ACE GUIDE – CHRISTIAN MYSTICISM by TJ – (3rd year Anniversary on UFO Digest)

ACE GUIDE is a history of ancient and modern earth that is a culmination work of stories that have been collected by TJ – A Christian Mystic Chronicler and Paranormal Writer that includes ET and UFO Stories on UFO Digest. TJ has had mystical experiences including OBE, NDE, and ET/UFO. TJ’s given Christian North American name given at birth Theresa Janette Thurmond and legal married name in USA as Theresa Morris, TJ advocates for Social Paranormal Alternative History in the modern New Age.


Brain Train with TJ




By Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris , Year of our Lord, December 26, 1951 – December 26, 2012 and Beyond in Eternity as an Ascended Master in Time.
Three (3) years in the making for release in time for Dirk Vander Ploeg and all those on earth with Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris who share the UFO Digest with Robert Morningstar and all other Light Beings and Light workers.
Servant of the Lord – Christ in all the names of those of the Earth.
Those who follow the ASCENSION CENTER ENLIGHTENMENT realize that those who from the heavens came left us much knowledge that existed for us to find prior to that of the Bible and the Lord and Savior of this planet called Christ.
We who live on the North American continent were all chosen to follow the legions and legends of the “Christian Soldiers” who protected the Great White Brotherhood of those who came through the lineage of David and the stories of King Solomon.
There are many words in Etymology and Ethnology that we are all examining for our own Ethos. We are called the Ethos Ethnology Examiners of the Ascension. Some call us Lightworkers of the Sky People, Star People, Star Babies, Star Seeds.
There are various levels of beings that exist on the earth. This is apparent. There are some of the main four root races which some can see divided by continent demographics. Some are created by cultures of the ancestors of a certain location on the planet. Some are still divided by DNA. Some still see themselves as brown, black, white, yellow skins. 
Ascension Center Enlightenment
Avatar Guide 
For Light Workers
 A Spiritual Intellectual Club
Mystics, Oracles, Prophet/Prophetess, Sages, Seers, Shamans, and Truth Seekers.
Of Philosophy & Technology
Avatar Guide for Lightworkers is a work in progress. This will include the globalization process and the United Nations and UNESCO interests in Art, Culture, Education, Science, Technology, 
Energy, Ethos, Etymology, Ethnology, and Folklife are five of the headings of main focus on our Ascension Center. ACES as the agreed association of copy editors society will also be something to look forward too by young writers who desire to share in the websites we shall create on the Internet and in the new media.
We are looking forward to assisting others as Social Entrepreneurs. Our target date for release is for 2013. 
The deadline for discovery and input by all is December 21, 2012 time (T.) 11:11. Our Ascension Center Enlightenment World Mantra and Motto is “SHIFT AND UPLIFT FOR HEALTH AND PROSPERITY FOR ALL!”
We is sharing with those who are studying the Teachings of the Mystics including Christian Mystics, Jewish Mysticism, and all others through out time.
We have many people requesting the ACE GUIDE. We are putting great efforts into sharing all of the Ancient Mystery Schools with all the updates regarding the mystical, magical, metaphysical, and occult wisdom lacking in many of the past disciplines taught on earth. Many people could not read and write throughout the past centuries. This allowed for much confusion.
We hope that the world will desire to share health and prosperity for all.
This is our goal as Ascension Beings who are centered, well rounded, and grounded in education for earth. We are Ambassadors of Goodwill as Social Entrepreneurs assisting the Global Community with innovations and inspiration for health and prosperity.
The seven years we here about has to do with the typical seven we all here about in Time relating to the spirit on earth in time. 2013 begins the ASCENSION AGE.
THE ASCENSION CENTER – ACE GUIDE – EDUCATION and SELF-HELP Books and publishing for those who desire to know more about the future of humankind on earth. Many who desire to study ascension are about the future inspiration for all. Ascension Beings desire health and prosperity for all.
The Ascension Center ACE GUIDE FOR 2012 will include education in these areas.
Do not confuse entomology the study of insects with Etymology the study of world history. We will assist many teachers with the topics for those who desire to visit Hawaii, and learn of Lemuria and Atlantis. The New Age of Revealing and Revelation is considered the years of 2010 through 2012. Angels are welcome as philanthropists and investors in the global futures of the Ascension Center Education in self-help books and we invite authors and publishers on the web to join us in the Media Online Press (MOP) at American News Magazine Mainstream and Social Paranormal Network Guide Alternative. 
2013 begins the ASCENSION AGE. Speakers of the Ascension and ACE GUIDE
David Icke
Theresa Morris
Robert Morningstar
Michael Salla
Dirk Vander Ploeg
and other friends of TJ Morris LTD ACIR USA.
as well as onExopolitics and other occult metaphysical paranormal topics. 
The topics discussed are a compilation, formulation of the Ancient Mystery Schools adapted to modern day words, and etymology will be a part of the future changes in the WEB and the MATRIX. Some now refer to the Critical Mass Consciousness and how everyone that is entitled to know of the God Particles in everyone and everything affects the Akashic Field. This is now being revealed to Quantum Scientists and those who are working with the Hadron Collider. There are new findings for Astronomers and new telescopes creating new awareness for us all. It is truly an age of revealing. Bodies There have been recent attempts at creating groups and associations for seminars in California and in other places around the world including Hawaii.
Honolulu is the home to the original Ascension Center and is considered the Heart of Lemuria. Many of the Hawaiian Hunas know this and feel the Hawaiian Chain of islands are cresting or sitting upon where Lemuria once resided.
If anyone has ever been to Hawaii and toured the islands where there are both whales and dolphins that live there, one can know it is truly touched and blessed.
Gil Grissom on the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation TV show is an entomologist, who is played by actor William Petersen.
Similarly, entomologist Jack Hodgins of Bones, portrayed by TJ Thyne, helps his team by analyzing insects (such as Hydrotaea) and “particulates” near to or attached to decomposed victims, often identifying the precise location a murder originally occurred; he is also an expert in botany and mineralogy.
In Arthur Conan Doyle’s story, The Hound of the Baskervilles, the villain is a naturalist who collects butterflies, making him an “evil” entomologist.
There are numerous science fiction books, which have plots based on humans becoming smaller and having to deal with insects at their level.
Some examples are The Insect Warriors by Rex Dean Levie, Atta by Francis Rufus Bellamy, Bug Park by James P. Hogan, The Micronauts series by Gordon Williams, and The Forgotten Planet by Murray Leinster. The Forgotten Planets plot is twisted in that the insects are the size of men (or larger) on a planet “seeded” to prepare it for human habitation. Robert Asprin wrote The Bug Wars, a novel about war between reptiles and insects on an interplanetary scale.
We are going into what are called precession years. This will include
The new discoveries of old and ancient information through science,
Technology and discoveries of future inventions.
It is our desire to share in the awareness of ascension cultural
Education. We plan to do this via the Internet or World Wide Web.
There is so much changing now that we should be involved with art,
Culture, education, science, technology, and the religions of
Humankind on earth.
We are going through global change and will need everyone to improve
Innovations and involvement.
The Large Hadron Collider is the picture of the 21st century that will
lead the way into our new discoveries of the weak and strong nuclear
Forces in the universe. This will deal with the global environment,
International world governmental changes and future discoveries on
Earth. Some may include the knowledge of reverse engineering from
Extraterrestrial technology.
We are doing this internationally now as we can see due to the recent
Earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010. We cannot change history but
we can learn from our mistakes.
The Red Cross is the one organization that we can count on in the world.
The United Nations is also one organization along with UNESCO for education.
We will need more involvement during these years that will involve
The OLYMPIC TEAMS to inspire us and to share hope.
There are new words on websites springing up daily in the world. The new buzzwords with the new marketing and media online have not been able to keep up with all the new words. We will need a new Global Lexicon and WORLD WIDE DICTIONARY.
We will need improvements in our Lexicography skills. There are now new
We enjoy sharing our articles we find elsewhere and we should share our own personal views and opinions for others to gain insight.
Mysticism is not the same as what we commonly call the occult.  Occult is the word we use for unknown wisdom or beyond ordinary understanding. 2. Secret; known only to the initiated. 3. Dealing with the supernatural or magical; the occult sciences. Something occult or supernatural such as the Bible Codes.
There are all types of mystics including Jews and Christians. Various Faiths have had their own great philosophers and etymologists that are considered holy beings and those who study the “World” and the “word” – whatever that may be!
To obviate is to meet and clear away, as difficulties; make unnecessary. This is  a short article to share in the future with others who are authors interested in the social paranormal network as we go forth sharing our own opinions and views of  those on earth who have came before.
This is all we do since we are left here to explore. 
We will include sharing instruction with other writers who desire to participate on Social and
This new way of sharing our stories shall increase awareness and insight into others opinions and views of the following:
St. John of the Cross
St. Teresa of Avila
Buddhists Texts
The Upanishads
Arthur Koestler
Dionysius the Areopagite
Farid Al-Din Attar
Jalal Al-Din Rumi
Jan Van Ruysbroeck
Meister Eckhart
Professor D. T. Suzuki
Mystical Writings of the World
In addition, The Teachings of the Mystics, Selections from the Great Mystics and Mystical Writings of the World.
Jewish Mysticism
What is called Jewish Mysticism by the major authorities on the subject does not in a general way conform to the pattern of mysticism as unfolded in most books.
“If this research of the Torah Codes is born out, behold this is
the greatest discovery of three hundred years of scientific research.” 
Professor Robert I. Aumann, famous mathematician and Nobel Prize award, member of the
National Academy of Science of America
The Torah Codes, popularly known as Bible Codes, show us that the Torah has some commentary on events that happen in our living history. These events are hidden with in the text and we have extracted many of the events contained in them. It is remarkable that a text over 3300 years old contains events that happen thousands of years later. This has caused significant controversy and as a result, there are many bible code skeptics. 
Who is behind the codes? Where do they come from and what do the all mean? This is for you to work out on an individual basis. This site provides the evidence you now decide what it all means to you.
Meister Eckhart: A Modern Translation, translated by R. B. Blakney, New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1941, p.xxiv
The Awakening of Faith is a way of life for those who desire to know more of the Ascension Center. We call this a way of enlightenment.
Meister Eckhart one of the Great Mystics written about lived in Germany (1260-1328) and was considered one of the well-known Christian Mystics. 
Improvements in our entertainment media. We have seen some innovations that we have enjoyed with computer graphics and simulations in a lifelike film called Avatar. We will desire more movies such as Avatar and maybe Steven Spielberg could make a Close Encounters II or the Fourth Kind has been made so maybe Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind. This new 3D movie was a wonderful contribution to the 21st
During the past in American when we were at war and/or in a recession
We used the theater and movies to inspire us to a better way of life
With movie stars on the big silver screen who had a life we could only
Dream about and desire, which inspired hope for the future.
We have always enjoyed our movies and these can now be seen in various
Ways on television via satellite, internet computers, and yet, we
still want to go share in a social event with our friends and families
in theaters in America. This has been engraved as part of our American
THe Ascension Center Education will be a part of the future and is
Concentrating on the time prior to the date of December 21, 2012,
11:11 AM as the sun passes over our part of the world. The light will
Restore parts of our DNA that have been lacking and those born after
This time on earth will be the new human beings with knowledge
Abilities that include the future in 3D and Virtual Imaging in the
Many call this Ascension Age, which is called that for the awareness the time on earth, brings about the truth as it is restored in correcting history with our past knowledge clarified with the assistance of avatar oracles. 
The topics shared in a guide we will be sharing in the new World
Information Network (WIN) to inspire Social Entrepreneurs of the
Future on the Internet. We are a Global Community that is rebuilding
ourselves through new information, knowledge, reconstruction, and
imagining ourselves in the future. This projection and new telepathic
Waves we use to connect to the Akashic Field of Everything in the
Universe will be not only felt but also discovered to be a real energy in
the smallest forms of matter and antimatter in science.
Some of the topics below are what many people are now interested in as
We create new scripts for our enjoyment and entertainment social media
Networks. We will all become students as seekers and teachers as seers
around the world. Global Community Culture is dealing with art,
Culture, education, science, technology, social entrepreneurs, and
creating new professions and careers for the future of our children.
The following is in no specific order as we are still compiling topics and subjects for Neophytes from our Ascension Center Authority though December 21, 2012 T. 11:11 DEADLINE – ASCENSION CENTER AVATAR GUIDE FOR LIGHT WORKERS IN THE ASCENSION AGE 
ASCENSION AGE begins on DECEMBER 21, 2012 T. 11:11
The most dramatic changes are being revealed now in articles on Social Paranormal Network Guide at
Ascension Cultural Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR)
Alien Contact
Alien Technology
Amen Unity
Amnesty-Human Rights
Ancient Cultures
Religions and Paths to Salvation
Pole Shifts
Near Earth Objects
Planet Nibiru
Ascension DNA Code Activation
Ascension Consciousness Awakening
Ascension Body -Mind-Spirit Activism
AUTHORS/Web Publishers
Light workers
Star Babies
Star People
Area 51
Dulce Base
All New Mexico Bases
Pine Gap
Johnson Manned Spacecraft Center
Cape Canaveral
Internet Use
Building a Website
Starting a Business
Social Networks
Ancient & Present
Ghost Hunters
Psychic Mediums
Spirit Guides
ET Disclosure Project
Government Cover Ups
Conspiracy Theories
Levitation of Spirit
Mental Telepathy
Migrations of Birds
Psi miracles
Spirits of electricity
God Particle
Time Displacement
Organized divination
Extraterrestrial Education
Extraterrestrial Intelligent Beings
Extra biological Beings (EBENS)
Futurists Theories
New Age Culture
Hollow Earth Society
Mayan Calendar
Hollow Earth
New World Order 
Ghosts Energy Apparitions
Ascension Channels
Shroud of Turin
Origin of Religions
Thinking of primitive people
History, Gods, Pharaohs, Priests, Monuments
Ideas of Death & Last Judgment
Creed, Jesus, Dogma, Catholicism, Reformation, Present
Jewish Creed, Ethics, Talmud, Mysticism
History, Origin, Mohammedan Mysticism,
Basic Modes between humankind & Deities
Preanimistic Theory
Theory of Original Monotheism
Magic & Religion
Celts & Slavs
Japanese Buddhism
Extinct Religions
Teutonic Gods
Ideas of Death
Magic of Runes
Biblical Revelations
All isms
Star gates
Time Travel
Zechariah Sitchen
The Ascension Center ACE GUIDE OF ETIOLOGY, ETHNOLOGY, ETHOS, ENTOMOLOGY, ETYMOLOGY. Do not confuse entomology the study of insects with Etymology the study of word history. We will assist many teachers with the topics for those who desire to visit Hawaii, and learn of Lemuria and Atlantis. The New Age of Revealing and Revelation is considered the years of 2012 thru 2012. 2013 begins the ASCENSION AGE. David Wilcock will be speaking at a seminar in Hawaii in February. Michael Salla is also in Hawaii.
The topics discussed are a compilation, formulation of the Ancient Mystery Schools adapted to modern day words, and etymology will be a part of the future changes in the WEB and the MATRIX. Some now refer to the Critical Mass Consciousness and how everyone that is entitled to know of the God Particles in everyone and everything affects the Akashic Field. This is now being revealed to Quantum Scientists and those who are working with the Hadron Collider. There are new findings for Astronomers and new telescopes creating new awareness for us all. It is truly an age of revealing.
This is the latest topics for the ACE GUIDE to be published for release 2013. Ascension Beings are about health and prosperity for all. We are Social Entrepreneurs sharing innovation and inspiration in the Global Community. 
Zero Point Energy
In a quantum mechanical system such as the particle in a box or the quantum harmonic oscillator, the lowest possible energy is called the zero-point energy. According to classical physics, the kinetic energy of a particle in a box or the kinetic energy of the harmonic oscillator may be zero if the velocity is zero. Quantum mechanics with its uncertainty principle implies that if the velocity is measured with certainty to be exactly zero, the uncertainty of the position must be infinite. Either this violates the condition that the particle remains in the box, or it brings a new potential energy in the case of the harmonic oscillator. To avoid this paradox, quantum mechanics dictates that the minimal velocity is never equal to zero, and hence the minimal energy is never equal to zero.
Does electromagnetic zero-point energy exist, and if so, are there any practical applications and does it have any connection with dark energy? The theoretical basis for electromagnetic zero-point energy is clear.
According to Sciama (1991):
Even in its ground state, a quantum system possesses fluctuations and associated zero-point energy, since otherwise the uncertainty principle would be violated. In particular, the vacuum state of a quantum field has these properties. For example, the electric and magnetic fields in the electromagnetic vacuum are fluctuating quantities.
The Casimir Effect is an example of a one-loop effect in quantum electrodynamics that can be simply explained by the zero-point energy. It is precisely localizable differences in the zero-point energy that may prove to be of some practical use and that may be the basis of dark energy phenomena. Moreover it has also been found that asymmetries in the zero-point field that appear upon acceleration may be associated with certain properties of inertia, gravitation and the principle of equivalence Haisch, Rueda and Puthoff (1994); Rueda and Haisch (1998); Rueda and Haisch (2005)
Lastly, insights may be offered on certain quantum properties (Compton wavelength, de Broglie wavelength, spin) and on mass-energy equivalence (E=mc2) if it proves to be the case that zero-point fluctuations interact with matter in a phenomenon identified by Erwin Schrödinger known as zitterbewegung (Haisch and Rueda 2000; Haisch, Rueda and Dobyns 2001; Nickisch and Mollere 2002).
As intriguing as these latter possibilities are, the first order of business is to unambiguously detect and measure zero-point energy. While a Casimir experiment such as that of Forward (1984) can in principle measure energy that may be attributed to the existence of real zero-point energy, there are alternative explanations involving source-source quantum interactions in place of real zero-point energy (see Milonni 1994). To move beyond this ambiguity of interpretation experiments that will test for the reality of measurable zero-point energy will need to be devised.
Cultural References
In the Justice League Episode, ‘Hereafter’, Vandal Savage had taken over the world and invented a Zero Point Generator in the boredom of immortality, which was used to power a time machine to transport Superman back to the present.
In the movie ‘The Incredibles’, the villain Syndrome uses a ray that can immobilize an opponent, suspending him in mid-air. Director Brad Bird, speaking in a DVD commentary, says that in searching for a name for the device (or at least a better one than “the Immobi-ray”), he came across and used a reference to “zero-point energy”, which Syndrome himself uses to describe his weapon. (Of course, this is simply a cool name rather than a practical application at this time!)
