What’s the Berghof Beast?

The Berghof was in the Bavarian Alps near Berchtesgaden, on the same mountain as the “Eagle’s Nest.” It was a large country house following the example of the château of Ermenonville. An extract from a French book of the 1790’s, Essai Sur La Secte Des Illumines (1789) (French Edition) , claimed that the huge château of Ermenonville near Paris was one of the chief lodges of the Bavarian Illuminati movement. It belonged to the Marquis of Gerardin, who once sheltered the prominent Enlightenment writer Jean Jacques Rousseau. The well-known impostor and alchemist St. Germain allegedly presided over it.

What happened in the Berghof is revealed in “Eyes Wide Shut,” a 1999 drama film by Stanley Kubrick based upon the 1926 novella Traumnovelle (Dream Story), by Arthur Schnitzler. Dr. Bill Harford enters the massive masked orgy of an underground cult. Some of the masked participants are said to be powerful members of society.

In the spacious mansion people wearing various robes and Venetian carnival masks watch a sexuality ritual involving naked women standing in a circle, led by a masked man. As the cloaked people watch, women rise from a circle and select men from the audience, including Bill:

“The woman informs Bill that he is in danger and urges him to leave, but he refuses. She is led away by someone else, after which Bill wanders through rooms in which orgies are occurring.”

What’s the Berghof Beast?

In the Berghof, the adamant chancellor often had “too much” sex and would typically seek relief from carnal gluttony in his adjacent tea house. Here, he would wrestle with “the old serpent,” an occult demon of the underworld, more ancient than the shark.

Is there a doctor in the house?

“More towels,” cried an orderly.

“The miracle of sacred emanation,” smiled the bowed wizard of Oz. “Magick ectoplasm issuing from Abraxas’ divine source.”

“You’re full of flatworm,” the doctor whispered and jostled for more elbowroom. “You’re doing fine… Only twenty more feet to go…”

“More towels,” the orderly frantically repeated again.

Today, the Bilderberg Group, Bohemian Grove.

(Unfortunately Bill blamed the messenger, instead of thanking him for warning Bill in advance.)

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