UFOs Over Colombia?
Enormous Flying Object Videotaped Over Medellín –
***Object is star-shaped and with several lights***

Star-shaped UFO over Medellin, Colombia
(Photo enhancement by Robert D. Morningstar)
A family in the city of Medellín, Colombia was startled when it recorded an Unidentified Flying Object (UFO).
The video posted to YouTube shows how this star-shaped UFO, with several lights, rises and falls in the sky.
Even the people who recorded this event joked about it, telling each other “they’ve come to get us” amid peals of laughter.
VIDEO: https://www.ufodigest.com/video/enormous-flying-object-videotaped-over-medellin-colombia-video
[Translation (c) 2014, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Giménez]
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Source: Planeta UFO and AmericaTV.com