In the computer game Half-Life 2, one of the weapons used by the player is the “Zero Point Energy Field Manipulator”, better known by its nickname the “Gravity Gun”. It allows the user to pick up and launch any medium-sized objects, and was used to market the game’s detailed physics engine.
The television show Stargate SG-1 and the spin-off, Stargate Atlantis refers to zero-point energy in the form of Zero Point Modules or ZPMs. These ZPMs extract energy from small artificially created subspaces are used to power the technology of the Ancients, such as the energy shield, which protects the city of Atlantis and powering the Stargate with sufficient power to allow travel to the Pegasus Galaxy. The Ancients also attempted to extract zero-point energy directly from their own universe in Project Arcturus.
Another television series called ZERO.POINT is in development that centers on the machinations of a quantum physicist searching for zero-point energy technology and a drifter who wanders in perfect synchronicity.
In Marvel Comic’s “Ultimate Secret” issue one; the disguised Captain Mahr-vell has helped humans develop a star drive based on ZPE. He offhandedly remarks that quantum wave fluctuations were discovered to cause inertia, which is the SED Hypothesis (covered here).
In the second season of the television series ‘Alias’, Sydney Bristow is tasked to retrieve a music box that supposedly contains a formula for zero-point energy.
In ‘3001: The Final Odyssey,’ by Arthur C. Clarke humanity is tapping zero point energy (or vacuum energy as it is called in the book). Human astronomers observed an explosion of a far-away star and on further investigation found that the detonation started at one of the planets, which destabilized the star itself. This event gives the characters nightmares, as it was assumed that some alien race was using zero-point energy and lost control.
ZPE is also a potential energy source of interest to independent researchers outside of mainstream research entities, such as the late Eugene Mallove, and figures into discussions on radio programs such as Coast-to-Coast AM.
Reference: Wikipedia
We wear a form of magnetized shoes on board the ships in space among those who are not born on earth. We shall share more of reality in space through time as we share the basic structure of how to train the mind to accept, that which was formerly unknown. Brain Train with us who are friends of the occult in the ACE Metaphysical Institute. TJ 
 We are a part of something much greater than we have been told to believe. Our minds could and should be far more advanced in intelligence as the global brain assignment goes.  Now, we shall learn about those who are deserving of the intelligence and those who have to learn through the Ascension Center Enlightenment process. In this time of change, we are about to engage a new era for which there will be a thread of history that can be traced through time on earth.
 Current literature and even interest on the Internet is thriving and a New Age modern movement could savor that which is a combination of eclectic interest in that which is a criss-cross patchwork quilt of a “Pagan-Reverie”. Philosophical, religious Pythagoreanism revived. This all has to do with our coming of age with the Ancients and their Mystery Schools.
 There is some basic history earth that we accept among our more general populace as the normal way to think. The Global Brain Train is now about speeding up that which in the past was only known among those who were the students of the fringe movements in the occult metaphysical worlds of words as knowledge.  There was not a lot that was shared unless one was in a secret club or allowed into a certain level or class in society. 
The future will be different and will be more about those on earth who are found deserving of more intelligence and knowledge.
 We have various beings on earth who have agreed to come back or return to earth to serve in various positions. These positions are labeled in the NEW AGE world of words and categorized as key words that make sense on the Internet to search engines such as Google. 
We are changing the way we all share information and we are becoming dependent on our computers. This was expected and planned in the larger Global Brain Train for all sentient intelligent beings on earth. We shall be sharing more in the future that deals with how the plan was carried out with those of the past as Masters who came to earth. Some were called the Sons and daughters of God who were seen only among the chosen mystics and world leaders at certain times in our ancient civilizations on earth. 
Thus, the veil of secrecy came into existence and the chosen and the mystics and Shamans through time became the keepers of the stories and history. The veil that was created inside a tent and covered by cloud or fire so that those who were ignorant of those above could not be concerned and run in fear of the unknown. 
All was planned for the future in order to allow the human primitive mind to adjust over time and through generations to evolve in thought processing for the global mind. We shall share the future of the past Masters with those who care to train their brains. We shall observe certain beings as lights as they appear from afar off in space. 
This DNA enhancement has worked for us in the past. We have had certain of our kind that have come to earth and were allowed to live among those who were not aware of the changes in time and in the mind of the all that lived upon the earth.  We shall share more of those who are called the Time Lords who oversee that which occurs in what we call time and light on earth. 
We shall share that which appears as magnetism and in the future, we shall allow those who are the deserving to know of the GOD Particle. There are various mystic sages who fathered in our secular inquiry on earth, which will share our desire to complete a universal train track of threads to complete our quilt of information for us to cover ourselves with what we all can feel comfortable with on earth. There is much history that has been shared throughout time on this planet. 
The NEW AGE movement is thought to be “NEW”. Those of us who frequent bookstores and who are into the occult and unknown wisdom of the universe all seem to gravitate towards the areas called NEW AGE. We enjoy the latest books in science and philosophy as well. We are all about ancient civilizations and most of us are not are we are adventurer’s of the archaeologists and researchers of Folklife. Since the making of the George Lucas film Star Wars who introduced all of us to a new level of learning outside of our own planet, we have enjoyed the movies of “Indiana Jones”.
 Many children who grew up in the 50’s and 60’s that were a part of the “Baby Boomer” generation became advocates of star travel and those who from the heavens or space came. 
We will be sharing much history through clues we shall share that will seem different or not normal as in paranormal. 
This is also a time to remind those of the storytellers who laid out a foundation for myths and legends that were sometimes used when it was too dangerous on earth to tell the truth. We are all about learning about critical thinking and how we use our brains to challenge that which we perceive as truth versus falsehoods. 
We will learn about the positive and the negative of energy. We shall share that which has been passed down from father to son and from mother to daughter. We shall learn how through time on earth the general populace has been. Kept from knowing more because of those who chose to control the information. Information and knowledge is control and power. 
We will share information for those who are our friends and feel they can handle the paranormal, supernatural, and what is called the weird and woo to some as in whacky weed smokers delusions. 
We want to encourage those who are willing to accommodate their comfort zone with a spin through the time zones or what to some in the realms of existence who explore the unknown zone also called the XENO or X-ZONE. Some of the past information that has begun blending for some who thought all of the past was merely folktale will have to reconsider and revise some thought patterns.
 For starters, some of what is in the past legends and myths are truth. Take time to read some of the stories on the Internet of a past that is near and dear to those of us who are called the ascended masters of ascension. Some of the greatest minds and spirits that ever walked the earth teach us. Some were called Gods and Goddesses while others were considered angels of light and were servants to the Time Lords and Demi Gods of space.  Here are some of the places that those of the ancients or those who lived on earth at a time when those of space came to earth and have never stopped visiting earth. We have always been visited and it is time we begin to reveal the truth to all that have only a small idea of what religion has controlled with Kings of empires of the past 
We are now about globalization and the future that will begin anew on December 21, 2012 at 11:11 as this time passes around this planet we call earth. Enjoy the future that will be written and rewritten by those who are chosen to not only please the mind but the spirit with energy and rhythms for the entire Omniverse of enlightened beings and intelligent beings  We shall learn about the past stories and creating content on the Internet. Some of the information one might enjoy researching is dealing with the ancient civilizations and cities of the past on earth. Some are written about and the information is combined and a culmination of some our members. 
The below is a collection of information we thought one might enjoy when time allows. We hope that the length and size will be allowed for convenience and storage on UFO Digest. TJ (Below 20,165 words)
We are all to remember our beginning not of this planet but of the home world. Some of us were well defined and seeded here from Mars before it was hit by an asteroid and was knocked off course. 
This planet took its place in the solar system that we call home with a sun and moon. The first ancient cities were of a continent that was once all one and was split where a great lake became an ocean now called the Atlantic Ocean. Lemuria and Mu are sometimes distinct and sometimes-interchangeable names for a legendary lost continent, which, according to its proponents, existed in the Caribbean Ocean and had many of the attributes associated with Atlantis. 
 The mysterious lost lands of Lemuria and Mu were conceived of during the nineteenth century, when the theory of evolution was introduced and was among the advances in the sciences that challenged conventional ways of understanding life. Archaeological discoveries among the ruins of the Egyptians, Mayans, and other societies were forcing new interpretations of history, and radical forms of mysticism, such as Theosophy, were becoming popular. References to the lost continent of Mu can be traced back to 1864 and a French archaeologist named Charles-Etienne Brasseur de Bourbourg. He had become fascinated by hieroglyphics found on Mayan ruins that dated back several centuries. By the time, Spanish explorers had reached the New World areas of Mexico and Central America in the 1500s, the great centers of Mayan civilization had long been abandoned and was being reclaimed by the rainforest. Brasseur traveled to Spain to look at artifacts of Mayan civilization. In a library in Madrid, he discovered a purported guide to Mayan hieroglyphics. 
Using the guide to decipher a rare Mayan manuscript, he learned about an ancient land that had sunk into the ocean after a volcanic eruption. Figures corresponding to letters “M” and “U” were connected with the lost land and Brasseur determined that the lost continent was named Mu. Using that same guide, however, later scholars were unable to decipher such a story, or to even make sustained and meaningful text from the hieroglyphics. It was not until the mid-twentieth century that a thorough guide to interpreting Mayan hieroglyphics was established. Nevertheless, Brasseur’s version of a lost continent won some favorable attention. An archaeologist named Augustus Plongeon 
(1825–1908) used a similar key to decipher hieroglyphics at one of the first excavations of Mayan sites. He allegedly uncovered a story about two brothers who vied for a queen named Moo (which he connected with Mu). One of the brothers was killed, and the other took power just before a catastrophe struck Mu. 
Queen Moo fled before the catastrophe. Speculations quickly added that she had reached Egypt, became revered as the goddess Isis, founded Egyptian civilization, and directed the building of the Sphinx. In the mid-nineteenth century, Charles Darwin’s (1809–1882) theory of evolution, Origin of the Species, was published. Although the theory became widely accepted among scientists, it was also extremely controversial. One point of contention concerned an animal and layers of sediment found in South Africa, the island of Madagascar, and India—all of which are in the same region but separated by expanses of water. The lemur, a predecessor of monkeys, had the same traits in each locale. According to Darwin’s theory, the animal should have developed some unique traits respective to the different environments. Similarities in sediments in each of the areas also raised questions. Scientists began to speculate that a land bridge once existed in the Indian Ocean that connected the three areas. English zoologist Phillip L. Schlater proposed the name Lemuria after the lemur for this former land now sunk in the Indian Ocean. Noted scientists, including German naturalist Heinrich Haeckel (1834–1919) and Alfred Russell Wallace (1823–1913), who had developed a theory of evolution similar to Darwin’s, supported the land bridge idea. Seas and continents were thought to be immobile in those days before the theory of continental drift, and no fossils of early humans had yet been found. Haeckel used Lemuria, which had sunk into the sea, to explain the absence of early human fossils. Lemuria became a respected term among educated people in Europe and America. Thus, the lost continent of Lemuria began with science, but its renowned spread and has been sustained through mysticism. Science has since discounted the land bridge and lost continent theories, and evidence of early humans was found during the twentieth century in Africa. JAmes Churchward (1832–1936) was among the first mystics to promote Lemuria as the lost continent of an advanced human race. Beginning in the 1870s, Churchward said Lemuria was a paradise of 64 million people, and that it was destroyed around 10,000 B.C.E. According to Churchward, Lemurians developed homes with transparent roofs, lived to be hundreds of years old, and were capable of telepathy, astral travel, and teleportation. Lemuria, according to Churchward, was about 5,000 miles long and 3,000 miles wide and stretched to the Pacific Ocean, where islands of the present day are former mountain peaks of the lost continent. 
In the 1880s, Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (1831–1891) formed the Theosophical Society with psychic investigator Henry Steel Olcott. 
In her book The Secret Doctrine (1888), she claimed to have learned of Lemuria in The Book of Dzyan, which she said was composed in Atlantis and shown to her by survivors of that lost continent. Her source may have been Sanskrit legends that tell of the former continent of Rutas that sank beneath the sea. Lemurians, according to Blavatsky, were the third of seven root races of humankind. They were hermaphrodites with psychic abilities and a third eye. Atlanteans, she stated, were the fourth root race. They evolved from Lemurians after much of Lemuria sank, and they lived on the edge of the continent in the northern Atlantic. Atlantis sank around 8,000 B.C.E., according to Blavatsky, and its inhabitants fled to central Asia.  
Rudolf Steiner (1861–1925), who founded Anthroposophy, was another proponent of Lemuria. Other mystics have envisioned the Elders of Lemuria, known as the Thirteenth School, who moved to an uninhabited plateau of Central Asia now called Tibet before the catastrophe that wiped out their land. They established a library and a school of spiritual adepts known as the Great White Brotherhood. Certain landmasses on the planet are supposedly the last remains of Lemuria, from Pacific islands (Fiji, Hawaii, and Easter Island) to the west coast of the United States. According to some Lemurian enthusiasts, in 1972 the ruins of a submerged Lemurian city was found between Maui and Oahu in the Hawaiian island chain and was covered up in a top-secret project by U.S. Naval Intelligence. One of the greatest discoveries in the history of archaeology was made last summer, off Japan There, spread over an amazing 311 miles on the ocean floor, are the well-preserved remains of an ancient city. Or at the very least, a number of closely related sites. In the waters around Okinawa and beyond to the small island of Yonaguni, divers located eight separate locations beginning in March 1995. That first sighting was equivocal – a provocative, squared structure, so encrusted with coral that its manmade identity was uncertain. 
Then, as recently as the summer of 1996, a sports diver accidentally discovered a huge, angular platform about 40 feet below the surface, off the southwestern shore of Okinawa. 
The feature’s artificial provenance was beyond question. Widening their search, teams of more divers found another, different monument nearby. Then another, and another. They beheld long streets, grand boulevards, majestic staircases, magnificent archways, and enormous blocks of perfectly cut and fitted stone – all harmoniously welded together in a linear architecture unlike anything they had ever seen before. In the following weeks and months, Japan’s archaeological community joined the feeding-frenzy of discovery. 
Trained professionals formed a healthy alliance with the enthusiasts who first made the find. In a progressive spirit of mutual respect and working alliance, academics and amateurs joined forces to set an example of   cooperation for the rest of the world. Their common cause soon bore rich fruit. In September, not far from the shore of the island of Yonaguni, more then 300 airline miles south from Okinawa, they found a gigantic, pyramidal structure in 100 feet of water.
 In what appeared to be a ceremonial center of broad promenades and flanking pylons, the gargantuan building measures 240 feet long. Exceptionally clear sub-surface clarity, with 100-foot visibility a common factor, allowed for thorough photographic documentation, both still photography and video. 
These images provided the basis of Japan is leading headlines for more than a year. Yet, not a word about the Okinawa discovery reached the US public, until the magazine, “Ancient American” broke the news last spring. Since that scoop, only the CNN network televised a report about Japan’s underwater city. Nothing about it has been mentioned in any of the nation’s other archaeology publications, not even in any of our daily newspapers.
 One would imagine that such an overwhelming find would be the most exciting piece of news an archaeologist could possibly hope to learn.  Even so, outside of the “Ancient American” and CNN’s single report, the pall of silence covering all the facts about Okinawa’s structures screens them from view more effectively then their location at the bottom of the sea. Why? 
How can this appalling neglect persist in the face of a discovery of such unparalleled magnitude? At the risk of accusations of paranoia, one might conclude that a real conspiracy of managed information dominates America’s wellsprings of public knowledge. Frank Joseph – “Ancient American“. Divers Find World’s Oldest Building by Trushar Barot.
A structure may soon literally be given the name the first or A-Structure thought to be the world’s oldest building, nearly twice the age of the great pyramids of Egypt, has been discovered. The rectangular stone ziggurat under the sea off the coast of Japan could be the first evidence of a previously unknown Stone Age civilization, say archeologists. The monument is 600ft wide and 90ft high and has been dated to at least 8000BC. The oldest pyramid in Egypt, the Step Pyramid at Saqqara, was constructed more than 5,000 years later. 
The structure off Yonaguni, a small island southwest of Okinawa, was first discovered 75ft underwater by scuba divers 10 years ago and locals believed it was a natural phenomenon. Professor Masaki Kimura, a geologist at Ryukyu University in Okinawa, was the first scientist to investigate the site and has concluded that the mysterious five-layer structure was man-made. 
“The object has not been manufactured by nature. If that had been the case, one would expect debris from erosion to have collected around the site, but there are no rock fragments there,” he said. The discovery of what appears to be a road surrounding the building was further evidence that the structure was made by humans, he added. Robert Schoch, professor of geology at Boston University, dived at the site last month. “It basically looks like a series of huge steps, each about a meter high.
 Essentially, it’s a cliff face like the side of a stepped pyramid. It’s a very interesting structure,” he said. “It’s possible that natural water erosion combined with the process of cracked rocks splitting created such a structure, but I haven’t come across such processes creating a structure as sharp as this.” Further evidence that the structure is the work of humans came with the discovery of smaller underwater stone mounds nearby. Like the main building, these mini-ziggurats are made of stepped slabs and are about 10m wide and 2m high.
.Kimura said it was too early to know who built the monument or its purpose. “The structure could be an ancient religious shrine, possibly celebrating an ancient deity resembling the god Nirai-Kanai, whom locals say gave happiness to the people of Okinawa from beyond the sea. This could be evidence of a new culture as there are no records of a people intelligent enough to have built such a monument 10,000 years ago,” he said.
“This could only have been done by a people with a high degree of technology, probably coming from the Asian continent, where the oldest civilisations originate. There would have to have been some sort of machinery involved to have created such a huge structure.” Teruaki Ishii, professor of geology at Tokyo University, said the structure dated back to at least 8000BC when the land on which it was constructed was submerged at the end of the last ice age. “I hope this site is artificial as it would be very exciting. But at this time I feel it is too early to say. I think the structure could be natural, but part of it may have been made,” he said.
The first signs of civilization in Japan are traced to the Neolithic period around 9000BC. The people at this time lived as hunters and food- gatherers. There is nothing in the archeological record to suggest the presence of a culture advanced enough to have built a structure like the ziggurat. British archeologists are, however, cautiously enthusiastic about the discovery which will be featured this summer in a Channel 4 documentary. Jim Mower, an archeologist at University College London, said: “If it is confirmed that the site is as old as 10,000 years and is man-made, then this is going to change an awful lot of the previous thinking on southeast Asian history. It would put the people who made the monument on a par with the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley.” 
 Magnitude 7.7 quake hits Okinawa, causes minor tsunamisYonaguni Island nearest to underwater pyramids at: 123 E 24.30 N Quake: 125 E 22.40NKyodo News Service.
