2012: It’s Not The End Of The World


CONTRARY TO WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD, the ancient Maya did not predict that the world will end on 21 December 2012 — a fact that virtually any reputable, accredited Mesoamerican scholar will readily confirm. Nor does this date correspond to any particularly unusual galactic alignment since, as any competent astronomer will tell you, the ‘extremely rare’ alignment that is normally proposed currently happens every year.

On top of that, there is no reason to believe that the date is so significant in the history of Planet Earth as to mark the return of Quetzalcoatl, the Pahana, the Imam Mahdi, Krishna, the Buddha Maitreya, the Christ or any other saviour figure; not the slightest indication that it will suddenly produce a new, golden age of love, peace and cosmic consciousness; no evidence whatsoever that the earth will be struck on that date by a rogue planet, irradiated by some kind of photon belt, transformed as a result of a process of exponential cosmic change, mortally wounded by a mega-volcano, turned topsy-turvy by a polar shift, frazzled by the sun or drowned by global warming.

Granted, we may by then be experiencing more dramatic extremes of climate (as also of financial weather, at least in the West) than we have been used to. We shall also, of course, be experiencing all the usual range of natural and man-made disasters. But there is no reason to suppose that those disasters will suddenly become either more frequent or more severe in December 2012, let alone so frequent and so severe as to betoken the end of the world – and no evidence, for that matter, that either Nostradamus or Mother Shipton ever predicted that they would.



Please note that the essential book explaining all this is now available, just in time to forestall all the inevitable end-of-the-world panic. It is entitled 2012: It’s Not The End Of The World (pb, 212pp., illustrated), and you can order it either from your bookstore or via the links at the very bottom of this page (or alternatively the ones at the top of the right-hand column –>). In that event, please feel free to review it, too…

Reviews so far

‘This book gives a thorough historical account of the well-known claims regarding the Maya and the year 2012. It reports in fine detail the more accurate research that has gone into seeking out the true nature and motives of the Maya, as well as revealing that their calendar, instead of finishing at the end of 2012, in fact stretches out trillions of years into the future.

‘The book is highly recommended for those seeking the truth on the subject, or who believe that any significant evidence exists to warrant the claims of such popular writers on the subject as John Major Jenkins. It is refreshing to read a more balanced and rational argument than the usual alarmist/apocalyptic versions.’

Mark Smith, member of the international Nostradamus Research Group

‘Peter Lemesurier has produced a valuable, scholarly book that: (1) summarises the outlandish claims of the December 2012 doomsayers; (2) debunks the claims and backs up the debunking with succinct summaries of the views of Mayan research scholars; and (3) provides some interesting speculation concerning the origins of the Mayan calendrical system. It seems likely that the hysteria that is debunked is largely a strategy to make money from a gullible public by scaring the bejesus out of them in order to sell books, survival kits, and lurid video documentaries. Lemesurier’s book provides a painless antidote to all the hype that is both amusing — in the author’s inimitable dry style — and informative. A good read that also provides an entry into the relevant literature for those who wish to read more.’

David Hill, Emeritus Professor of Computer Science, University of Calgary

If you would like more information or to purchase this book through Amazon.Com, simply click on its title: 2012: IT’S NOT THE END OF THE WORLD




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