Do UFOs, or flying saucers, originate from an Inner Earth Paradise? That may sound like it’s kind of a stretch, but a selection of books from Tim Beckley’s Global Communications and Inner Light Publications make the argument that they most certainly do, eschewing any beliefs that the mysterious visitors come from outer space at all.
The most recent offering to make the case for the Inner Earth Paradise is called “The Smoky God and Other Inner Earth Mysteries,” and includes a reprint of a book written by a Norwegian fisherman named Olaf Jansen. Jansen claims to have journeyed by boat with his father to a lush and peaceful land occupied by a race of kindly giants.
“My father,” Jansen writes, “was an ardent believer in Odin and Thor, and had frequently told me they were gods who came from far beyond the ‘North Wind.’ There was a tradition, my father explained, that still farther northward was a land more beautiful than any that mortal man had ever known, and that it was inhabited by the ‘Chosen.’”
One day, father and son decide to try to actually travel to this land of the “Chosen,” and take a detour from their fishing trip to sail due north. Instead of a forbidding, frozen wasteland, they find the land of the “Smoky God,” a place hidden inside the hollow Earth.
Is there evidence of polar entrances to the Inner Earth?
Jansen’s book is introduced by an American writer named Willis George Emerson, who befriended Jansen in the old Norseman’s last days, which were spent rather idyllically in a bungalow in Los Angeles. According to Emerson, “Take an eggshell and from each end break out a piece as large as the end of a pencil. Extract its contents, and then you will have a perfect representation of Olaf Jansen’s Earth. The distance from the inside surface to the outside surface, according to him, is about three hundred miles.”
Jansen also provides another analogy. A man builds a house for himself and his family. The porches or verandas are all without and are secondary. The building is really constructed for the conveniences within. In like manner, God created the Earth for the sake of that which is “within,” and thus Jansen’s claim to have discovered the original Garden of Eden INSIDE the Earth, still flourishing and still the same kind of paradise described in the Book of Genesis.
But Jansen’s miraculous discovery did not come without a price. He informs the reader that, “I dare not allow the facts as I know them to be published while I am living, for fear of further humiliation, confinement and suffering. First of all, I was put in irons by the captain of the whaling vessel that rescued me, for no other reason than that I told the truth about the marvelous discoveries made by my father and myself. But this was far from being the end of my tortures.”
Jansen next made the mistake of telling his uncle what had happened, even asking his prosperous uncle to finance another trip north to the hidden paradise. His uncle at first appeared interested and sympathetic, and urged Jansen to repeat his story to certain government officials.
“Imagine my disappointment and horror,” Jansen writes, “when, upon the conclusion of my narrative, certain papers were signed by my uncle, and, without warning, I found myself arrested and hurried away to dismal and fearful confinement in a madhouse, where I remained for twenty-eight years – long, tedious, frightful years of suffering!”
After his release, Jansen returned to fishing, eventually making enough money to start his own fishing business. He then sold his business and moved to America, ending up in Los Angeles and passing along his manuscript to the sympathetic Emerson as he lay on his deathbed. The rediscovery of Eden, it seems, was no picnic for Jansen.
Jansen’s story, first published in 1908, while sad, does help to sketch in the boundaries of the hollow or Inner Earth, and from there a selection of more current writers pick up the ball and run with it. For example, an article by the late Ray Palmer, the legendary pioneer of 20th century paranormal journalism, lays out Palmer’s rationale for why the flying saucers most likely do not come from outer space.
At the time Palmer’s article was written, in 1959, he was the editor of a pulp magazine called “Flying Saucers.”
“‘Flying Saucers’ has amassed a large file of evidence,” Palmer writes, “which its editors consider unassailable, to prove that the flying saucers are native to the planet Earth; that the governments of more than one nation (if not all of them) know this to be a fact; that a concerted effort is being made to learn all about them, and to explore their native land; that the facts already known are considered so important that they are the world’s top secret; that the danger is so great that to offer public proof is to risk widespread panic; that public knowledge would bring public demand for action which would topple governments both helpless and unwilling to comply; that the inherent nature of the flying saucers and their origination area is completely disruptive to the political and economic status quo.”
For most people reading this article, that much is already a given. But Palmer argues further that one is mistaken in assuming that Kenneth Arnold’s 1947 sighting is the real “day one” of flying saucers, and that the phenomenon has been with us since ancient times and even before. Since the saucers were present from the very beginning, how can we say they originated elsewhere, from somewhere a vast distance away from Earth? Yet in spite of their earthly origin, the secrecy is still strictly enforced, which has led to countless conspiracy theories and rumors of governmental/alien collusion that will most likely persist until the truth is publicly revealed.

Admiral Byrd supposedly met a race of super beings inside the Earth.
It is just such a cover-up of earthly UFOs that Admiral Richard E. Byrd comes up against in another Global Communications book called “The Secret Lost Diary of Admiral Richard E. Byrd and the Phantom of the Poles,” by Commander X and Tim R. Swartz. The book begins with an introductory chapter by Michael X, which lays a foundation for what follows with this strange story about Admiral Byrd.
