A UFO Landing Strip in Argentina?

We tend to give contactee-related (or space-brother inspired) news items a wide birth here at Inexplicata (http://inexplicata.blogspot.com/2011_06_01_archive.html), but our friends at Grupo G.A.B.I.E. have sent us a news item from the El Intransigente.com website.

(http://www.elintransigente.com/notas/2011/6/21/insolito-construyendo-pista-ovnis-cachi-88629.asp) regarding the latest effort by somebody somewhere to build a “landing strip for flying saucers”.


The website informs us that Werner Jaisli – described as wearing druid robes and a trusty pair of cowboy boots to keep him safe against snakes and scorpions – is building an ovnipuerto on the outskirts of Cachi, one of Argentina’s notorious hotspots for all manner of UFO and paranormal activity.

“The construction,” says the article, “has a great deal of esoteric drawing to it, as befits the event, and seeks to be a sort of runway for eventual visitors from outer space.”

Resembling a sort of antique wind rose emblem, the construction was requested “by the space navigators themselves.”

“Some theories claim that the Nevado de Cachi harbors visitors from space within it, but the fact is none of this can be proven or refuted, beyond Werner’s ingenious creation.”

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