TOKYO, May 4 (Kyodo) – An earthquake of an estimated magnitude 7.7 on the open-ended Richter scale jolted Okinawa Prefecture, southwestern Japan, on Monday morning, causing some tsunamis along the coasts of the island prefecture, the Meteorological Agency said
.A number of tourists were visiting the subtropical islands for the Golden Week holidays, but police and coast guard have not received reports of casualties or damage from the temblor or tidal waves.
The agency lifted a tsunami or tidal wave warning at 11:15 a.m., two and a half hours after it was issued along the coasts of the islands affected by the quake, as well as along the coasts of Osaka and Wakayama prefectures in western Japan and those of Kyushu and Shikoku — two of Japan’s four main islands.
The quake occurred around 8:30 a.m. and registered 3 on the Japanese intensity scale of 7 on Iriomotejima, Ishigakijima, Taramajima, Yonagunijima and Miyakojima islands, according to the agency.Its focus was in the Pacific, about 20 kilometers below the seabed about 260 km southeast of Ishigakijima, the agency said.”I initially thought it was a fire” because the alarm system was activated after the quake jolted the region, said Takaharu Shimoji, a hotel employee in Miyakojima Island said.Kenyu Kawamitsu, a local fishery cooperative employee, said the quake lasted about two minutes.After 9 a.m., a tidal wave less than 10 centimeters high reached Ishigakijima and tsunamis of several cm arrived in Yonagunijima and Miyakojima and the Okinawa prefectural capital of Naha, the agency said.One plate in the earth’s crust has been subducting another at this location, causing major quakes, said Megumi Mizoue, professor emeritus of seismology at the University of Tokyo.Separately, a series of moderate quakes hit the Izu Peninsula, southwest of Tokyo, in the morning.Ten quakes that could be felt, measuring an estimated 2.7 to 4.0 on the Richter scale, occurred between 6:39 a.m. and 8:16 a.m. Their focuses were some 10 km or less below the seabed off the east coast of the peninsula, the agency said.The largest of the quakes took place around 6:44 a.m., measuring 3 on the Japanese scale in Ito, Shizuoka Prefecture, the agency said.Many more temblors that could not be felt occurred on the peninsula — more than 120 between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. and 13 between 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. The peninsula, dotted with hot spring resorts, has been hit by a new series of earthquakes since April 20. It experienced a number of fairly strong quakes in March last year.AP-NY-05-04-98 0044EDTA Short History of Lemuria   After all, isn’t Mu just a shortened form of Lemuria?    For more information read:Mysterious Places by Daniel Dodd, Mead & Company, New YorkLost Continents by L. Sprague de Camp, Random House, New YorkThe Secret Doctrine by Elena Petrovna Blavatsky, Theosophical Pub. House, 1888 – 1938, 6 vols.Le-mur-i-a   n. [ Mod. L. so called from Haeckel’s idea that it was the original home of lemuroid primates ], a hypothetical continent thought by some to have existed long ago, now supposedly covered by the Indian Ocean.From Webster’s New World Dictionary,The World Publishing Company, Cleveland and New York.
 Man’s earliest surviving written records date from around 3500 B.C.By scientifically testing objects found on the site of ruins, historians have found that the oldest city on earth is probably Jericho, which is near the Dead Sea in present-day Israel.As many as 3,000 people may have lived there around the year 7800 B.C., thousands of years before man even learned how to write!
But another, smaller village in Mesopotamia may be even older than Jericho. The city, called Zawi Chemi Shanidar, was probably founded around the year 9000 B.C.!
The 10 Oldest Cities on Earth posted in World 
 posted by Dave Emery on September 07, 2008 . 161 Comments82There’s something fascinating about ancient cities that makes you want to explore everything they have to offer. 
If you, too, love to explore ancient civilizations or what remains of them, we have put together a list of the 10 oldest cities in the world that are still standing, reminiscent of how people lived millenniums ago.
10. Lisbon, Portugal (2000 B.C.?) 
Set on seven low hills, on the north banks of the River Tagus, Lisbon’s charm is strongly linked to the past. Lisbon was first inhabited by Iberian people, responsible for building the megaliths. After centuries of growing, Lisbon is now one of the liveliest cities in Europe. The renovated palaces, magnificent churches and Art Nouveau buildings are just a few of the things that make up the city’s cultural heritage.
 There’s an impressive collection of ancient and modern art in many of the city’s museums such as the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum, the National Coach Museum, and the Carmo Archaeological Museum. When you’ve seen all the cultural attractions, be sure to head down to Bairro Alto, the center of nightlife, packed with restaurants, bars and clubs. There are also plenty of shopping opportunities either for local merchandise at the Campo de Santa Clara or famous brands in the Centro Commercial Colombo.
9. Luxor, Egypt (before 2160 B.C.) 
Luxor, previously known as the ancient city of Thebes, the glorious city of the God Amon Ra, has been a hot tourist destination since tourism began. The area started attracting tourists ever since the Greek and Roman periods. Luxor is one of the most popular cities in Egypt, its stars being the monuments of Luxor, Karnak, Hatshepsut and Ramses III. There’s no wonder the city is often referred to as the world’s greatest open air museum, having a great number of well-preserved monuments. The city in itself actually consists of three distinct areas: the City of Luxor on the East side of the Nile, the town of Karnak and Thebes on the west side of the Nile, across from Luxor. You can bargain your way for anything in the city’s bazaar or enjoy the vegetarian paradise Luxor’s restaurants offer its tourists.
8. Asyut, Egypt (before 2160 B.C.)
 Located 375km south of Cairo, Asyut is the largest town in Upper Egypt and the first settled in Pharaonic times. Today, Asyut is the region’s most important agricultural center and home of the third largest university in Egypt. The city has almost 400,000 inhabitants, having the highest concentration of Coptic Christians. It is said that Virgin Mary appeared in Asyut, an apparition even attested by the church. Apart from the religious value, Banana Island is a great place to relax, while the 19th century barrage on the North Edge of the city is a popular destination among tourists.
7. Xi’an, China (2205 B.C.?) 
With a history of over 3,000 years, the city is one of the most important in Chinese history, being one of the Four Great Ancient Capitals of China. Xi’an, the eternal city, enjoys fame equal to that of other famous cities such as Athens, Cairo, or Rome. The abundance of relics and sites of important cultural significance gained the city the title of a Natural History Museum. Furthermore, the Museum of Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses is often referred to as “the eighth major miracle of the world”. The City Wall of the Ming Dynasty is the most well-preserved towns in the world of that period while the Famen Temple holds the finger bones of Sakyamuni — the founder of Buddhism. All in all, Xi’an is one of the most valuable places to get a taste of ancient China and their traditions
.6. Giza, Egypt (before 2568 B.C.)
 “From atop these pyramids, forty centuries look down upon you.” — Napoleon Bonaparte to his soldiers before the Battle of Giza, 1798. Contrary to popular belief, Giza is a city in itself, but which got absorbed by the rapidly developing metropolis of Cairo. It holds one of the most important attractions in Egypt – the Pyramids of Giza, coupled with the Sphinx at the base of the Giza plateau. Giza’s desert plateau will be part of the Grand Museum of Egypt, a project to be completed in 2012 that will replace the Egyptian Museum in Midan Tahrir.
5. Konya, Turkey (2600 B.C.?)
 Located 250 km from the Mediterranean Sea and 500 km from the Black Sea, at an altitude of over 1000 meters in the Anatolian steppe, Konya is one of Turkey’s most fascinating cities, full of mosques and museums. One of the most popular museums is the Green Mausoleum of Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi, a great Turkish poet. Konya has a vast array of historical finds, kept in several museums, such as the Archaeological Museum, the Koyunoglu Museum or the Ethnographical Museum.
4. Zurich, Switzerland (3000 B.C.?)
 Switzerland’s biggest city and one of the oldest cities in Europe, Zurich was established in Roman times under the name Turicum. Traces of these times can be found throughout the Old Town – narrow streets filed with antique shops, boutiques and cafes. Shopping is concentrated around the famous Bahnhofstrasse, one of the most beautiful shopping streets in Europe. Besides shopping, you can explore the city’s culture by visiting Grossmünster or Fraumünster – two old churches with amazing interiors, the Swiss National Museum or Kunsthaus, another popular museum. Head down to Aussersihl – a newly developed area filled with bars, clubs, restaurants where you can get a taste of the real Swiss life. After seeing the city, you’ll surely find out why it was named the city with the best quality of life in the world.
3. Kirkuk, Iraq (3000 B.C.?) 
With archaeological remains that are over 5,000 years old, Kirkuk is an important city for the Kurdish identity and also the center of the Iraqi petroleum industry. While it may not be the most inviting tourist destination, Kirkuk stands on the site of the ancient Assyrian, once being the battlegrounds for three empires, Assyria, Babylonia, and Media that took turns controlling the city. Sights include the citadel, the tomb of Prophet Daniel, and Al Qaysareyah Market. If you want to go back in time and see the remains of the ancient city, visit archaeological sites of Qal’at Jarmo and Yorgan Tepe, located at the outskirts of the city.
2. Jerusalem, Israel (3000 B.C.?)
A holy city for three different religions – Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, Jerusalem is the place where ancient values combine with modern culture to bring a fascinating metropolis. Jerusalem is divided into three parts – West Jerusalem, the rapidly developing commercial part of the city, East Jerusalem – home for the majority of the Arab population, and the Old City – a truly breathtaking location, declared by UNESCO a World Heritage Site. Once you get tired of sightseeing, you can check out the marketplace, a place teeming with tourist shops.
1. Gaziantep, Turkey (3650 B.C.?)
 The capital city of Gaziantep Province informally known as Antep is the oldest city that’s still standing, with a history dating back to the Hittites period. It was continually inhabited ever since the Paleolithic age, experiencing serious growth along with the Ottoman Empire. Today, Gaziantep is a friendly, upbeat city with numerous mosques, medresse, inns and baths from centuries ago. The stone houses and vibrant bazaars are bordered by beautiful gardens and vineyards, combining in a spectacular sight anywhere you turn. With several museums and holy places, you’ll surely need more than one day to experience everything Gaziantep has to offer.
It’s an old story, and an older quest. More than 2,000 books have been written about the lost island civilization described by Plato.
 Scientists and cranks, mystics and opportunists and many others in between have been seeking and speculating about Atlantis. 
The island has been located in places as far apart and improbable as the Antarctic and the South China Sea, Scandinavia and the Azores. 
The floor of the ocean in the rough area where Plato apparently located it, in the Atlantic west of the Straits of Gibraltar, known to the ancient world as the Pillars of Hercules, has been well scoured, without success. 
What’s different about the latest attempt is that the man behind it, a 39-year-old Iranian-American called Robert Sarmast, displays no doubts: he is convinced that he has discovered Atlantis. 
This month on his website,, he published three dimensional images which he claims prove the existence of the acropolis of Atlantis, seven kilometres off the Cyprus coast and 1,000 metres below the surface.
 He has persuaded a mainstream American documentary maker, TMC Entertainment, based in Los Angeles, to climb on board, and sink tens of thousands of dollars into making a two-hour live special on Sarmast’s final expedition and the “filming of the structures” next year. “This TV special,” says the company, “will enable viewers worldwide to participate in the thrill of discovery as they watch, live on their own TV screens, as manned submarines film underwater ROV submersibles blasting sediment off the buried structures — revealing the full detail of what has lain hidden for probably more than 12,000 years.”
 TMC producer Drew S Levin said: “We are thrilled to be associated with what may in fact be the greatest archaeological discovery of modern times. All the indications are that Robert and his team of highly credentialed researchers have indeed found the acropolis of the lost Atlantis ….”
 Sarmast has described what he is going to reveal to the world so vividly it is as if we are already standing and blinking before it. He believes that Cyprus was merely the highest mountain range at the north-western tip of Atlantis. The ancient land itself spread eastwards towards what is now Syria. He says: “Right below Larnaca was a fresh-water lake; from Ayia Napa” — today a resort in the far south-east of Cyprus famous for its raves — “begins the western edge of the Atlantis plain, which goes all the way to the coast of Syria. 
The acropolis of the lost city is exactly seven miles off Cyprus.”
 And the buildings that still stand on it, Sarmast assures us, will be the oldest buildings the eye of modern man has ever fallen on, and will make “the pyramids of ancient Egypt look like modern buildings” in contrast.
 Unlike the Parthenon in Athens, which succumbed slowly to dust, pollution and the attrition of centuries, Atlantis was drowned in a stroke by a mighty, god-sent tidal wave with the extraordinary result, Mr Sarmast is sure, (and he has his bathymetric maps to back him up) that Atlantis is still there. If Plato is to be believed, the buildings of Atlantis were dazzling in their splendour: the innermost temple (where the god Poseidon, incidentally, fathered Atlas on the mortal female Cleito) was vast, its walls covered with silver, the interior clad with ivory, decorated with gold, silver and orichalcum. 
It was filled with golden statues, the most magnificent being of Poseidon in a chariot drawn by winged horses, surrounded by 100 Nereids riding on dolphins. Sarmast claims all these marvels are still in place. 
“The city of Atlantis is submerged under thousands of feet of water,” says Sarmast, “a situation that has fortunately insured the preservation of the colossal ruins. The ultimate aim is to locate and film its many stone temples, palaces, roads, bridges and artifacts. The whole world is going to shift to this island,” he predicts.
 “It will be the greatest archaeological discovery in history. It will change religion, it will change politics and science. The ramifications are almost endless. Cyprus will be the talk of the world for the next 500 years.”
 Why should Sarmast, 39 years old and with no qualifications in archaeology or ancient history, persuade a major television company that he is right when so many other seekers have been wrong? He’s got several things on his side. He is staking his claim in the age of the internet, a medium which incubates New Age fantasies the way mould grows on a compost heap. He is at work in an age with a vast appetite for vivid, speculative documentaries, an age also when scientists are so desperate for a crust that they think nothing of lending their names to a cause as laughable as Intelligent Design (though to be fair, the involvement in Sarmast’s project to date of specialists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has been limited to providing 2,500 pages of seafloor maps). 
But the main thing that marks him out is certainty. He does not have a theory; he has made “an unprecedented series of findings”. He is not hopeful of success: he is already triumphant. Of the latest ocean floor images “published today to the world Press and scientific community on the official Cyprus Atlantis Expedition website”,his spokesperson declared earlier this month, “triumphant expedition leader American Robert Sarmast is confident [the images], which include a three-kilometre straight wall intersected at right angles by another wall, will finally silence any remaining scepticism about his long-standing claims that modern Cyprus is what remains of a much larger and now partly sunken landmass — a landmass which fits Plato’s description of the ancient land of Atlantis perfectly.” 
“Robert Sarmast gave up a promising career in architecture to pursue his lifelong passion for ancient history, world mythology and the search for lost civilizations,” according to his website. The first fruits of that passion, his “breakout book”, was Discovery of Atlantis: the Startling Case for the Island of Cyprus, published in 2003. Last year he arrived on the island and launched his first expedition, and he has been coming back regularly since. 
Inevitably there are people who would deny him glory, who point out, in contrast to the island described by Plato, Cyprus is neither beyond the Pillars of Hercules, nor in an ocean, nor bigger than Libya and Asia combined. And there are others with even keener objections.
 Last October a French geologist called Dr Michel Morisseau, who lives in Cyprus, challenged Mr Sarmast to a public debate. “I was shocked by the news [of his claim to have identified the acropolis],” he said. “Because it has nothing to do with the geological facts … How can you prove that a mythical city, supposedly built above sea level, is now sitting 1,800 meters below sea level without any damage? What was the process of the subsidence? 
If there was a rapid subsidence it should be upside down and you would not be able to recognise anything. You would not be able to recognise a wall … Everything would have been destroyed.” few days later a German physical geographer and marine geologist, Ulf Erlingsson, logged his own criticisms from his home in Florida. Sarmast’s Atlantis, he pointed out, “is not positioned outside the Pillars of Hercules, nor in an ocean.” Sarmast has not stumbled on the walls of the temples on Atlantis’s acropolis, he said, but an underwater volcano.
 By chance Dr Erlingsson and two other scientists surveyed the area in 2003. “The real killer of the hypothesis,” he went on, “is that 100,000-year-old mud volcanoes exist on the spot. 
How then could it have been dry land only 12,000 years ago?” Mr Sarmast has yet to rebut these objections in detail. But maybe it doesn’t matter. He has yet to break his stride. People love a good yarn, particularly with the lure of solid gold, dolphin-riding Nereids gleaming at the far end. And even if there is no gold off the Cyprus coast, there seems to be plenty of money in the venture — earlier this year the Cyprus Tourist Organisation announced it was renewing its funding, to thwart a feared counter-bid from the Turkish Cypriot authorities.
 There is no good reason to believe that Atlantis really existed, any more than Plato’s famous cave existed: like the cave, it was probably just the philosopher’s vivid way of getting across a moral message. The first person to pour scorn on the Atlantis story was Aristotle. “The man who dreamed it up,” he said, speaking of Plato, “made it vanish”. Yet no matter how many wise people say it’s all tosh, many will watch Sarmast’s progress agog, eager to believe there is something real down there, not just a muddy old volcano. 
The capital of Atlantis as described by Plato. 
 The idea of a lost, but highly advanced civilization has captured the interest of people for centuries. Perhaps the most compelling of these tales is the story of Atlantis. The story appears again and again in books, television shows and movies. Where did the story originate and is any of it true?
Plato’s AtlantisThe story of the lost continent of Atlantis starts in 355 B.C. with the Greek philosopher Plato. Plato had planned to write a trilogy of books discussing the nature of man, the creation of the world, and the story of Atlantis, as well as other subjects. Only the first book was ever completed. The second book was abandoned part way through, and the final book was never even started. 
The idea of a lost, but highly advanced civilization has captured the interest of people for centuries. Perhaps the most compelling of these tales is the story of Atlantis. The story appears again and again in books, television shows and movies. Where did the story originate and is any of it true?
Plato’s Atlantis
The story of the lost continent of Atlantis starts in 355 B.C. with the Greek philosopher Plato. Plato had planned to write a trilogy of books discussing the nature of man, the creation of the world, and the story of Atlantis, as well as other subjects. Only the first book was ever completed. The second book was abandoned part way through, and the final book was never even started. Plato used dialogues to express his ideas. In this type of writing, the author’s thoughts are explored in a series of arguments and debates between various characters in the story. Plato often used real people in his dialogues, such as his teacher, Socrates, but the words he gave them were his own. In Plato’s book, Timaeus, a character named Kritias tells an account of Atlantis that has been in his family for generations. According to the character, the story was originally told to his ancestor, Solon, by a priest during Solon’s visit to Egypt.
