UFO Sighting at Nevado del Huila, Colombia

By Scott Corrales
UFO Digest Latin America Correspondent

Source: Diario del Huila – Colombia
Date: 01.25.11

Colombia: UFOs Seen near Nevado del Huila Volcano

Unidentified Flying Objects have apparently been seen near the Nevado del Huila volcano, in the municipalities bordering the Cauca and Opita territory.

This information was made known by residents of the region, who are in possession of photographs and videos of what could be the presence of extraterrestrial civilizations.

The strange images or sightings, as they are called, recorded in recent weeks from the end of 2010 to the present, are apparently not the first, according to Ricardo Ayerbe, a “Huilense” expert in the subject, who says these episodes have repeated for more than a decade.

“Sightings of the unidentified flying objects known as UFOs (sic) have been recorded for some years now, and there are photographs that clearly show objects plowing the skies, particularly near the Nevado del Huila, and some municipalities bordering the Huila and Cauca, such as Belalcazar, Sebastián de Belalcazar and other communities,” said Ayerbe, a researcher of the phenomenon. He explained that while the events are under investigation, he believes that the alleged alien beings have some kind of interest in the geological area, which is currently at a Yellow Alert 3 level, and the volcanic activity is trending toward reduction.

The state of alarm in the area, which began last year, is due to the reactivation of some volcanoes in the central Cordillera, such as Nevado del Huila, according to followers of the UFO subject.” It is very likely that these sightings are related to these geological events over the past months. At this time there have been sightings in high-risk areas, because they apparently have an interest in monitoring these hazards facing humanity, surely with the aim of intervening and saving the species from certain danger,” Ayerbe noted.

The alleged Unidentified Flying Objects seen by residents of the Huila and Cauca border region have special characteristics in their movement, such as high speeds, making no noise whatsoever, and making themselves visible and invisible at will.

(Translation (c) 2011 S. Corrales, IHU. Special thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO) 

Visit Scott Corrales’ website: http://inexplicata.blogspot.com/ 


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