Triangle Shaped UFO Shot Straight Up and Vanished

Roger Marsh
UFO Examiner

A Milan, MI, witness reports that a distant triangle-shaped object moved quickly toward the vehicle he was driving and then “shot straight up” and was gone, according to April 22, 2011, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.

The witness was driving along Willis Road just west of the Whittaker intersection at 5:30 a.m. on March 14, 2011, when the incident occurred.

The object was described as a triangle shape with three steady lights.

A Milan, MI, witness reports a triangle UFO moved quickly to his location on Willis Road just west of the Whittaker intersection. Credit: Google Maps.  


“I have a huge background in avionics, and knew it was not a ‘plane,'” the witness stated.

As the object moved directly over the vehicle, the witness got out of the car and watched the object shoot straight up in the air.

No images or videos were submitted with the MUFON report. Milan is a city in Monroe and Washtenaw counties, population 4,775.

Michigan is a current UFO ALERT 4 rating, with a higher than average number of UFO sightings nationally. Michigan had 16 UFO reports in March 2011 – while California had 45 sightings, the highest reporting state in the nation.


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