There had been a powerful empire located to the west of the “Pillars of Hercules” (what we now call the Straight of Gibraltar) on an island in the Atlantic Ocean. The nation there had been established by Poseidon, the God of the Sea. Poseidon fathered five sets of twins on the island. The firstborn, Atlas, had the continent and the surrounding ocean named for him. Poseidon divided the land into ten sections, each to be ruled by a son, or his heirs. 
The capital city of Atlantis was a marvel of architecture and engineering. The city was composed of a series of concentric walls and canals. At the very center was a hill, and on top of the hill a temple to Poseidon. 
Inside was a gold statue of the God of the Sea showing him driving six winged horses. 
About 9000 years before the time of Plato, after the people of Atlantis became corrupt and greedy, the gods decided to destroy them. A violent earthquake shook the land, giant waves rolled over the shores, and the island sank into the sea, never to be seen again. So, is the story of Atlantis just a fable used by Plato to make a point? Or is there some reason to think he was referring to a real place?
At numerous points in the dialogues, Plato’s characters refer to the story of Atlantis as “genuine history” and it being within “the realm of fact.” Plato also seems to put into the story a lot of detail about Atlantis that would be unnecessary if he had intended to use it only as a literary device.
 On the other hand according to the writings of the historian Strabo, Plato’s student Aristotle remarked that Atlantis was simply created by Plato to illustrate a point. Unfortunately, Aristotle’s writings on this subject, which might have cleared the mystery up, have been lost eons ago. Location, Location, Location.
If we make the assumption that Atlantis was a real place, it seems logical that it could be found west of the Straight of Gibraltar near the Azores Islands. In 1882 a man named Ignatius Donnelly published a book titled Atlantis, the Antediluvian World. Donnelly, an American politician, had come to the belief that Plato’s story represented actual historical fact. He located Atlantis in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, suggesting the Azores Islands represented what remained of the highest mountain peaks. Donnelly said he had studied zoology and geology and had come to the conclusion that civilization itself had begun with the Atlantians and had spread out throughout the world as the Atlantians established colonies in places like ancient Egypt and Peru. Donnelly’s book became a world-wide best seller, but researchers could not take Donnelly’s theories seriously as he offered no proof for his ideas.
As time when on it became obvious that Donnelly’s theories were faulty. Modern scientific surveys of the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean shows it is covered with a blanket of sediment that must have taken millions of years to accumulate. There is no sign of a sunken island continent.Are there any other candidates for the location of Atlantis? People have made cases for places as diverse as Switzerland, in the middle of Europe, and New Zealand, in the Pacific Ocean. 
The explorer, Percy Fawcett, thought that it might be located in Brazil. One of the most convincing arguments, though, came from K.T. Frost, a professor of history at the Queen’s University in Belfast. Later, Spyridon Marinatos, an archaeologist, and A.G. Galanopoulos, a seismologist, added evidence to Frost’s ideas.The Minoan ConnectionFrost suggested that instead of being west of the Pillars of Hercules, Atlantis was east. 
He also thought that the catastrophic end of the island had come not 9000 years before Plato’s time, but only 900. If this was true, the land of Atlantis might already be a well-known place even in Plato’s time: the island of Crete. Crete is now a part of modern Greece and lies just south of Athens across part of the Mediterranean Sea. Before 1500 B.C. it was the seat of the Minoan Empire. 
The Minoans dominated the eastern Mediterranean with a powerful navy and probably extracted tribute from other surrounding nations. Archaeological excavations have shown that Minoan Crete was probably one of the most sophisticated cultures of its time. It had splendid architecture and art. A code of laws gave women equal legal status to men. Agriculture was highly developed and an extensive irrigation system existed.
Then, seemingly in a blink of an eye, the Minoan Civilization disappeared. Geological studies have shown that on an island we now know as Santorinas, located just ten miles to the north of Crete, a disaster occurred that was very capable of toppling the Minoan state.
Santorinas today is a lush Mediterranean paradise consisting of several islands in a ring shape. 
2500 YEARS
Twenty-five hundred years ago, though, it was a single large island with a volcano in the center. 
The volcano blew itself apart in a massive explosion around 1500 B.C.To understand the effect of such an explosion, scientists have compared it with the most powerful volcanic explosion in historic times. 
This occurred on the Island of Krakatoa in 1883. 
There a giant wave, or tsunami, 120 feet high raced across the sea and hit neighboring islands, killing 36,000 people. Ash thrown up into the air blackened the skies for three days. 
The sound of the explosion was heard as far away as 3,000 miles.The explosion at Santorinas was four times as powerful as Krakatoa.
The tsunami that hit Crete must have traveled inland for over half a mile, destroying any coastal towns or cities. The great Minoan fleet of ships were all sunk in a few seconds. Overnight the powerful Minoan Empire was crushed and Crete changed to a political backwater. One can hardly imagine a catastrophe more like Plato’s description of Atlantis’ fate than the destruction of Crete.
Many of the details of the Atlantis story fit with what is now known about Crete. Women had a relatively high political status, both cultures were peaceful, and both enjoyed the unusual sport of ritualistic bullfighting (where an unarmed man wrestled and jumped over a bull).
If the fall of the Minoans is the story of Atlantis, how did Plato get the location and time wrong? Galanopoulos suggested there was a mistake during translation of some of the figures from Egyptian to Greek and an extra zero added. 
This would mean 900 years ago became 9000, and the distance from Egypt to “Atlantis” went from 250 miles to 2,500. If this is true, Plato (knowing the layout of the Mediterranean Sea) would have been forced to assume the location of the island continent to be squarely in the Atlantic Ocean.
Not everyone accepts the Minoan Crete theory of the story of Atlantis, but until a convincing case can be made for some other place, it, perhaps, remains science’s best guess.
According to Plato the temple in the center of Atlantis was dominated by a statue of Poseidon driving six winged horses
The name Lemuria resulted from a Nineteenth Century controversy over Darwin’s Origin of the Species. 
 Defenders of Darwin had trouble explaining how certain species became distributed over large areas.  Zoologists had a particularly difficult time explaining the distribution of the lemurs.  
The lemur is a small primitive form of primate found in Africa, Madagascar, India, and the East Indian archipelago.  Some zoologists suggested a land mass in the Indian Ocean, between Madagascar and India, millions of years ago.  An English zoologist, Phillip L. Schlater, proposed the name Lemuria (LEMURia) for this former land of the LEMURS in the Indian Ocean.
Earnst Heinrich Haeckel (1834-1919)
A German naturalist and champion of Darwin, used Lemuria to explain the absence of fossil remains of early man: If man originated on a sunken continent in the Indian Ocean, all the fossils of the missing link are now under the sea.  To quote Haeckel: “Schlater has given this continent the name of Lemuria, from the semi-apes which were characteristic of it.
“Zoologists have now explained the distribution of lemurs without resorting to the use of a land bridge.  And anthropologists have discovered many bones of ancient man in Africa.  However in the nineteenth century, Haeckel’s theories were widely read and respected.  As a result, the name Lemuria was well known among educated people in Europe and America.
Madame Elena Petrovna Blavatsky (born Helena Hahn 1831-1891)
The founder of Theosophy, in her book The Secret Doctrine (1888), claimed to have learned of Lemuria in The Book of Dzyan, which she said was composed in Atlantis and shown to her by the Mahatmas.  However, in her writings she did give Philip Schlater the honor of inventing the name, Lemuria;
Mme Blasvatsky located her Lemuria in the Indian Ocean about 150 million years ago.  She may have obtained her ideas of a sunken land in the Indian Ocean from Sanskrit legends of the former continent of Rutas that sank beneath the sea.  But the name Rutas sounds too spiritless and uninspiring to have held such a prominent place in cosmic history.
She described the Lemurians as the third root race to inhabit the earth.   They were egg-laying beings with a third eye that gave them psychic powers and allowed them to function without a brain.  Originally bisexual, their downfall came about after they discovered sex.The English Theosophist W. Scott-Elliot, who said he received his knowledge from the Theosophical Masters by “astral clairvoyance”, writes in The Story of Atlantis & The Lost Lemuria (1896), that the sexual exploits of the Lemurians so revolted the spiritual beings, the Lhas, that they refused to follow the cosmic plan of becoming the first to incarnate into the bodies of the Lemurians. 
Lhas (Llhasa)
 Scott-Elliot located his Lemuria not only in the Indian Ocean: He described it as stretching from the east coast of Africa across the Indian AND the Pacific Oceans.In this century, writers have increasingly placed Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean.   Even psychics and modern prophets channel beings who were citizens of Lemuria. Today just about everyone who has heard of Lemuria assumes that the legends of Mu are identical with the English zoologist’s land of the The legend of Mu is found on islands all over the Pacific Ocean.  For thousands of years the Polynesians have handed down the story of a civilization in the Pacific that was motherland of mankind.
The name of Mu somehow sounds like an uninteresting contraction of a more exotic name.  In contrast, the word Lemuria invokes a picture of a land at the dawn of time, a land forgotten in our histories but not in our dreams.
The name Lemuria resulted from a Nineteenth Century controversy over Darwin’s Origin of the Species.  Defenders of Darwin had trouble explaining how certain species became distributed over large areas.  Zoologists had a particularly difficult time explaining the distribution of the lemurs.  The lemur is a small primitive form of primate found in Africa, Madagascar, India, and the East Indian archipelago.  Some zoologists suggested a land mass in the Indian Ocean, between Madagascar and India, millions of years ago.  An English zoologist, Phillip L. Schlater, proposed the name Lemuria (LEMURia) for this former land of the LEMURS in the Indian Ocean.
Earnst Heinrich Haeckel (1834-1919)
A German naturalist and champion of Darwin, used Lemuria to explain the absence of fossil remains of early man: If man originated on a sunken continent in the Indian Ocean, all the fossils of the missing link are now under the sea.  To quote Haeckel: “Schlater has given this continent the name of Lemuria, from the semi-apes which were characteristic of it.”Zoologists have now explained the distribution of lemurs without resorting to the use of a land bridge.  And anthropologists have discovered many bones of ancient man in Africa.  However in the nineteenth century, Haeckel’s theories were widely read and respected.  As a result, the name Lemuria was well known among educated people in Europe and America.
Madame Elena Petrovna Blavatsky (born Helena Hahn 1831-1891), the founder of Theosophy, in her book The Secret Doctrine (1888), claimed to have learned of Lemuria in The Book of Dzyan, which she said was composed in Atlantis and shown to her by the Mahatmas.  
However, in her writings she did give Philip Schlater the honor of inventing the name, Lemuria. Mme Blasvatsky located her Lemuria in the Indian Ocean about 150 million years ago.  She may have obtained her ideas of a sunken land in the Indian Ocean from Sanskrit legends of the former continent of Rutas that sank beneath the sea.  But the name Rutas sounds too spiritless and uninspiring to have held such a prominent place in cosmic history.
She described the Lemurians as the third root race to inhabit the earth.   They were egg-laying beings with a third eye that gave them psychic powers and allowed them to function without a brain.  Originally bisexual, their downfall came about after they discovered sex.
The English Theosophist W. Scott-Elliot, who said he received his knowledge from the Theosophical Masters by “astral clairvoyance”, writes in The Story of Atlantis & The Lost Lemuria (1896), that the sexual exploits of the Lemurians so revolted the spiritual beings, the Lhas, that they refused to follow the cosmic plan of becoming the first to incarnate into the bodies of the Lemurians.  Scott-Elliot located his Lemuria not only in the Indian Ocean: He described it as stretching from the east coast of Africa across the Indian AND the Pacific Oceans.In this century, writers have increasingly placed Lemuria in the Pacific Ocean.   Even psychics and modern prophets channel beings who were citizens of Lemuria. 
Today just about everyone who has heard of Lemuria assumes that the legends of Mu are identical with the English zoologist’s land of the lemurs  Japan’s Underwater Pyramid, Atlantis, LemuriaWe are in a time of rapid changing frequencies. It is enough to keep the most stable person off balance.Some people feel it more strongly than others.They may feel themselves walking between two realities at the same time.There is the feeling of not being here and missing time.When the magnetics that hold our reality together are shaken loose we do feel a sense of disconnection from the collective.With the grids merging and the energies changing so rapidly –
 I decided to merge with the collective flow of all things and search for underwater pyramids! After all – I have to prepare my ‘sea legs’ for a day on the Atlantic tomorrow! (Uh oh! I just realized something – what if I get sea sick – like I did on the QEII?! If the boat is not listing and bobbing – I’ll be fine! Dramamine anyone? Hey that word looks like ‘Drama’!
 Maybe remote viewing is my ‘traveling style of choice’ in the future . . .Back in the waters of the collective . . . I did a brief remote view and discovered lots of interesting pyramids in the physical. Much has been lost to ‘the flood’ and other earth catastrophies in the history of our little planet.
Did someone ask if I ever found a UFO down there? Many times. There are all sorts of interesting things under the water. Much of it is buried of sediment. UFO’s are part of our storyline – but not actively.
After a quick ‘journey’ I found myself back in the waters off Yonaguni, Japan where excavation began in 1985 for this pyramid . . .I remembered when I read the articles about it – as well as the updated information about the 1998 expedition. This group included Boris Siad – who I know through Chelsea.
This is how the synchronicities played out yesterday . . . I read about Boris and thought of Chelsea. She connected and called me. We mentioned Boris. She has been in touch with him as he and his film crew are looking to return to the GP and complete their flm project there. Chelsea was part of the scientific part of the team – along with Dr. Bruno – ( if you go back with me and Crystalinks to 1997.) 
Now the energies has ‘resurfaced’ to return to the GP as more rooms have been found underneath – chambers – tunnels – among other things – that have not been released to the public. It seems that our ‘Keys of Enoch’ author – JJ Hurtak has taken some footage and is showing it – but that is a secret! He often goes to the GP. 
How else would he have been able to write the ‘Keys’ if not to get to the Source of the information! 
When I told Chelsea that I have work to do in the GP (for most people it is primarily an initiation chamber as it shakes up your magnetics for you to let go of 3D – fears, etc. and move into higher knowledge – not for me as I have other work with magnetics rods and tones) – she was elated and gave me the name of a friend who can get me time in the Kings Chamber alone! (I already know Z has that covered!) 
So Chelsea and spoke for the first time in months – and it was like yesterday – as we have similar agendas. We have no speace/time between us. She hopes to get to the GP when I am there – but I don’t see here there this year.Back to the cool pyramid in Japan . . .  
This is an immense structure that some believe link to the ancient Lemurians who supposed lived in the Pacific region at least 150,000 years ago. I went on to redo my Atlantean files as many people believe that Atlantis was the next great civilization after Lemuria (Mu). 
Some people see interaction between the two cultures before Lemuria ended. There are also those who speak of the ancient Atlanteans connecting with the Egyptians and becoming the Egyptians. this is all true – same souls – moving from program to porgram – experience to experience.
 To me these are just stories / programs / which exist / existed side-by-side – multidimensionally. 
When people tell me they feel as if they are walking in Atlantis now – and 3d earth is gone for a few seconds – this is what is actually happening to them. The souls from those programs are our souls having different experiences. I you can tap into the grids that create those programs – you can see who you are there and what you are doing.It’s like watching yourself on TV. 
You are in 2 or more movies playing at the same time. You are watching one movie=frequency and bonding with what’s going on! From time to time you switch your channel – frequency – and check in on the other movie! It is cool when both characters in each movie check in on each other! I know . . this gets very confusing! Let’s try to reduce it to its simplest forms in future articles.
Now what happens when the two movies – channels – frequencies begin to overlap!? You can see both movies at the same time! Can that make you depressed? Certifiable? No doubt. What can you do? Detach and see them both as illusionary programs. Kick back and watch the shows! If you do it that way – it will become a comedy – a comedy of errors – rather than a drama!
What is cool about ancient Atlantis – and Lemuria – is that if you wanted to leave all of the ‘movies running’ – you could just leave and go back to Source with no fear. This darn 3D puts fear into so many people! Fear and depression are two emotions many people consider part of there lives. Chill out!
Let’s go back under the waters of Japan .file. Remember we are still searching sacred sites and ancient and lost civilizations.
These enigmatic, sunken stone structures off Okinawa, Japan, located 60 to 100 feet beneath the ocean surface, have the Japanese wondering if their homeland was once part of the lost continent of Lemuria. Stone terraces, right angled block and walls, and stone circles encompassing hexagonal columns look intriguingly, if not conclusively, man made.
A few more clues: an encircling road, what might be post holes supported long-gone wooden structures, what look like cut steps, and castles with similar archietecture located nearby and still on land.The two sites that are getting the most attention: near the city of Naha is Okinawa is what looks like a wall, with a coral encrusted right angled block. 
Another, just off the southern end of the tiny island of Yonaguni, the southernmost island of Japan, is an extensive site, with five irregular layers that look like ceremonial, terraced platforms. There are eight anomalous, underwater sites found to date.
Two of Japan’s leading researchers on the sites are Kihachiro Aratake, who first discovered the Yonaguni site, and Prof. Masaaki Kimura, a marine geologist with the University of the Ryukyus in Okinawa. Prof.Kimura has spent several years studying all eight sites, especially Yonaguni, which was found in 1985.
Kimura believes these are monuments made by man, left by an unknown civilization, perhaps from the Asian mainland, home of our oldest civilizations.He reasons that if the five layers on the Yonaguni site had been carved by nature, you would find debris from the erosion to have collected around the site, but no rock fragments have yet been found.He adds that there is what look like a road encircling the site as further indication it was used by man. He believes building this monument necessitated a high degree of technology, and some sort of machinary.
How to date these sites? A few possible scenarios have been suggested. The sites may have been submerged when sea levels rose at the end of the last Ice Age as the continental ice sheets melted.
Or, as Japan sits on the Ring of Fire, tectonic activity might have caused subsidence of the land. Or perhaps a combination of subsidence and inundation from rising sea levels, or some catastrophic event, dropped it, intact and upright, into the ocean.Teruaki Ishii, a professor of geology at Tokyo University, believes the site is partly man-made, partly natural, and suggests a date of 8,000 B.C., contemporary to the ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley.
Others have suggested a date of 12,000 years.The preliminary reports from the first Americans to dive the sites:
May 1998 – diving two of the eight known sites – are Mike Arbuthnot, an amateur underwater archeologist adventurer, and Boris Said, Executive Producer of the NBC documentary, 
“Mystery of the Sphinx.”Both are experienced divers. Arbuthnot explored a three-mast schooner wrecked off Grand Cayman Island, and Said has been diving for 40 years.
