The Williamsons, the Baileys and two other Adamski disciples claimed to be witnesses to Adamski’s famous meeting with Orthon, a handsome blond man from Venus, near Desert Center, California, on November 18, 1952. When Adamski began to reap major publicity after he told reporters about the meeting with Orthon, triggering an explosive growth in the membership of his cult, the Williamsons and Baileys continued to rely mainly on their Ouija board sessions to receive their own personal revelations from the Space Brothers. The conflict over channeling led to a drastic falling-out with Adamski.
If you missed part I of this article click here: of this was not going unobserved by government, however. In the newly expanded version from Beckley’s Global Communications, “Traveling The Path Back To The Road In The Sky,” prolific British writer and researcher Nick Redfern – now living in the U.S. full time – contributes an excellent chapter on the life of George Hunt Williamson that provides the details, gleaned from declassified FBI files released under the Freedom of Information Act, of the government’s then-covert pursuit of Williamson for possible communist ties and leanings.
“To understand how and why George Hunt Williamson became a person of interest to the FBI,” Redfern writes, “it’s highly important to note the climate that existed in the United States in the early 1950s. This was, of course, the formative years of the Cold War, the Soviet Union was perceived as being the next big threat, and Communism was seen as downright evil.”
FBI surveillance of George Adamski began in 1950, according to the files unearthed by Redfern. Adamski was considered to be an outrageous subversive, and is alleged to have said that the alien form of government was very different from the democracy of the United States and was most probably a Communist system. Adamski also predicted that Russia would dominate the world, which would usher in a 1,000-year era of peace on Earth.
“One does not have to be a genius,” Redfern writes, “to realize that Adamski’s assertions that his long-haired alien friends were nothing less than full-on Russia-loving Reds led the FBI to elevate its secret spying on the man to a whole new level.”
George Hunt Williamson was known to espouse similar ideas, claiming that his very own Space Brothers communicated with him by Ouija boards. This was a fairly common state of affairs according to the FBI, who received similar reports from various sources claiming that human-looking aliens walked among us, that they were Communists, and that their method of contact seemed to utilize the occult, such as Ouija boards, as well as advanced science. An alternative FBI theory was that the Communist extraterrestrials weren’t visitors from other worlds at all but were instead the outcome of Soviet mind control experiments on unsuspecting U.S. citizens who were led to believe they were having real-life experiences with aliens who wanted to tell us how wonderful Communism is.
The complicated but fascinating machinations surrounding Williamson’s period under the scrutiny of the FBI – as revealed exclusively by Nick Redfern – is perhaps better saved for readers of the book. To provide a rather condensed summation, it involves a claim by one contactee that the aliens had revealed to him a new technology that could catastrophically bring down U.S. military aircraft from the skies. The contactee, one Karl Hunrath, visited other contactees like Adamski and Williamson, at first mixing easily with fellow believers. One January morning at Adamski’s home, with Williamson and others in attendance, Hunrath boasted of his ability to destroy the U.S. Air Force’s aerial armada in a flash with the secret alien weapon. Adamski became worried that the information might get back to law enforcement officials, so he ordered the group to leave and never return. One of the attendee’s wives, having heard about Hunrath’s boasting, called the Air Force and the FBI, who descended on Adamski’s home that same day, incorrectly thinking that Adamski had the rumored weapon in his possession.
Later that same year of 1953, Hunrath and fellow believer Wilbur Wilkinson took to the skies in a small plane to rendezvous with the aliens in the California desert and were never heard from again. Their disappearance received local newspaper coverage, including the attendant theory that their vanishing act was the work of aliens.
When Williamson spoke publicly on the Hunrath-Wilkinson affair, his words were carefully noted by the FBI. In 1954, Williamson and Al Bailey published their own book “The Saucers Speak,” – now part of Beckley’s expanded collection – which chronicled their attempts to contact the aliens through shortwave radio and Ouija boards, and Williamson found himself increasingly in demand on the lecture circuit. When he shared a bill with contactee Truman Bethurum, who claimed to have met the beautiful Space Captain Aura Rhanes of the planet Clarion, another “Communist alien,” the investigation of Williamson went to a whole new level.