“In the year 1947,” Michael X writes, “Admiral Richard E. Byrd made a flight into the South Polar region of the world. Before he started on the venture, Byrd made a mysterious statement: ‘I’d like to see that land beyond the Pole. That area beyond the Pole in the center of the great unknown.’ In the cockpit of his plane was a powerful two-way radio. When Byrd and his scientific companions took off from their base at the South Pole, they managed to fly 1700 miles beyond it. That’s when the radio in Byrd’s plane was put into use to report something utterly incredible.”
According to Byrd’s radio transmission, there was a strange, great valley beneath them. For some unknown reason, the valley Byrd saw was not ice-covered, as it should have been in the frigid Antarctic.
“It was green and luxuriant,” Michael X goes on. “There were mountains with thick forests of trees on them. There was lush grass and underbrush.”
The temperature was a balmy 75 degrees.
“Suddenly, the press and radio were ‘hushed up.’ After the first brief messages leaked through to the newspapers, no further confirmation of the big discovery was given. Was it merely a hoax? Some newsman’s joke? I think not.”
Michael X believes instead that Byrd had come upon a great doorway or entrance leading deep into the unknown interior of the Earth. This is of course reminiscent of Olaf Jansen’s eggshell analogy, which posits openings at both the North and South Poles leading into the Inner Earth Paradise.
But the book goes even further, offering what is purported to be Admiral Byrd’s secret diary made during an even stranger journey to the North Pole.
“I must write this diary in secrecy and obscurity,” Byrd begins. “It concerns my Arctic flight of the nineteenth day of February in the year of Nineteen and Forty Seven. There comes a time when the rationality of men must fade into insignificance and one must accept the inevitability of the Truth! I am not at liberty to disclose the following documentation at this writing. Perhaps it shall never see the light of public scrutiny, but I must do my duty and record here for all to read one day.”
The flight log begins with standard notes about the plane ride itself, such as discovering the fuel mixture on the starboard engine was too rich. Another entry confirms that the radio is working correctly, while still another complains of encountering slight turbulence which then abates. At 0915 hours, Byrd sights a small mountain range in the distance. After another 29 minutes, he confirms that the mountains are still visible and are no illusion. By 1000 hours, they are crossing the mountain range and see a valley with a small river or stream running through it.
“There should be no green valley below,” he writes. “Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over ice and snow! To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation instruments are still spinning, the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth!”
Byrd continues to see more rolling green hills and remarks that the temperature is now 74 degrees. Meanwhile, the radio has stopped functioning. Next he sees what appears to be a city, which he says is impossible. Then, on both sides of Byrd’s plane, a strange type of aircraft is coming rapidly alongside.
“They are disc-shaped and have a radiant quality to them,” he writes. “They are close enough now to see the markings on them. It is a type of Swastika!!! This is fantastic. Where are we? What has happened?”
After about five more minutes, Byrd hears a voice crackling on the radio, speaking with a slight Nordic or Germanic accent and saying, “Welcome, Admiral, to our domain. We shall land you in exactly seven minutes. Relax, Admiral, you are in good hands.” The engines of Byrd’s plane have ceased to function and the aircraft is now flying by some strange unknown method, its controls now useless. It begins to descend as though caught in an elevator and lands gently. Several tall, blond men approach, and there is a large shimmering city in the distance that pulsates with the colors of the rainbow. It is there that Byrd’s logbook entries end, and he says he tells the rest of the story from memory.
“It defies the imagination,” he says as the log portion of his writings concludes, “and would seem all but madness if it had not happened.”
Perhaps it is better at this point to save the rest of the story for those who actually read the book and thus avoid the kind of spoilers that would sap the tale of its strength as it builds to a climax of high strangeness – with the kind of bizarre revelations that Byrd was probably wise to keep to himself. Who are the blond strangers in the disc-shaped craft? What is the brightly colored city seen in the background? What message do these kindly abductors deliver to Byrd and eventually to us?
The truths we finally learn are so completely unbelievable that there is no need to question why Byrd hesitates to reveal them publicly, no doubt fearing the same fate as befell Olaf Jansen, to be locked away in a madhouse, protesting the fact of his sanity to deaf ears.

But there is still another voice demanding to be heard in the story of an Inner Earth Paradise. Before his death in 1981, occult scholar and metaphysical philosopher T. Lobsang Rampa acquired a small – but nevertheless dedicated – following. In his lifetime, Rampa wrote several books designed to help seekers looking for a certain kind of truth discover for themselves the secrets of existence as filtered through his intimate knowledge of the astral plane and other otherworldly dimensions. While the main body of his work has been out of print for the last several years, Inner Light Pulications has recently begun to publish reprints of Rampa’s books for a new audience eager to learn from a proven master just how this universe functions on a metaphysical level.
Article continues tomorrow: Wednesday, October 2, 2013
[To read more by Sean Casteel, visit his website at]