It was treacherous terrain even for experienced divers.”The Yonaguni site is fairly near the shore, so there was heavy surge (the up and down motion of waves) as well as swift currents, and sharks,” says Arbuthnot.”On the up side, the area has the third clearest water in the world, with visibility to 200 feet. And the corals were gorgeous.” “The two sites are very different, though both are at a comparable depth, 60 to 100 feet beneath the ocean’s surface.
The Yonaguni site might be ceremonial platforms, and the Okinawa site seems similar to a castle wall, a conjecture that is supported by nearby castles on the island with a similar architectural style,” says Arbuthnot.
Arbuthnot says that when he came up after the first dive, at Yonaguni, he found little to suggest that it was man made.It was only after diving the Okinawa site, and interviewing Prof. Kimura for two days, that he began to entertain the notion. The conversations with Prof. Kimura were all the more productive and in-depth, with the translating skills of Corina Tettinger, who speaks fluent Japanese.”
The case for the sites being artificial, or modified by man, requires supporting evidence,” he says, “We found very precise rectilinear stone features that seem to be indicative of either artificial tooling, or modifying the natural geology..”
A particularly intriguing find: holes in the rock platforms.
The terraces are massive, by human standards.
But we can imagine naturally terraced platforms easily utilized for ceremonial purposes with the addition of wooden structures built atop them. 
One of the greatest discoveries in the history of archaeology was made last summer, off Japan.
 There, spread over an amazing 311 miles on the ocean floor, are the well-preserved remains of an ancient city. Or at the very least, a number of closely related sites.In the waters around Okinawa and beyond to the small island of Yonaguni, divers located eight separate locations beginning in March 1995. That first sighting was equivocal – a provocative, squared structure, so encrusted with coral that its manmade identity was uncertain. 
Then, as recently as the summer of 1996, a sports diver accidentally discovered a huge, angular platform about 40 feet below the surface, off the southwestern shore of Okinawa. 
The feature’s artificial provenance was beyond question. Widening their search, teams of more divers found another, different monument nearby. Then another, and another. They beheld long streets, grand boulevards, majestic staircases, magnificent archways, enormous blocks of perfectly cut and fitted stone – all harmoniously welded together in a linear architecture unlike anything they had ever seen before.
In the following weeks and months, Japan’s archaeological community joined the feeding-frenzy of discovery. Trained professionals formed a healthy alliance with the enthusiasts who first made the find. In a progressive spirit of mutual respect an working alliance, academics and amateurs joined forces to set an example of   cooperation for the rest of the world. Their common cause soon bore rich fruit. In september, not far from the shore of the island of Yonaguni, more then 300 airline miles south from Okinawa, they found a gigantic, pyramidal structure in 100 feet of water. In what appeared to be a ceremonial center of broad promenades and flanking pylons, the gargantuan building measures 240 feet long.Exceptionally clear sub-surface clarity, with 100 foot visibility a common factor, allowed for thorough photographic documentation, both still photography and video. These images provided the basis of japan’s leading headlines for more than a year. Yet, not a word about the Okinawa discovery reached the US public, until the magazine, “Ancient American” broke the news last spring. Since that scoop, only the CNN network televised a report about Japan’s underwater city.Nothing about it has been mentioned in any of the nation’s other archaeology publications, not even in any of our daily newspapers. One would imagine that such a mind-boggling find would be the most exciting piece of news an archaeologist could possibly hope to learn. Even so, outside of the “Ancient American” and CNN’s single report, the pall of silence covering all the facts about Okinawa’s structures screens them from view more effectively then their location at the bottom of the sea. Why? How can this appalling neglect persist in the face of a discovery of such unparalleled magnitude? At the risk  of accusations of paranoia, one might conclude that a real conspiracy of managed information dominates America’s well-springs of public knowledge.- Frank Joseph -Ancient American Divers Find World’s Oldest Building
A STRUCTURE thought to be the world’s oldest building, nearly twice the age of the great pyramids of Egypt, has been discovered. The rectangular stone ziggurat under the sea off the coast of Japan could be the first evidence of a previously unknown Stone Age civilisation, say archeologists.
The monument is 600ft wide and 90ft high and has been dated to at least 8000BC. The oldest pyramid in Egypt, the Step Pyramid at Saqqara, was constructed more than 5,000 years later.The structure off Yonaguni, a small island southwest of Okinawa, was first discovered 75ft underwater by scuba divers 10 years ago and locals believed it was a natural phenomenon.Professor Masaki Kimura, a geologist at Ryukyu University in Okinawa, was the first scientist to investigate the site and has concluded that the mysterious five-layer structure was man-made. “The object has not been manufactured by nature. If that had been the case, one would expect debris from erosion to have collected around the site, but there are no rock fragments there,” he said.The discovery of what appears to be a road surrounding the building was further evidence that the structure was made by humans, he added.Robert Schoch, professor of geology at Boston University, dived at the site last month. “It basically looks like a series of huge steps, each about a metre high. Essentially, it’s a cliff face like the side of a stepped pyramid. It’s a very interesting structure,” he said. “It’s possible that natural water erosion combined with the process of cracked rocks splitting created such a structure, but I haven’t come across such processes creating a structure as sharp as this.”Further evidence that the structure is the work of humans came with the discovery of smaller underwater stone mounds nearby. Like the main building, these mini-ziggurats are made of stepped slabs and are about 10m wide and 2m high.Kimura said it was too early to know who built the monument or its purpose. “The structure could be an ancient religious shrine, possibly celebrating an ancient deity resembling the god Nirai-Kanai, whom locals say gave happiness to the people of Okinawa from beyond the sea. This could be evidence of a new culture as there are no records of a people intelligent enough to have built such a monument 10,000 years ago,” he said.”This could only have been done by a people with a high degree of technology, probably coming from the Asian continent, where the oldest civilisations originate. There would have to have been some sort of machinery involved to have created such a huge structure.”Teruaki Ishii, professor of geology at Tokyo University, said the structure dated back to at least 8000BC when the land on which it was constructed was submerged at the end of the last ice age. “I hope this site is artificial as it would be very exciting. But at this time I feel it is too early to say. I think the structure could be natural, but part of it may have been made,” he said.The first signs of civilization in Japan are traced to the Neolithic period around 9000BC. The people at this time lived as hunters and food- gatherers. There is nothing in the archeological record to suggest the presence of a culture advanced enough to have built a structure like the ziggurat.British archeologists are, however, cautiously enthusiastic about the discovery which will be featured this summer in a Channel 4 documentary.Jim Mower, an archeologist at University College London, said: “If it is confirmed that the site is as old as 10,000 years and is man-made, then this is going to change an awful lot of the previous thinking on southeast Asian history. It would put the people who made the monument on a par with the ancient civilization of Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley.” Tiahuanacu is in the Bolivian Andes lying 12,500 feet (over 2 miles) above sea-level. It is located some 15 miles from the shores of Lake Titicaca. Archeology in general dates the city at c. 200 A.D., but it was not always so.Its first investigator, Arthur Posnansky, a german engineer who dedicated fifty years to its study, dated its origins to 15,000 B.C. …THE PORT OF PUMA PUNKUStrangely, Tiahuanacu is a port, although the nearest body of water is Lake Titicaca, some 15 miles away. The theories about how this happens to be are several….On the rock cliffs near the piers and wharfs of the port area of the ruins are yellow-white calcareous deposits forming long, straight lines indicating pre-historic water levels. These ancient shorelines are strangely tilted, although once they must have been level.The surrounding area is covered with millions of fossilized sea-shells. It appears, from the tilting of the ancient shoreline striations and the abundant presence of fossilized oceanic flora and fauna, that a tremendous uplift of land has taken place sometime in the ancient past. Geologists estimate that this happened roughly around “100 million years ago”. More on the website = More on Tiahuanacu Tiahuanacu, an ancient city perched high in the Andes above La Paz, Bolivia  is  the remains of a civilization predating the Incas which may be over 17,000 years old. Although today the nearest body of water, Lake Titicaca, is some 15 miles away, numerous archaeological studies indicate Tiahunacu was once a large thriving seaport where literally hundreds of ships may have docked. Historians think the original city was built when the shore was only 600 feet away. Built before the Great Flood of the Old Testament, the city is one of the oldest on the planet — if not the oldest. The highland Andes have been known through myth and legend as one of the access points for vast subterranean cities, the domain of inner-earth beings who emerge from their lower worlds into the upper atmosphere from time to time. These ancient legends speak of vast networks of tunnels criss-crossing the entire length and breadth of the planet. Traditions of vaults, labyrinths and buried treasures are found in Crete, Egypt, Tibet, Mexico, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia.  Tiahuanacu is considered one of the gateways to these realms, along with the famous sacred site of Sacayhuaman in the Peruvian Andes. 
The Jesuit chronicler, Agnelio Oliva, recorded the words of an old Inca quipu reader to the effect that “the real Tiahuancu was a subterranean city, far exceeding the one above ground in vastness.” Evidence that Lake Titicaca was once a part of an ocean exists even today in the abundance of oceanic creatures still living in the salty lake, although it is over two miles above current sea level. The 10-ton Gateway to the Sun is monolithic, carved from a single block of Andesite granite. It is broken through the center, leading investigators to wonder what sort of tremendous forces could have achieved this feat. The upper portions of the gate are carved with beautiful and intricate designs, including a human figure, condors, toxodons, elephants and some symbols. Directly in the center is the so-called Sun God with rays shooting from its face in all directions.  The god is holding a stylized staff in each hand which may represent thunder and lightning. It is sometimes referred to as the “weeping god” because tears are carved on its cheeks. The figures flanking the centerpiece are unfinished, causing viewers to wonder what could have interrupted the craftsmen. Of the animals represented on the gate, two have been extinct for thousands of years. Jaguars and condors are still with us, but toxodons and elephants can no longer be found in the area. 
The ruins of Tiahuanacu
 The ruins of Tiahuanacu are indeed very ancient; much older than so called experts are willing to admit. The truth about the origins of man and civilization here on Earth has been supressed for at least two millenia now. Interestingly, this date conicides with the emergence of christianity.  The ancients still preserved data about the origins of Earth and the genetic material that formed homo sapiens (the human body). In a lecture given by L.Ron Hubbard in the early 1950s, he explains how the origins of the genetic materials that compose the human body lie deep in the center of our galaxy. It’s fascinating stuff! Nevertheless governments on this planet have no interest in dealing with truth as it has the power to change people’s awarness.  The current “official” history of the world has been concocted by those who are part of the system used to keep mankind ignorant. 17,000 years before present seems like a more accurate date for the origins of Tiahuanacu.  Churchward, James. The Cosmic Forces of Mu. New York: Paperback Library, 1968.——. The Lost Continent of Mu. New York: Paper-back Library, 1969.——. The Sacred Symbols of Mu. New York: Paper-back Library, 1968. The inhabitants of Shamballa are supposed to have developed an advanced science and technology, which they put to the service of spiritual ends. Tibetan medical texts believed to have come from the kingdom describe human anatomy and physiology, sophisticated theories and methods of diagnosis, and ways to prevent and cure serious diseases. The study of these sciences helps the inhabitants of Shamballa to master the highest science of all, the science of mind or meditation. Through its practise they develop a direct awareness and control of their minds and bodies; these abilities enable them to cure themselves of various ailments. As a side effect, they also acquire extraordinary powers, such as the ability to read others thoughts, foresee the future, and walk at very high speeds. If attacked by an aggressor, they simple either materialise exact copies of his weapons and turn them against him, or they make themselves invisible. 
(One name of each – Longer names used to separate us all from the Unity of One/
Lamas believe that Shamballa has existed since the beginning of the world but little is known about its early history.Shamballa came to the attention of a larger western audience through the beliefsof the Theosophists.
 During the second half of the nineteenth century, a Russian named Madame Blavatsky founded the Theosophical Society, a widespread mystical movement that provided the west with its first significant exposure to eastern religions, particularly Buddhism. 
She claimed to be receiving secret teachings through telepathic and written messages from spiritual masters living somewhere behind the Himalayas. A number of her followers believed that the highest of these masters, 
“The Lord of The World” resided in Shamballa, an invisible oasis hidden in the Gobi Desert. 
We must all first give up our identity and wonder into the abyss some mystics call the desert. This is to give up our own identity and to surrender to the ALL and the Unity of ONE.
According to their belief, Shamballa was the spiritual centre of the world and the original source of the secret doctrines of Theosophy.Some lamas have suggested another way in which Shamballa could exist from a modern, scientific point of view, as a civilisation on another planet. On the basis of chance alone, it seems certain that somewhere in the universe there must beintelligent life that has developed a science and technology more advanced than ours. If Shamballa were such a civilisation, it might even exist in the form described by the texts, and its inhabitants could actually possess the power and riches attributed to them. In that case, theshape of the kingdom, round like a globe, might represent the planet on which they live. On the other hand, Shamballa mightbe an outpost that these aliens have established on earth and concealed through their advanced science and technology. In the summer of 1908, according to various documented reports, a bright object flashed into the sky, veered abruptly to the west, and exploded over a sparsely populated areaof Siberia, north of the Altai mountains. Based on the discovery of high levels of radiation in tree rings, genetic changes in local plants, and the pattern of trees felled by the blast,some recent investigators have concluded that the object may have been a nuclear spacecraft carrying out a maneuver just before exploding over Northern Central Asia,the region where many Tibetans think Shamballa might be.Myth or legend?
There are many and varied ways to the hidden kingdom but whatever the belief of the lamas we all have experienced at times, moments of mystical insights, unquestionably provocative and in many cases enduring. Some people have becomeaware of a hidden, almost luminous depth in the most ordinary objects, such as flowers and stones. A fresh feeling of wonder, reminiscent of childhood, comes over them, and they sense what seems to be a deeper reality permeating their surrounding world. Some see visions of faraway places and mysterious landscapes shimmering with jewels, endless deserts beneath strange skies and awesome mountains floating above clouds of light. 
Rather than merely hallucinating, these people may, in fact, have dropped the mental conditioning that usually limits their vision and gazed for a timeless moment into the fourth dimension.
If this is so, it helps to explain why Tibetans insist on the necessity of purifying the mind in order to go to Shamballa. 
Most forms of meditation used for this purpose tend to cut off, or silence, the habitual thoughts and preconceptions that block the kind of mystic vision, the vision that may actually penetrate into other worlds as solid and as concrete as ours.
.By clarifying his mind in this way, ridding himself of the mental conditioning that limits his awareness, the traveller to Shamballa may be gaining the ability to see into the forth dimension and take an actual journey through a strange, but real, landscape of fantastic deserts and mountains that lie parallel to the one we find on maps of Central Asia. The prophecy counteracts a tendency we have to view the inner journey solely in terms of our own liberation. It encourages us to venture into the depths of the mind in order to emerge, like the king of Shamballa, with the power and wisdom needed to transform society and help establish the golden age.  
The prophecy suggests, in fact, that only when we have awakened the deeper mind, or have access to it, can we really change the world for the better. Only then will we possess the awareness and compassion needed to create a just and humane society in which everyone can be truly free. Just as the golden age will emerge with the king of Shamballa, so the beneficial changes we seek must issue from the inspiration of the deeper mind. The prophecy implies that the solution of the world’s problems will come from a deeper source hidden within each of us. As long as we continue to ignore this source and try to impose changes from without, experimenting with one idea or another, we will engage in the fruitless manipulations of the ego, and all our efforts, will end in failure. But when each of us turning to the deeper mind, begins to see the hidden nature of reality and to act on it, the world itself will become an extension of Shamballa. Although such a myth originates in the depth of the mind, it has to emerge through the surface consciousness of the person who receives it. In doing so, it necessarily takes on a form that makes sense in terms of the particular culture that has shaped that person’s view of the world.
 This means that despite its outward appearance, the myth of Shamballa is not just a Tibetan, or an Indian myth; it is rather, a Tibetan expression of something much deeper and more universal. Some of these myths exert a considerable influence on our lives, affecting not only what happens to us as individuals, but also what happens to society and the course of history itself……. the modern myth of progress…… the conviction of science and industry will transform the earth into a material paradise and establish a golden age of prosperity for all.
This conviction lies behind much of the push for social reform and economic development that now determines the policies, as well as the fate, of governments throughout the world, regardless of their particular ideology. Even in countries that have achieved a golden age of prosperity, the myth continues to have power, giving rise to expectations of constant improvement in income and quality of life. As recent events have clearly shown, governments that fail to meet these expectations find themselves in a great deal of trouble. In many ways the myth of progress is one of the most powerful forces at work in the world today.
The myth of progress seems, in fact, to have led us into the degenerate period of materialism that is supposed to precede the golden age of Shamballa. We have come to this quandary in large because we have lost sight of the inner side of the myth of progress. In striving to create an earthly paradise, we have overlooked the needs and nature of those who must live in it.
 A fascination with the problem of ever increasing material prosperity has led us to develop a one sided view of the myth that emphasizes external progress at the expense of inner development. Failing to realize that the two must go together, we have attempted to transform the world without transforming ourselves. As a result we have failed to develop the wisdom needed to see what really needs to be done. 
The obsession with material progress for its own sake has taken over our minds and now threatens to drive us to our own destruction. We need to recover a balance and perspective that will enable us to use, rather than be used by, the power of myth and progress. 
The kind of insights we have gleaned from the Tibetan myth of Shamballa may be able to help us thus by redirecting our attention toward the inner meaning of the myths that shape our lives. 
Through these insights we can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying nature of the myth of progress, in particular, and the way in which we have distorted it. With the help of such an understanding we may be able to reverse the present course of events and begin to transform both ourselves and the world around us. We may even be able to awaken the deeper mind and liberate ourselves from the bondage of our illusions.
Ultimately, however, each one of us needs to find and seek his own equivalent of Shamballa, that place, thing, person, or even idea that has the power to inspire us to take the inner journey to greater freedom and awareness. Such a symbol can give meaning and direction to our lives, as well as the strength and determination to endurethe trials that lie ahead. For it to do so, it must, however, have the reality for us that a hidden valley has for the Tibetan lama who seeks it. 
Our personal equivalent of Shamballa must be something genuine that grows naturally out of our own lives and experiences, something that comes, in fact, from the inspiration of the deeper mind.
 The myth of Shamballa is meant to encourage us to find a form of our own that reveals, rather than replaces, the essence of the kingdom itself. 
 We need to recover a balance and perspective that will enable us to use , rather than be used by, the power of myth and progress. The kind of insights we have gleaned from the Tibetan myth of Shamballa may be able to help us thus by redirecting our attention toward the inner meaning of the myths that shape our lives.
