Evidence of Encounter with USO by Viking Replica Ship

USO Encounter Damaged Ship

By Ed Komarek

Captain Robert McDonald Is Providing Evidence Supporting His Claims Of A USO Encounter With His Viking Replica Ship in 2008. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tfjK_YWk-vc

Capt. Robert McDonald alleges that his ship had an encounter with a USO that levitated his ship out of the water 5 feet, burning the hull below the waterline and wrecking his replica Viking ship made of millions of children’s lollypop sticks. The Viking ship was full size and is an operational replica build from one inch planks made of lollypop sticks and was part of his publicity operation on behalf of the plight of children all over the world. The sticks were laid in moulds and glued together in planks from which the ship was constructed.

Robert alleges that a USO paced his ship while sailing at a high speed on its initial voyage coming up underneath, breaking off the rudder and mast, putting the whole crew at risk. According to authorties his ship and a nearby cargo ship disappeared from radar for a unexplained 4 hours of missing time. Later Robert claims having implants removed from his neck and lung.

I believe the History Channel is already on to this potentially explosive multiple abduction case and hopefully they will be at the Norway Conference May 18-20 in Bergen Norway, where I will be lecturing also. As more people come forward with their experiences and Robert releases more evidence, this case could be potentially explosive and very hard to debunk. It’s tailor made for mainstream press coverage if it can break the ridicule barrier.

English Translation)
IJsstokjes boat trip should abort. AP.Wire
08-05-2008 0…7: 20 changed 08-05-2008 07: 21

The Ice Lolly Ship of Robert McDonald.

DEN HELDER – the Ice Lolly Ship of Robert McDonald was in difficulties on the North Sea and has his journey Ended. According to a coast a guard spokesman. McDonald was Wednesday with one of Ice Lolly -made boat was going to England, but problems with the engines/spinning cum pass & burnt ship electronics and the evening got the helm/mast/sail mast.,

According to a passing cargo ship noticed a glowing orange looking fire that was under the captains ship of McDonald and then warned the coast guard “SOS” .,According to the cargo ship “The Ice lolly Viking ship was “5 feet above the sea”. The Coast Guard took the boat in tow back to Den Helder.,Unidentified Inspectors in black sea/flight uniforms with blue berets started inspecting the stricken ship & crew.

McDonald was with 5000 students more than four years in the weather to his ship of fifteen million lolly sticks ready for the big trip across the Atlantic. He departed from Netherlands with his international crew to Key West in Florida. McDonald earned the Guinness Book of Records In 2005, because his ship afloat for an hour and a half.

(Original Dutch)
IJsstokjes bootreis moet worden afgebroken. AP.Wire
08-05-2008 07: 20 08-05-2008 07: 21 gewijzigd

Het ijs Lolly schip van Robert McDonald.

DEN HELDER – de Ice Lolly schip van Robert McDonald was in moeilijkheden op de Noordzee en heeft zijn reis gebeëindigd. Volgens een kust een bewaker woordvoerder. McDonald was woensdag met een van ijs Lolly-gemaakte boot ging naar Engeland, maar problemen met de motoren/spinnen cum pass & verbrande schip elektronica en ‘s avonds kreeg de mast roer/mast/zeil.,

Volgens een passerende lading schip merkte een gloeiende oranje op zoek vuur dat werd onder het schip kapiteins van McDonald en vervolgens waarschuwde de coast guard “SOS”., volgens de lading schip “de Ice lolly Vikingschip was”5 meter boven de zee”. De Coast Guard nam de boot op sleeptouw terug naar Den Helder., niet-geïdentificeerde inspecteurs in de Zwarte Zee/vlucht uniformen met blauwe baretten begon inspectie van de getroffen schip & crew.

McDonald was met 5000 studenten meer Dan vier jaar in de weer om zijn schip van vijftien miljoen lolly stokjes klaar voor de grote reis over de Atlantische Oceaan. Hij vertrok uit Nederland met zijn internationale bemanning naar Key West in Florida. McDonald verdiend de Guinness Book of Records In 2005, omdat zijn schip drijven voor een uur en een half.

By: Robert McDonald


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