“The FBI paid careful attention,” Redfern continues, “to who – in the saucer scene of the time – Williamson and Bethurun were speaking, what the then-current line of thinking was with regards to their claims of alien contact, and the potential impact of their planned lectures. In other words, both men – unbeknownst to them – were having pretty much their every move watched by the secret eyes of officialdom.”
In 1962, Williamson was suspected of being involved in the smuggling into the U.S. of priceless Mexican artifacts of an historic and archeological significance. A confidential source for the FBI informed them that the Mexican government intended to arrest Williamson if he ever chose to reenter the country. Large pieces of jade and gold were among the goods allegedly stolen, valued at around $100,000. Since the crime took place in Mexico and was out of the FBI’s jurisdiction, they decided to drop the matter altogether. But Redfern points out that the documents relevant to the thievery are heavily censored with the same degree of classification given to documents with a potential effect on U.S. national security, which would hardly seem appropriate to the mere theft of Mexican antiquities.
“Unless of course,” Redfern writes, “there are additional files on Williamson that the FBI has still yet to declassify, and which remain behind closed doors for reasons tantalizing and unknown.”
Williamson was and still is a man of mystery, as one can easily see after reading Redfern’s history of government surveillance of the UFO believer.
Meanwhile, while his academic credentials as an anthropologist remain unproven, one cannot deny that Williamson did an impressive amount of field work among the indigenous peoples of North, Central and South America. His work is chronicled extensively and in great detail in the just released “Traveling The Path Back To The Road In The Sky.” (Williamson, Redfern, Casteel)
Of particular interest is Williamson’s comparison of the contact made by the Hopi Indians of the American Southwest and the story of Moses in the Old Testament. Both the Hopis and the ancient Israelites were delivered from bondage by the intervention of their respective versions of God. Like the Israelites, the Hopi were nomadic for a time while they awaited the sign from above that they had reached the Promised Land.
“Massau (the deliverer of the Hopis) had told the people,” Williamson writes, “that when they saw bright fires on the mesa tops and a Great Star hovering over the area, they should stop and build their villages on the mesas where the fires were seen, and the land under the Great Star would be their new country.”
Massau then left but promised to return as their “Great White Brother” to deliver and purify the people once again. In another similarity to the story of Moses, two sets of sacred stone tablets were prepared by Massau. One set was presented to the Hopi leaders, while Massau took the other set with him. He told the Hopis that in his absence they must look after the land he had given them and obey his laws as set down in writing on the stone tablets. Massau breathed life into the laws on the tablets and they became a living testimony to his will. One is immediately reminded of Moses returning from Mount Sinai with the Ten Commandments written in stone by the finger of God.
This story embodies the classic patterns of both the Ancient Astronauts theory and the study of comparative religion but I don’t know of anywhere else that this particular story has been told. Which adds further weight to the argument that, for all his faults, Williamson was a genuine and compelling researcher of ancient aliens who was decades ahead of his time. “Traveling the Path Back” is full to the brim with other similar stories of great interest to those who believe the aliens have been here since prehistoric times and have led all the world’s civilizations at some point in their early development.
While he lived among the Native-American peoples he researched, Williamson called himself “Brother Philip,” probably for the sake of simplifying his identity to the indigenous peoples and showing himself to be similar to the harmless priests and missionaries the natives were already familiar with. Williamson published two more books – which have been slightly retitled by the publisher who has reset the type, added more illustrations/photos as well as the contributions of other kindred souls – “Secret of the Andes And The Golden Sun Disc Of Mu,” and Other Tongues: Other Flesh Revisited! – after which little is known about his life until his death in January of 1986.
Both “The Saucers Speak: Calling All Occupants of Interplanetary Craft” and “Traveling the Path Back To The Road In The Sky” are heartily recommended for the enlightened truth seeker and those who take an historical interest in the contactee movement of the 1950s. It is from the roots planted by George Hunt Williamson and others of his time that many of our current UFOlogical and New Age beliefs have blossomed. He deserves to be both remembered and read by the current UFO community, and these reprints from Global Communications are a good place to start.
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Photo description top photo: Rare Peruvian news clipping showing George Hunt Williamson (aka Brother Philip)as he walks amongst the people of the Andes while exploring the legends of the ancient astronauts.
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