 Through these insights we can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying nature of the myth of progress, in particular, and the way in which we have distorted it. With the help of such an understanding we may be able to reverse the present course of events and begin to transform both ourselves and the world around us. 
We may even be able to awaken the deeper mind and liberate ourselves from the bondage of our illusions.
Ultimately, however, each one of us needs to find and seek his own equivalent of Shamballa, that place, thing, person, or even idea that has the power to inspire us to take the inner journey to greater freedom and awareness. 
(Brain Training and revisiting the Abyyss of our Unity with the One requires surrender of our spirits to our oversouls.) We have to become that which leaves our senses behind.
Such a symbol can give meaning and direction to our lives, as well as the strength and determination to endurethe trials that lie ahead. For it to do so, it must, however, have the realityfor us that a hidden valley has for the Tibetan lama who seeks it. Our personal equivalent of Shamballa must be something genuine that grows naturally out of our own lives and experiences, something that comes, in fact, from the inspiration of the deeper mind.
 The mythof Shamballa is meant to encourage us to find a form of our own that reveals, rather than replaces, the essence of the kingdom itself. We need to recover a balance and perspective that will enable us to use,r ather than be used by, the power of myth and progress. The kind of insights we have gleaned from the Tibetan myth of Shamballa may be able to help us thus by redirecting our attention toward the inner meaning of the mythsthat shape our lives. 
Through these insights we can gain a deeper understanding of the underlying nature of the myth of progress, in particular, and the way in which we have distorted it. With the helpof such an understanding we may be able to reverse the present course of events and begin to transform both ourselves and the world around us. We may even be able to awaken the deeper mind and liberate ourselves from the bondage of our illusions.
Ultimately, however, each one of us needs to find and seek his own equivalent of Shamballa, that place, thing, person, or even idea that has the power to inspire us to take the inner journey to greater freedom and awareness.
. Such a symbol can give meaning and direction to our lives, as well as the strength and determination to endurethe trials that lie ahead. For it to do so, it must, however, have the realityfor us that a hidden valley has for the Tibetan lama who seeks it.
 Our personal equivalent of Shamballa must be something genuine that grows naturally out of our own lives and experiences, something that comes, in fact, from the inspiration of the deeper mind. 
The mythof Shamballa is meant to encourage us to find a form of our own that reveals, rather than replaces, the essence of the kingdom itself.  When Divine Energy pours down, 
It builds a bridge,a communication line between the one whom It touches and the Door from which it emanates…..It purifies and raises the fires of your being.It makes you see yourself, your real face and the conditions of your life.It makes you see the future, the vision……And thus Opportunity comes to you to surpass yourself,to leave behind the burdens of ages.Opportunity comes to all men to step forward and to be born again in spirit,or to cross the stream of purificationor to climb the mountain of transfiguration in group formation.Opportunity comes to all initiates to pass through the fiery sands of the deserts,and renounce the pull of matter…..and break the chalice of oil at the feet of the Lord.Opportunity comes to all nations to clean their homes,to break the walls of separation. The destruction of “avidya” – ignorance.Ignorance is identification, attachment, changing of polarity from positive to negative.
Ignorance is zero communication with the life of the universe.Ignorance is bottling oneself and floating in the ocean.Vidya is knowledge which leads to enlightenment.knowledge is the growing light.
You do not need to learn to know;you know because you unfold, you liberate, you release yourself.Shamballa…..salutations to you….The energy of Shamballa – the Lightning -gives enlightenmentbecause it destroys age-long accumulations of darkness.It destroys the chains binding the Self to matter.Enlightenment……when all your lights on the Christmas tree of your Self are lit in their proper colour and radiation, forming a chalice for the blessings of the Lord of Shamballa.
Enlightenment is courage, is daring, is humility and endurance,is gratitude, compassion, simplicity, serenity.Enlightenment is the birth of the soul‘s .Enlightenment is the ability to see.Enlightenment is contact with the greater Soul in each human. Humankind will again learn of cooperation in the future of the world we presently call humankind who shall see the rise of the need for the unity in GOD. The cooperation of all entities in the human spirit. We are ll sentient intelligent beings
There are stages of Enlightenment.
 There are personality, soul and spiritual enlightenments.
There are planetary, Solar, Galactic and Cosmic 
Personality enlightenment is achieved when man contacts the Transpersonal Self within -the Inner Guide.infused with the splendor of the Inner Guide.He becomes a shining beauty, a fountain of wisdom, in the world of men.In the third stage of Enlightenment, the human soul becomes aware of himself as the Self,and masters all that is not – self.
At this stage he becomes a source of strength, enabling men to stand on the Path.He becomes a source of creativity and leadership.
In planetary enlightenment, we are told,his awareness embraces all kingdoms of Nature.
In Solar enlightenment,his awareness embraces all centers functioning in the Solar ring-pass-not
.In the next stage of Enlightenment, we enter into the awareness of the life of the Galaxy
.In Cosmic enlightenment, he enters the freedom, the bliss, of Space.
In each enlightenment, The Monad, the real you, as an eye, opens stage by stage and become the all-seeing Eye. 
Enlightenment is the freedom towards Infinity.Enlightenment is the ability to bring Infinity into your life -to express Infinity through all you do.
 The energy of Shamballa is destructive to all elements of separatism.
It is destructive to all those who carry in their hearts and minds elements of hatred, seperatism, selfishness.As the Aquarian Age increases its radiance into the sphere of our world, it will become more and more difficult to contain hate and to be healthy,to contain separative, selfish thoughts and to be sane,to have greed and the spirit of exploitation and to be creative.
The Fire of Shamballa will amplify the energy of Aquarius and rhythmically will strike the earth.As a great hammer it will pave the way for the reappearance of the great Lord, Christ,who gave the command of the New Age:
This comment increasingly will be heard in the sanctuary of the soul,and will create tolerance, forgiveness, sharing, cooperation, understanding and unity.
.Shamballa, the stronghold, there is no higher gift than the gift of Brotherhood, where the world will be our home, our garden, where people will not hurt each other, where all our resources will not be wasted on crimes, on wars, on police forces, on armies…..but our resources will be used for erecting global institutions of light, great cathedrals of science, great theatres of art.
Still we will have a governing body which will be a United nations.They will present a vision, a plan for the progressive unfoldment of the human psyche, so that man tunes in with greater capacity to the system of Cosmos.thus the purpose of the great Lord will guide the little wills of menin a great symphonic beauty.
Only after Brotherhood, will humanity, as a centre in our Solar System make the first contact with the other evolutions in our Galaxy .Man will be able to recognize himself in other human beings.Suffering and pain will no longer be the teachers of humanity.Joy and striving will replace them.Joy is greater than knowledge.Joy is wisdom. Ancient Civilizations and the Evolution of HuMan
Compiled by Mary Sutherland The pyramids are closely connected with both the constellation and the great priests, of the Lemurians and Atlanteans, who held the records of universal history. H.P. Blavatsky’s ” Secret Doctrine” tells us that there was a time when the four parts of the world were covered in pyramids and temples sacred to the Sun and the Dragon but the cult is now preserved mainly on India and China and Buddhist countries. 
Other names for Sanat Kumara The SeedThe Great SacrificeThe One InitiatorThe Voluntary ExileThe Silent WatcherMaha-GuruThe One KumaraThe Lord of FlameThe Ancient OneThe Mighty Lord of FireThe Point of Blue within the hidden diamondThe Root-Base (relating to the Earth as the base center)
The Son of Will and Yoga (the first ray Monad–the first ray Rishi)The One Set Apart (as all initiates are set apart)The Tree (the chain of Hierarchy)The Ever-Living-Human-BanyanThe First HierophantHe who changes form, yet remains ever the sameLord of the Sacred Isle (or Shambhalla)The First of the FirstThe One and the SupremeThe Youth of Eternal SummersThe Youth of Endless SummersThe Youth of Timeless AeonsThe Light of Life Itself
The Wondrous OneThe Lord of Venusian LoveThe Great Kumara within the Flaming SwordThe Peace of All the EarthFountainhead of the Will of the Planetary LogosJagan-Natha, Sanskrit for Lord of the World. (“Jagernath” is the common pronunciation. Hence the word: “juggernaut,” irresistible force.)Lokapati and Locan²tha, the Lord of the WorldVishnu KrishnaPadmapani Chenresi (the lotus-bearer) or AvalokitesvaraChenresi Vanchug, the powerful and all-seeingProtector of TibetSavior of HumanityChantong, he of the 1,000 eyesJigten-gonpo, Protector and Savior against evil Hermes, the Interpreter
According to the writings of H. P. Blavatsky, the  Atlanteans were giants, whose physical beauty and strength reached their climax, in accordance with evolutionary law, toward the middle period of the fourth sub-race. The records speak of their giant intellect and their giant size. They built great images, 27 feet high — the size of their bodies. The statues found by Cook on Easter Island measured almost all 27 feet high and eight feet across the shoulders. The days when matter would be in its full sway on earth and man would reach the apex of physical development in stature and animality, came to pass during the period of the middle point of their race. Since then, man began decreasing in stature, strength and years. 
Although the Sumerians and Phoenicians were given credit by history as the inventors of writing , writing was perfectly known to the Atlanteans. It was invented by them, and not at all by the Phoenicians. It was from the Fourth Race that the early Aryans got their knowledge of the “bundle of wonderful things,” the Sabha and Mayasabha, mentioned in the Mahabharata, the gift of Mayasur to the Pandavas. 
It is from them that they learned aeronautics, Viwan Vidya (the knowledge of flying in air-vehicles), and therefore their great arts in meteorography and meteorology. According to the Brahmans, this country had attained a high civilization, and the peninsula of Hindustan, enlarged by the displacement of the waters at the time of the grand cataclysm, has but continued the chain of the primitive traditions born in this place. 
These traditions give the name of Rutas to the people who inhabited this immense continent, and from their speech was derived the Sanskrit.” The Hindus possess recorded observations from the date of the first Great Flood within the Aryans, historical memory. One million years are allowed for our present Aryan Fifth Race, the first sub-race of which witnessed the doom of the last of the populations of the giant Atlanteans, that which submerged the last portions of Atlantis, 850,000 years ago. The Secret Doctrine declares that most of the later island Atlanteans perished in this interval between 850,000 and 700,000 years ago, and that the Aryans were 200,000 years old when the first great island or continent was submerged. But the destruction of the famous island of Ruta, in the later Pliocene times, and the smaller one of Daitya, must not be confounded with the submersion of the main continent of Atlantis during the Miocene period. After the submersion of Ruta (850,000 years ago) there was no great submersion until the day of Plato’s Atlantis, or Poseidonis, which belongs to historical times. Plato’s Atlantis perished between water below and fire above; its great mountain vomiting flames all the while. The “fire vomiting monster” (the peak of Teneriffe?) survived alone out of the ruins of the unfortunate island. A number of small islands scattered around Poseidonis had been vacated, in consequence of earthquakes, long before the final catastrophe. The last of the islands of the   The Great White Brotherhood in Peruand the Serpent Masters from Venus written by Mark Amaru [email protected] Did you know that the founders of the Great White Brotherhood came form Venus and that many of the branches of the GWB around the planet were founded by spiritual adepts associated with the serpent? I came to that startling realization some years ago during a journey to Peru. In Peru I had the good fortune to meet a Peruvian wise man, Anton Ponce de Leon Paiva and become initiated into his esoteric organization, the Brotherhood of the Sun, an Andean branch of the Great White Brotherhood. Anton was asked to found this organization by sages or Elders living in a hidden village within the Andes. The Elders are direct descendants of the Incas and high priests of the Incan Empire and have lived in the secret village since the downfall of that illustrious civilization. Anton’s blind-folded journey to the hidden village and the Elders he encountered there is recounted in his books The Wisdom of the Ancient ONE and In Search of the Wise ONE.
 Once at the hidden village, Anton was initiated into the Intic Churincuna, the Solar Brotherhood, which had existed since the time of Lemuria, the legendary continent of the Pacific, which is now mostly at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. 
The Solar Brotherhood was the first manifestation of the “Great White Brotherhood” on Earth (you will find that all ancient civilizations were Sun worshippers and that the early adepts established headquarters associated with the Sun, such as Heliopolis in Egypt). 
The Solar Brotherhood was first brought to Earth from Venus by adepts known as the Kumaras, a name which has the meaning of “androgenous Serpents.” You can find references to the Kumaras in the Hindu Puranas where they are described as being the first teachers of Yoga on the planet. Current branches of the Great White Brotherhood throughout the globe, such as the Theosophists and the Summit Lighthouse, refer to the Kumaras as their beloved founders.
 These organizations also claim that one Kumara, Sanat Kumara, has remained on Earth for thousands of years to oversee the workings of the GWB from Shamballa, his headquarters in the Gobi Desert. During his week-long stay at the hidden village, 
Anton learned from the Elders that the Intic Churincuna was brought to the Andes by a Lemurian sage called Aramu or Amaru (the Serpent), Muru. Apparently there had been a special convocation on Lemuria just before the continent’s fabled destruction and Aramu Muru and other “Serpents” were elected to take the records and power objects of the Kumara/Solar Brotherhood to various parts of the world. 
Those who later became the Nagas (Serpents in Sanscrit) in India, the Lung Dragons of China, and the Amarus in Peru, were elected to take the ancient wisdom to their respective countries. 
Later, a similar convocation would occur on Atlantis with certain serpent masters of that land chosen to take the Atlantean records and teachings to the pan-Atlantic territories. 
These missionary Serpents became known in Mexico as the Quetzlcoatls or Kukulcans, as the Djedhi (the “Stable Serpents”) of Egypt, the Druid Adders of Britain, and the Dactyloi of Greece. It is interesting to note that wherever the Lemurian or Atlantean serpents established branches of the GWB they built temples aligned with Venus and the planet itself became associated with saviors and immortals. 
The immortal Osiris of Egypt, the savior Queztlcoatl of Mexico, and the World Teacher Jesus Christ, were intimately associated with Venus. When Aramu Muru finally arrived in the Andes, he established both the Solar Brotherhood, as well as the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays, thereby grounding the infinite light of the Solar Spirit in his new land.
 The headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays became A hidden monastery in the Andes, the Monastery of the Seven Rays, was built as the heaquarters of the Brotherhood of the Seven Rays and served as both a storehouse for Lemurian power objects and as a school for the dispensation of the sacred Lemurian teachings. In recent times proof of the existence of the Monastery of the Seven Rays has come from a small group who traveled to the monastery in the 1960s. George Hunt Williamson, author of Secret of the Andes, later interviewed the members of this party to write his book about the abbey. 
One women of the group, Sister Thedra, spent five years at the abbey undergoing intensive spiritual training and initiations. 
She had been sent there by Jesus Christ who had physically appeared to her and spontaneously cured her of cancer. He introduced himself to her by his true, esoteric name, “Sananda Kumara,” thereby revealing his affiliation with the Venusian founders of the Great White and Solar Brotherhoods. 
When Thedra eventually left Peru, she traveled to Mt. Shasta in California and founded the Association of Sananda and Sanat Kumara. Through the work of Sister Thedra and her organization the Kumaras have disseminated information concerning their history and the coming Earth changes. 
But back to the story…Eventually Aramu Muru became the first priest king of the Incas and was thereafter known among his adopted people as Manco Kapac. Ka-pac means “spiritually wealthy” or “Serpent Wisdom” (many of the great Serpents of the GWB have denoted their serpent wisdom by including the K sound in their names, such as Kumara, Christ (pronounced Krist), Krishna, Kukulcan). 
Following his coronation, Manco Kapac took one of the power objects stored within the Monastery of the Seven Rays, the great Solar Disc, and hung it within the main temple of the Incas, the Intiwasi, which was built in Cuzco, Peru. This Solar Disc had previously hung within an important temple of the Solar Brotherhood on Lemuria and was an important symbol of the organization. 
By hanging it within the Intiwasi, Manco officially established the Solar Brotherhood in Peru. Later, when the Spanish invaded Peru, the Solar Disc was returned to the Monastery of the Seven Rays for safekeeping.
 Before and after building the city of Cusco, capital of the Incan Empire, Manco Kapac and the Kapac Cuna, members of the Solar Brotherhood from Lemuria who arrived in the Andes at about the same time Aramu did, built many megalithic temples in Peru, such as those at Tiahuanaco, Sacsayhuaman, Ollantaytambo, and Machu Picchu. 
Some were called Venusians although not from the same Venus we now call a planet of our solar system. Venus was not the same but from another galaxy as that of Andromeda Galaxy.
These became contact points for visiting Venusians and members of the Solar and Great White Brotherhoods on Earth. The wisdom of the Solar Brotherhood was evetually passed down through the lineages of Inca priest kings and high priests of Peru. 
Throughout their history, the Incan kings were always associated with the serpent and wore bracelets and anklets of slithering serpents to reveal their affiliation.
 Some monarchs included the Quechuan name for serpent, Amaru, within their royal titles, such as the Inca Tupac Amaru. Before the complete destruction of the Incas by the Spanish, the high priests of the Incan Solar Brotherhood escaped to a hidden village in the Andes where they carefully preserved the wisdom of their ancient organization. For many years this wisdom was kept secret until Anton was invited to visit. He was instructed to take the history and teachings of the Solar Brotherhood into the outer world and found an extension or “outer retreat” of the organization. 
This outer retreat, now known as Samana Wasi, became located in the Sacred Valley of the Incas. It is both the headquarters of the Brotherhood of the Sun as well as a home for abandoned children and old people.
 Currently the Elders of the hidden village are in close contact with many of the planetary and galactic brotherhoods on Earth and throughout the universe. Mark Amaru [email protected](Soluna Tours) THE LEMURIAN- ATLANTIS – SHAMBHALA – KUMARA CONNECTION The SANAT KUMARA  (Kuma Ra = Guardian of the Divine Fire) is the  LORD OF THE WORLD 
Kuma Ra = AMUN RA (GOD) 
According to the Tibetan Buddhists, Ruadra Chakri is the king of Shambhalla and Lord of the World. It is said that Sanat Kumara dwells “in Jana Loka, his own sphere or spiritual state” along with the other 7 and 105 Kumaras. The Jana Loka is the fifth Divine Loka, which is located, it is said, “beyond the Solar System.” 
The Theosophists know him by  Was the Leumurian and Atlantean Technical Civilizations helped by the Star People Although Venus  has been reported as a planet that could not sustain intelligent lifeforms because it being too hot, the atmosphere too heavy and dangerous gases,,  we find life right here on earth adapting to conditions that us human could not. 
