable to talk about the conspiracy angle. One has to be careful on how they present the material and who they present it to. Who really wants to be regarded as a nut case of some sorts in need of mental assessment? So it takes a lot of conviction on ones beliefs to stand up in the face of adversity and go against popular opinion or the status quo on important matters.
Since no one will have all the answers on any given subject, it is highly important to keep asking questions. Having a theory on what you think is really going on is better than thinking you know everything. It’s better to do your own thinking rather than just accepting any of the pablum that comes from various sources. I would find it interesting to see what organizations like NASA and the Vatican aren’t telling us or hiding from the public.
I’d like to know how much peer pressure is used to keep people conforming to rigid social norms. We need to step outside the box and see things from different perspectives. We don’t need to discredit all the new ideas that come along without at first taking a good look to see how much merit they have. I don’t want to live in a world where those with politically incorrect views are known as thought criminals. Eccentrics are those who make the world a more interesting place to live in and advance knowledge in both small and big ways.
I want to be one of the global citizens who are waking up to what is really going on in the world. I want to know what information isn’t being passed along to us. It’s an ambitious project and I can only do a small part of it. If we start putting our heads together and share what information we get, it will be interesting to see what we will get over a course of time.
Ron Murdock
[email protected] 

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