  Highly intelligent dolphins, with a brain capacity larger  than the humans are underwater in an environment that would kill us humans  very quickly without a dive suit and oxygen supply. These dolphins would  also die within a half hour in our atmosphere, which is deadly to them! 
This  proves that flesh and blood physical intelligent beings can live in an  environment that would kill us and vice-versa! So how can so- called  “experts” claim that intelligent life absolutely cannot live in another kind of an atmosphere on a different planet? 
Furthermore, 7,000 feet under the  ocean in pressures that would instantly crush us humans without a heavy  diving suit, biologists have found crabs, shrimps, snails, and worms living  in 530 degrees F. temperatures, and large worms living in poisonous  chemicals from vents erupting from the sea bottom. These creatures ate the  deadly chemicals to live! 
 This  discovery proves that heat and pressures and chemicals that would kill us  are perfectly livable to other types of physical beings. In the early 1950s, the Canadian Government established PROJECT MAGNET to investigate UFOs.
 The director of that project, Wilburt B.Smith, publicly wrote that a top U.S. Pentagon official said that UFOs was the biggest secret they had, even greater than the H BOMB.PROJECT MAGNET has been able to work with Canadian scientists who had continued working on inventions of Nikola Tesla,one of the most prominent scientists in history. 
Tesla, who invented the AC/DC electrical current, helped invent radar and much military technology, was the holder of hundreds of successful patented inventions. He had told some associates and friends he had invented an interplanetary communications device with ideas given to him by Venusians.
 Arthur Matthews was the last person to have worked with Nikola Tesla;  In the 1940s, Matthews and Tesla co-authored a book called ‘The Wall of Light.’  This was the only non-technical book Tesla ever wrote. Matthews claimed to have had a close encounter with Venusians. They landed on his property in Canada and told him that Tesla was one of them.  
In Matthews own words we read , ‘Tesla had strange ideas. He always thought he came from the planet Venus.
 He said as much to me, and the crew of a Venus spaceship said in one of their first messages that a male child was ‘born’ on board their craft during its trip from Venus to Earth in July, 1856. The little boy was called Nikola, which is the reverse of his family town on Venus. 
ALOKIN a town on Venus when it was once Terra Formed similar to Earth
That town is ALOKIN. The ship landed at midnight between July ninth and tenth in a remote mountain province in what is now Yugoslavia. There, according to arrangements, the child was placed in the care of a good man and his wife. ‘ Although we have such negative reports about Venus, it seems that more is going on with this planet then meets the eye.  
While we are still theorizing on the possibilities of life in our solar system , around the world we are finding evidence that not only did life exist in our solar system but these life forms came to earth and helped build our technology . Ancient writings in  hieroglyphics can be found on the Temple of the Sun, in  Tiajuanaco in the Andes, describing how a golden spaceship from Venus had landed there in the dawn of time. 
The ancient writings tell how a beautiful Venusian women, Orejona, had emerged from the ship and taught the ancients the basics of farming, and the skills to begin civilization. Ancient writings to validate this can be found left by the  Babylonians, Sumerians, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Chaldeans, Mayans, Aztecs, Aryans, Assyrians, and the inhabitants of ancient India and Tibet. 
 For all of these ancient civilizations to have fabricated   the same lie would have been next to impossible and then we should ask ourselves why would they have fabricated these stories. For what benefit would have come from it. None. Next ask yourself why would our governments and corporate religions hold back the truth.
The answer there is obvious.  
There are scientists who theorized that Venus could have once had an atmosphere like Earth has today, before a huge “greenhouse effect” ,greatly changed the atmosphere and raised temperatures. 
Why is it that most ancient civilizations in our school history books left written records clearly stating that they were in contact with visitors from Venus? The Sumerians, Babylonians, Phoenicians, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Assyrians, Greeks, Aztecs, Mayans, Hopis, prehistoric Andeans, and peoples of ancient India and Tibet.
 ALL claimed that they were taught civilization from sky people and gods in flying machines from Venus. In Six volumes of books,  
Robbert Charroux, a great French prehistorian, who spent decades studying ancient writings around the world, detailed the ancient Venusian colonizations on Earth and their intervention with human evolution here. These books  are backed up by carvings and drawings of advanced technology and space travel found in many nations.
 In large national libraries in Asia there are also many ancient histories over 4,000 years old, which explain in great detail Venusian spacecraft, their pilots, their missions on Earth, intervention in Earth affairs, and involvement in ancient interplanetary wars fought on Earth. 
Some of these writings explain the method of propulsion of these alien craft in great technological detail, which sounded like legend until recent scientific discoveries proved this science was accurate. 
Among these ancient writings are the ‘Book of Dzyan’, ‘Vaimanika Sastra’, ‘Vymanika Shaastra’ and ‘Maosola Purva’ etc.
. Furthermore, a famous 1950s anthropologist/archaeologist, Dr. George Hunt Williamson, published research describing how he studied ancient manuscripts, hidden in a temple high in the Andes of South America, detailing Venusian landings, contacts, and intermingling with Earthians in ancient times. 
From Charroux’s book , ‘One Hundred Thousand Years of Man’s Unknown History’,  we again read about Andes evidence of Star Visitors. The book tells us that  high in the Andes Mountains are ruins of one of the oldest cities ever excavated, Tiajuanaco, where there are monolithic ruins so incredibly constructed, that archeologists cannot explain how they could have possibly been constructed by ancients. 
Inscriptions found there have been translated to state that in the dawn of civilization, a golden spacecraft from Venus landed there, occupants emerged from the craft, and a beautiful Venusian woman began teaching the primitive Indians in the basic skills of civilization!
 The Venusians were there then and are still here today, humanoid in appearance, working and living among us. Many staying here on Earth and others traveling back and forth from their home planet to here.  The Venusians have all linked themselves to other planets they still call Venus not the same one that we envision as the one in our solar system. 
Our governments have known about their visitations for sometime, along with other races coming here to Earth but chose not to tell the public, rationalizing that this type of information would cause world panic.
We all know now that  it does not cause the world to panic during the days of our ancients, why would we react any differently today.  Knowing that the government was not going to inform the public, the Venusians have made numerous attempts to bring attention on themselves to the public. One such attempt was during our Independence day, July  4th, 1952.  
On this momentus day, they took  part in the famous UFO airshow over Washington D.C.flying in formation for Congress, the Pentagon, President, and national PRESS over the White House! This sighting madeinternational newspaper headlines and the six o’clock national television news! The incident was widely believed by the public until  our goverment  hired the  prominent astronomer Menzel to invent a hoax explaining away the sighting with too many witnesses. The disinformation released to the PRESS to hide the truth was that the truth was that the UFOs flying in triangular formations werea “temperature inversion”, a weather atmospheric illusion of light reflections caused by air of different temperatures in layers withclouds. 
 If this was the case, why   did the Air Force panic and send up jet fighter aircraft to chase and try to intercept a temperature inversion? “How can a temperature inversion fly in perfect triangular formation at supersonic speeds, dodge and out-maneuver chasing jets and , make 90 degree angle high speed turns 
 According to Sheldon Nidel, ‘You are Becoming a Galactic Human’ listen to show on Sheldon Nidel on BUFO Paranormal and UFO Radio our first civilization here was etheric intelligence and were designated to be the guardians of Earth but this etherical intelligence also needed the help of   physical guardians of Earth.
 Dinoids from the Bellatrix system in the Constellation of Orion and Reptoid colonies from the Constellation of Sagittarius arrived later to inhabit the Earth. The Reptoid and Dinoids allowed a mammalian species to evolve to sentiency. These mammals were called the pre-cataceans.
 The pre-cataceans provided food for all 3 colonies in exchange for technology which in turn improved their production rate further. These 3 civilizations co-existed in harmony trading among one another for over 8 million years. All 3 civilizations developed advanced forms of space/time travel. 
The pre-cataceans developed their spiritual side, such as psychic abilities, extensively. A Dinoid/Reptoid Alliance from Bellatrix , believing they were superior to the pre-cataceans, came to Earth to cease all cooperation with the pre-cataceans and wanted to put them under their control. Over time, the Earth Dinoids and reptoids became more and more 
influenced by the Bellatrix Dinoid/Reptoid Alliance.  
The Pre-cataceans, through their high psychic abilites, began sensing the aggression against them and came to see the threat presented by the Dinoid/Reptoid civilizations.  Being given permission for the Earth Spiritual Hierarchies, the Pre-Cataceans decided to implode their fusion reactors located in the Ural Mountain Range .  
The Pre-cataceans divided into two groups.One group evacuated out of our solar system to the constellations of Pegasus and Cetus and the other group altered themselves physically so that they could enter the oceans and find haven. This group is now our present day cataceans such as the dolphins and whales. The entire transformation process occured over a period of 4 million years . When the transformation was complete and the later sector was safe, the first sector imploded the fusion reactors, destroying 98% of the Dinoid/Reptoid civilizations, the survivors evaculated to the planet in our solar system, Maldek.  Now with the Dinoid/Reptoid no longer present on Earth, the Earth Spiritual Hierarchies and the cataceans had to find a suitable guardian for the land. They searched the galaxy for 2 to 3 million years before finding what they were looking for . They found,  on the fourth planet of the Vega system , a primitive aquatic species that was starting to emerge from the oceans. This species had creation myths, a language, and a hunting and gathering culture.The Spiritual Hierarchies of the Vega system were then asked if they would permit this species to be vastly altered genetically to accelerate their evolution so that they may become a guardian species. The Vega Spiritual Hierarchies agreed.  So, the traces of the first humans came from the Vega Star System. Their technology improved very quickly, and once they had developed star travel technology they started to migrate into nearby star systems for a period of 2.5 million years. During this time the Galatic Federation was formed, Sirius B was colonized and Earth was selected for seeding. Later Mars and Venus were colonized and the Hybornea colony was founded on Earth.  Dinoid/Reptoids in the meantime had built up there forces and were invading the various colonies throughout the solar system. 
 Hyborean Earth, Mars and Venus were victim to these attacks and the Dinoids and Reptoids gained control over the solar system for a period of approximately 80,000 years. In response to this the Galactic Federation planned a counterattack to reintroduce humans into this system. They arranged for a battle planet (4 times the diameter of the Earth) to come into the solar system and destroy the planet Maldek – which was the Dinoid/Reptoid stronghold. 
The remains of the planet Maldek are what we can now see as the asteroid belt. After the destruction of Maldek and the defeat of the Dinoid/Reptoids a human colony was again established on Earth. It is what we know today as Lemuria. Over the next 850,000 years the Lemurians spread across the face of the planet.  They founded daughter colonies such as Atlantis, Yu which is now Central China and Tibet and the Libyan/Egytian colonies.
 The Atlanteans began to acquire a feeling of uniqueness about their culture and wanted to eliminate Lemuria so that they could become the mother country. 
The Atlanteans began forming alliances with renegade Pleidans and Alpha Centaurians which had Hierarchical systems of government . They accomplished the destruction of Lemuria by taking the Earth’s  moon (Earth had 2 moons in those times) out of orbit by using force fields until it was as close as possible to the Lemurian empire, and then the moon was destroyed resulting in a catastrophic shower of meteors. 
This destroyed much of Lemuria, but this also resulted in many pressures being inflicted upon the tectonic plates : resulting in the gas chambers under Lemuria to implode and thus sink most of the Lemurian continent. AGARTHA AND SHAMBHALA Yu empire would not bow down to the hierarchical rule of Atlantis and Libyan/Egyptian empires and was thus forced to literally go underground. 
Today, they form what is known as the Kingdom of Agartha or Shamballah. AUTOCRACY WAS BORN Atlantis formed 10 ruling districts, each with their own king. 
These kings together formed the governing council of Atlantis.- The royal governing council of Atlantis decide that a new form of government was desperately needed in which a superior ruling class could be established and sustained by their pretense that they had been empowered by a God-Force. Autocracy was thus born and was in full control enforcing a period of peace and stability. 
To achieve control over the populace, they started experiment with the people’s DNA and genetics . This resulted in the peoples consciousness being reduced, life spans contracted and psychic/spiritual abilities dramatically decreasing. 
Throughout the years there were many wars  among the various empires due to underground movements of people that wanted to have the Lemurian “philosophy” back in place (i.e. no hierarchy). 
These wars led to vast destruction. As a last resort the warring empires decided to attack the opponents crystal temples (which were responsible for maintaining two frozen layers of water about 15,000 – 30,000 feet above ground which protected people on Earth from the harmful sun’s rays and also ensured a stable weather pattern at all times)
Unfortunately, the attacks were made simultaneously and caused the Firmament (the water layers) to be broken down and thus millions of gallons of water thus poured down onto the surface causing what is known biblically as “The Great Flood” .The breakdown of the Firmament also resulted in the polar icecaps freezing and also the many climatic variations we have today to form.
 – Only about 2 million people survived the Flood from an original 65 known million. Unfortunately many of the survivors were the mutant humans  that had been genetically altered by the Atlanteans into a much lower state of consciousness.  Also, the fact that the firmament was now no longer in existence resulted in the DNA and thus consciousness breaking down even further. 
A few different renegades from Pleiedes, Alpha and Beta Centauri came to different places on Earth after the Flood, seeing it as an opportune time to establish their own desired ideologies and also be seen as “godlike” and thus reverenced. Being already genetically altered, the surviving humans were therefore  easily controlled by these renegades. – Since no form of disobedience to these new “gods” was allowed, the concept of ruling by “divine right” became inculcated on Earth. This concept of worshipping an elite has continued through to modern times. Culture would rise against culture in wars claiming that the elite they themselves worshipped were superior to the elite of the opposing faction. – We are now in times, though, that will finally bring to an end an approximate 10,000 years of “semi-consciousness” and regain our full consciousness that we deserve. This will be due to our entire solar system coming into contact with what is known as the “Photon Belt” » 
UFO Digest & Newsletter
Founder Dirk Vander Ploeg
The UFO Digest newsletter offers video, photographic and testimonial proof of ufos, alien abduction, monsters and the paranormal
Founder Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris
The LIGHTWORKERS on earth are equal to the ANGELS of THE MOST HIGH in ETHEREAL.
Theresa Janette Thurmond Morris is the KEEPER OF THE FLAME and was chosen before birth on earth.  Theresa is a female with many past life memories of being of both male and female. She is an advocate of Ancient Civilizations and shares her truth that “ALIEN CIVILZATIONS EXIST!”
Theresa is considered a MOPS which is an acronym for Mystic, Oracle, Prophetess, Sage, Shaman, Seer, and Author and Writer. Theresa also known as TJ in prior stories, myths, legends, and lore is said to also be the perfection reincarnated energy as a whisper in all that is connected as all intelligent beings including those on earth, and in space. Theresa has had out of body experiences, and died as we know on earth and has went to heaven. Theresa still travels throughout this universe, the metaverse, the xenoverse, and the Omniverse as those who  are called the “TIME LORDS” that some once called Zeus and the Lords of Heaven allow. Theresa is a servant as a communicator and in another part of her present existence is the Commanding Officer and Communication Officer for the Federation of Galaxies. The Galactic Federation is real and Theresa answers to no one besides her companion spouse on earth who is also a Commanding Officer of the Fleet Above in the space we know as Stellar Space and of the actual Supreme Council Federation of Galaxies in this universe and all others in the MetaVerse, The Xenoverse, and the Omniverse. When they have passed on in the 21st century, they shall return once again in other forms as the need arises.  They explain they are all a part of our eternal plan that was explained in the Unity of the Force which we at present call GOD. They are both sharers and believers in the words we use to explain our cover of life on earth in what is now termed the “Game of Life” with the Tree of Knowledge and all other myths, legends, and tales that were too dangerous to tell in times of the past.
The story that is called the ASCENSION CENTER ENLIGHTENMENT is one for the NEW AGE OF ENLIGHTENMENT as the “AGE OF AQUARIUS” that was promised to all when the time to reveal came to be in place. We are not entering that ERA and have been since 1999-2000. 
We enjoy sharing our articles we find elsewhere and we should also share our own personal views and opinions for others to gain insight.
Mysticism is not the same as what we commonly call the occult.  Occult is the word we use for unknown wisdom or beyond ordinary understanding. 2. Secret; known only to the initiated. 3. Dealing with the supernatural or magical; the occult sciences. Something occult or supernatural such as the Bible Codes.
There are all types of mystics including Jews and Christians. Various Faiths have had their own great philosophers and etymologists that are considered holy beings and those who study the “World” and the “word” – whatever that may be!
To obviate is to meet and clear away, as difficulties; make unnecessary. This is  a short article to share in the future with others who are authors interested in the social paranormal network as we go forth sharing our own opinions and views of  those on earth who have came before.
This is all we do since we are left here to explore. 
We will include sharing instruction with other writers who desire to participate on Social and
This new way of sharing our stories shall increase awareness and insight into others opinions and views of the following:
St. John of the Cross
St. Teresa of Avila
Buddhists Texts
The Upanishads
Arthur Koestler
Dionysius The Areopagite
Farid Al-Din Attar
Jalal Al-Din Rumi
Jan Van Ruysbroeck
Meister Eckhart
Professor D. T. Suzuki
Mystical Writings of the World
And The Teachings of the Mystics, Selections from the Great Mystics and Mystical Writings of the World.
Jewish Mysticism
What is called Jewish Mysticism by the major authorities on the subject does not in a general way conform to the pattern of mysticism as unfolded in most books.
“If this research of the Torah Codes is born out, behold this is
the greatest discovery of three hundred years of scientific research.” 
Professor Robert I. Aumann, famous mathematician and Nobel Prize award, member of the
National Academy of Science of America
The Torah Codes, popularly known as Bible Codes, show us that the Torah has some commentary on events that happen in our living history. These events are hidden with in the text and we have extracted many of the events contained in them. It is remarkable that a text over 3300 years old contains events that happen thousands of years later. This has caused significant controversy and as a result there are many bible code skeptics. 
Who is behind the codes? Where do they come from and what do the all mean? This is for you to work out on an individual basis. This site provides the evidence you now decide what it all means to you.
Meister Eckhart: A Modern Translation, translated by R. B. Blakney, New York and London: Harper & Brothers, 1941, p.xxiv
The Awakening of Faith is a way of life for those who desire to know more of the Ascension Center. We call this a way of enlightenment.
We are in turn in energy and in rythym with all those who are believers in God and Christ along with others who believe in various Masters of the Universe.
Meister Eckhart one of the Great Mystics written about lived in Germany (1260-1328) and was considered one of the well-known Christian Mystics. 
The one Unity is in God
The truth of existence as part of the Omnipresence exploring the energy of creation as one is the message. Be cheerful and present with all. Be one with each day and all that surrounds you. You may feel as one and alone but you are part of the all as one.
Learn that there are lessons to learn and this is what we are on earth to explore. We are about learning to communicate and explore with other parts of ourselves as the omnipresence. We should be habitually doing our duty to enjoy ourselves as we explore, grow, and learn. We have a duty to stay alive and to learn the importance of the events of the day. 
We should all know that energy is created to explore and learn and to understand.
We are all here to learn that there are other presences in the omnipresence, which exist in many places outside of our own selves. There are many beings that are going to be revealed in the future and some may have more power and knowledge than we may have on earth. We should accept these beings as our kind.
Our mantra should be that we are growing and progressing into more than we are. We know we are immortal and the master of our own fate. We should greet the unknown with a cheerful heart and mind being armed with the philosophy that understanding is power. We are all searching.
We are all part of the omnipresence of expansion. We are all part of something greater than we are. We must learn to share in communication and gravitate to becoming more of what can be created. We must learn to be part of the matter that holds the omnipresence together. We are to communicate with other immortals and assist others to learn of their creative powers. Some of us are in higher positions and lower positions. Some of us hold different levels of consciousness and understanding. Some of us are called as leaders and communicators by our Omnipresence. Some people believe God calls them. 
Many of these chosen beings are being called because of their level of understanding of other beings. Some beings are called because of the Omnipresence created in others who are at higher levels of existence. We have guides and beings in other dimensions.
Sentient intelligent beings here on earth to learn and explore. This is the great adventure of life.  Karma is not punishment. Karma is nature giving the perfect opportunity to learn. Nature does not punish but teaches. We must be ready to accept the knowledge we learn from our mistakes. Nature is teaching us that we cannot destroy the environment called earth. We are all sentient intelligent beings who can teach each other.  The Law of Karma teaches us to make the best of whatever gifts, or talents that we have. The message to each individual is to find your part, your place, your gift and share it with other beings. Fix the inside and the outside will adjust to your being. Intelligent beings are losing their way back to the beginning. We are to return and come full circle. One of my jobs as a communicator is to collect souls.
Learn to think right and about what really matters on earth. Things will improve for you and everyone else on earth. All ill health, poverty, disharmony must disappear. Such is the law. God’s Laws are here on earth and in us all. We are learning the truth!
Life need not be by battle among beings on earth.  Life is a big adventure. There are many beings on earth and they each have a role to play in the game of life. This is Omnipresence in all forms of matter and energy. We are all part of the one. God is one.
Pray that you individualize the Omnipresence and truth. Pray that we all will realize our gifts and talents and become aware of more than exists in each of us. Earth is beginning to recognize the power that comes form within as part of the Omnipresence. God is the Omnipresence of inspiration and creativity. Mother Nature has been called the Mother Goddess or force of nature. Regardless of whether one uses spiritual words or scientific words, the energy and matter is the same. We must learn to communicate that the God Omnipresence and the God Particle are one. 
We are all one and the same known as the glue of matter and what befalls one effect the other. Some scientists call this the butterfly affect. Mother Nature will teach in certain areas on earth because of the lower level of energy consciousness. We all do not have to learn from evil to know of its existence. We are all hear to accept our own immortality as extra terrestrial beings that will someday leave our mortal physical bodies that have been created on earth. Some beings believe we all go before a God and a Lord called Jesus. This thought process is not offered to all beings on earth. This may be the path of righteousness. For some and not all. Only time will tell.
Regardless of how we break down the energy and the messenger, the message is still truth. We must all wake up to the fact that our reality is changing. Some see it and feel it more than others. Some call it synergy. It is energy and matter. Energy matters. We all matter. The message is there are higher powers that are extra terrestrial sharing that we must learn to care about each other. Raise consciousness and raise Omnipresence which is expanding in all of us as one. My belief is in a Higher Power that dwells in all matter and is Omnipresence. The God power is the “God Particle” that holds all things as matter together as one.
These are words that I receive as messages. Some people may believe in God and some may believe in Divine Messengers. Some may believe in oracles and psychics. People are important to me. I know we are all here to learn lessons and I believe in reincarnation of our spiritual souls. If one wants to know God, guides, and time travel, then raise consciousness. Extra terrestrial beings are as real as UFOs.
There are beings who desire to communicate and share with me through thought and communication. Please know I believe that God is one and in us all. I am a Student, Teacher, Messenger, Being, and still only a small particle of the whole Omnipresence. I believe in God and divine messages. I choose to believe we are all children of God. I receive God energy as pure knowledge which I call the Omnipresence. Some believe in names such as Nine, Tom, and other channeled energy of the One. This is a time of revelation. The Ascension Center Enlightenment is energy as matter and the glue for all spiritual souls who are ready to ascend. 
The energy of Ascension Center was revealed to me as a collective consciousness and place for God’s people. The message of the Ascension Center is that Omnipresence is real and manifested in Extraterrestrials as God’s Messengers. 
My ET UFO message that the Omnipresence is powerful and can create and destroy energy as matter is a statement that has always been accepted by our ancient ancestors.
We as sentient intelligent beings are here to obtain ascension centered awareness of our part as one so we can progress with other extra terrestrial intelligent being species.  
I hope that this will touch other beings to know that God has messengers. 
God has always been and is the Omnipresence in infinite form and as all God Particles which to some are simply a scientific term about the Theory of Everything.
We are learning about Space Time Continuum and Quantum Time being a new way to share the millennium. The Atomic Clock was fine for the twentieth century but we have crossed over into the twenty-first century.
This is my truth that I know and has been revealed to me. I leave it to others to learn, explore, and to know for themselves. We are all one and we are all immortal.
I am considered a dimensional time traveler being as are many essences as sentient intelligent beings of earth. Some of us leave our bodies and travel while we are considered sleeping and in dream state of mind.
The way that we travel to some is called out-of-body experiences. There are various ways to compare and share our experiences while time travel is present in our minds. The science of religion and philosophy may address the topic of time travel as simply an illusion or delusion in psychology. There are now studies being performed on how the mind works and how our brain waves can be monitored while we are dreaming and sleeping in our various levels such as Beta, Alpha, Theta, Delta, and Gamma. The Five (5) levels of the mind are shared but not openly and completely understood in Science as of January 2010 on earth. This soon will change as will our understanding of the Quantum Time and Space Time Continuum as we all grow and expand our global futures on earth.
We can continue to share our experiences and information as knowledge and personal wisdom.  
I know of many worlds and many beings. God is all sciences and all religions together as one. God is one in all things. Because I am human I make mistakes. Because I am Omnipresent I learn from my mistakes. Because I exist I know I am. I accept Omnipresence is the purest bond in all matter as the beginning and the end. Change the thoughts of human beings and ascend from earth. Some people call this channeling of nine and Tom is keeping the formula for time travel in space to himself for the time being. 
For now, all I can do is travel and share my life on earth in my Book of Theresa as the Keeper of the Flame.
I share my thoughts as my own personal Sacred Secrets.
A spiritual mind takes on a near death experience. Body Near death experience and extra terrestrial experiences are real to me because I have experienced both on more than one occasion. I am not alone in these experiences and it took time for me to live up to my obligations to share my truth about both because of the abnormally. These were considered extraordinary experiences on earth during the twentieth century of which I was born. I have been on earth since Dec. 26, 1951 in this lifetime. I have much to share and will somehow get a “round tuit”. Maybe not in this lifetime. In this lifetime, I have been many people and had many professions. I survived life on earth once again. This time though, I am asked to stand up and be counted. I have to tell the truth and own my past life experiences to assist others find their way on their journey.
There are many experiences that are my truth that I can share with others but many will not believe me. They will believe that I am making these stories up for monetary gain. I can assure you that I have not made one dollar or pound of currency on earth for my words, articles, stories, or for this syndication on the Internet. I write out of obligation. 
This is my real spiritual experience story recorded prior to 2012. I believe in spiritual awareness and that our mind expansion is due to our chosen truths that we accept as memories. I also believe that the only part of life we take with us when we leave is carried in our spiritual mind as energy plasma back to our immortal souls. I am going to explain why I believe this. Some may believe some and I may not.
Universe expansion requires more energy than we understand. There are global changes affecting our future conscious awareness. There is our opportunity to evolve our species and save our kind. Some of us will make the grade and others will simply change into another form of life.
I was not sure whether to begin this story as “You ain’t gonna believe this but this is my truth” or “One upon a time there was a little angel who was sent to earth to gain her wings”. Would you accept this; “There was an extra terrestrial who was sent to earth to share energy.”
I Guess it depends on the reader. We have inside us all various levels of existence. In psychology, some call this our adult and child. We all have many levels of beings inside us. Regardless of what or how we believe, there is some truth in all of us. This is mine.
I once died and came back to earth. I saw energy that was outside of my physical body. When I looked around me, I realized that I was flying through space and time seemed to be passing me into another existence. I heard some voices that were not mine. I was out of body and looked down. I saw that I was spirit and not in my physical body. My body had been left behind on a stretcher in an operating room. I could see a faint outline of energy that I assumed was my spiritual energy plasma or spiritual body. When I looked down and saw my feet, I knew I was flying or soaring to another dimension or place. 
While I was in this space and time or space-time, I could hear sounds and I was seeing sparks or stars passing by on the outside of this clear tunnel I was in. All the time I was flying or ascending into space, I was gathering information and awareness. I could not tell where the information was created only that I was assimilating information at a very fast rate of speed. This was very odd to me and I knew I was not on earth any longer. It was one of those “We aren’t in Kansas anymore Toto moments!”
However, I was alive or I felt alive. I never felt better and more alive as I was then. I could breathe and I was comfortable and soaring. I was traveling in space and yet I could tell I was on a trip to another destination. I then realized I was actually leaving earth and I had to try to stop the process. I was realizing I was not ready to leave earth. 
Then I heard in my conscious awareness voices. There were others like me at the place where I was ascending too. I was going at the speed of light or so it seemed and it felt like I was on an escalator or at least traveling up in that direction. Not like the one, an elevator goes straight up but at a slope like an escalator on earth. I began to think aloud. This is when I learned about real telepathy actually existing. I never doubted this before but now I knew for sure. 
I realized that the beings that I had seen prior on earth were on earth and that those that had visited me on spacecraft called UFOS were real too. It seemed that there were more beings in various levels of existence than I had realized previously at one time in my life on earth. This was perplexing but I was holding my energy well in space.
I arranged with the superior beings whom I know to allow me to return to earth. Here I am. Now, I am told that I agreed to share and to be a communicator for others still on earth. For many years, I was scared to share my truth. I was not living up to my spiritual obligations to others on earth. It was too frightening. There was just no way I could fit in with others on earth if I shared my truth and my experiences. Others would never believe me. Life on earth and death experiences was not ready to know about what happens after we leave earth. 
I allowed time to pass and I lived my life. It was not until 2007 that I decided to wake up and tell the truth. I was tired of being programmed in a world that was not all truth. There is more to life and now people write books about angels and near death experiences. There are two sides it seems to me. One is religious and one is scientific. Regardless of the approach that others took at writing their stories or papers, I would have to be brave and take time to write mine. Many people think I do this for profitable gain. I do not. I do it because I have an inner knowing that my story can help others. I will someday get the story written. For now, I write articles for others to read at no charge. The universe is expanding and it is time to share knowledge or remind others of what they already know just maybe cannot remember. 
I was once in a lifetime in Egypt and once in Ireland long ago prior to a five thousand year mark on earth. I can remember at least eight past lives and I was never famous. I was once locked up as a princess with my family because of my father died. It was in Egypt. That is another story and I will have to use my time traveler energy. 
Some of us are remembering our past. Some of us are not. There are some energy changes occurring and some will say that our spiritual awareness is rising or ascending. Some of us are expanding and growing while others are shrinking and losing energy. Global consciousness has high galactic standards. We are very eternal beings in spirit and soul.
We have had entire civilizations taken from this planet and utilized in space and on other planets. We are gathering our fleet to lay siege to our enemies. We are on a friendly trip through space but we will be taken over by others who are launching attacks on helpless planets. We are considered young and helpless at this time. This is why we are being visited by some of our ancestors who have come and gone before on earth, such as Atlantis.
We each are a part of the future conscious awareness. 
Those that do not adapt and accept will become synthesized into another form of conscious energy and be dealt with harshly to learn a lesson. There is no reason we should be fighting each other. We should be working together. Some of us know how to fly and it would be in our best interest to pool our resources. There are choices to be made on earth. The demands of the origin acceptance as embracing the truth may not be an option based on faith.
Sometimes we make the right decisions and other times we make the decisions right! Our technology is coming full circle, to what was once used by the ancient ascended beings.
We can try to find the information on Atlantis and it will not be long before the ascension beings or extra terrestrials come back for their ships and the giant crystals. That is news.
There are extra terrestrial and celestial superior races with massively superior nuclear laser fire power. We knew this in the past on earth and our ancestors left clues on earth.
We are all responsible for our knowledge and awareness universally. We are another generation of those who have come before us to earth. I share what I know. How do I know? Because I have lived the truth. I have extraordinary experiences in this lifetime. I am no different from you. We are separate at this time. We are in physical bodies to experience life on earth. Please read and share in global consciousness. However, we are also connected. We are all responsible now in a global consciousness. We are the ones who survive or become extinct. There are extra terrestrials who are superior to us on earth.
We are all part of the whole of energy and matter. We can concentrate on what needs to be done and come up with agreeable solutions. 
We are mentally becoming aware of our part in the vast universe of change. The universe is expanding and so are we. The energy that binds us all together as the God particles are what is weaving our energy and matter together into one magnetic realm of existence on earth. We have gravity, magnetism and the God particle. For now, we are dealing with three forces that we really do not own a good understanding of collectively. However, we know there are more than three now and that there is a fourth and fifth dimension through space-time. Another reason for our continuing to explore, learn, research, study, and innovate.
We are all part of the greater whole or total sum of energy and matter on earth. We are simply part of a universal experiment that others have participated in for millions of years.
We are all part of the one. We are all part of one intelligent being species on earth. We have not yet realized that there are many other civilizations or colonization’s of other intelligent species. There are other intelligent being species and most are superior to us on earth because of their civilization’s length of awareness, energy, and matter belonging to ancient civilizations that began prior to our civilization on earth.
These ancient civilizations will appear as alien to many of us on earth because of their physical matter even though there is bi-peddle and anthropoid. There are various types of intelligent beings. Some are simple created in a vapor like substance. Others are more like those we call the four foot grays. There are our ancestors, which only have four digits because the little finger is no longer used and evolution changed their hands. Other than that, we on earth may not be able to tell the difference in their appearance from our own as humans on earth.
We are all here for reasons that we may or may not be aware of. I cannot tell others why they are here other than the blanket answer which most of my readers are already familiar with. We are all here to explore, learn, and to experience life. We are here in sentient intelligent being form of matter to expound our awareness of senses that we can only experience while in physical form. Our mental awareness of our energy is only one part of our existence. Many people are born with the same senses. Most of those born on earth are given the basic six senses. For those of you who need reminding, they are seeing, hearing, smelling, touching, tasting, and the sixth sense are feeling. Touching and feeling is not the same thing. 
There have been past entities and extra terrestrials who have come to earth in physical form as human beings. We treated these beings as prophets and leaders. There is history and stories in all countries about our leaders. Some of these were spiritual leaders. Some of these were called Kings, Queens, Gods and Goddesses. Jesus was simply a man to many who lived at the same time he walked the earth. To others he was a leader and a prophet. Jesus was a chosen leader of the extra terrestrials that some refer to as God or Yahweh. I choose to believe this although I never met the man but feel I know him in my spirit and soul. Others may feel they know Mohamed or Joseph Smith. I really cannot deny that other beings exist in space (heaven) any more than I can deny that others exist in the Amazon. Just because I have not met any natives of the rain forest does not mean they do not exist. There have been other prophets and we must discern our own truth and awareness. 
There have been wars and rumors of wars since the beginning or recorded time on earth. This is part of the way we live on earth. There are Gods and extra terrestrial ways of living on earth that have been used to create these wars. There have been more wars fought over religion and beliefs than any other reason. There have been wars fought for land rights by people of geographic areas on earth. Most of the past civilizations and empires were about growth and change. When we think about the energy and matter that is given to all of us on earth, it boils down to exploring and expanding our own energy and matter to include more.
We must now realize that while we are here in physical form that energy matters. We all matter. All matter matters. This is now part of the grand scheme of things and the solution to our problems. We must all realize that more is better as long as we are all participating in the growth and expansion process. We must learn to take care of each other as we come to this planet until we return once again to our ascension beings immortal realm.
Those who exist now on earth have many levels of existing and thinking. We must realize that the old ways of thinking do not serve us any longer. Those who will pass from this earth in the next decade will be utilized in other realms of existence. There importance on earth has expired. This is what we realize at the time of death. We realize that their energy can no longer survive in the vessel or physical body that was created for the energy we call spirit to exist so the spirit returns back to the soul. The soul is the actual energy mass that never expires and is immortal.
There are many ways to think and feel about our energy inside our physical bodies. There are many ways to realize our levels of consciousness. We have levels we now refer to as beta, alpha, theta, delta, and gamma. These levels do not necessarily relate to each other and are not necessarily conscious and aware of each other.
There are many parts of a soul. There are many levels of understanding based on past reincarnations of matter in this work and world and in others. This is not the only portal of life for existence in the physical and mental forms. Our spirits or separates are all created as what encases memory and what continues as knowledge. Our brain houses our mental capacity to retain the knowledge that we call memories which will leave with the energy we call electrical spirit. For many on earth, they have not had any reason to believe in the future of energy. Many people on earth do not realize that life goes on and is immortal. This is what the new global consciousness is offering to all human beings who are alive at this time.
Many ascension beings that are alive and well on planet earth have returned by choice. This was their calling and election made sure in another time and place that many beings call heaven or space.
How we begin to open, our awareness and our minds to other possibilities that have not been openly discussed before as real energy and matter other than in a spiritual and religious atmosphere is what would bring about change. We are to openly discuss and create new names, new knowledge, and new matter for all that we are discovering together. We are creating and innovating truth in all things for all things as energy in matter. 
We are about the change in global consciousness. We each must do our part. There are probably better words and connections in sentences to explain this knowledge. I am not the best person to share truth as I understand it but I do have a message and as a communicator, I have agreed to share what I know regardless of the consequences that it may bring to my physical existence while here on earth. I made this choice. I chose to come to earth. I chose to live, die, and return. 
This was my agreement and contribution to global consciousness including being here now. Being aware of my past lives and my past dealing with extra terrestrials is simply one of the gifts I was given with the veil lifted. Sometimes, ones treasures are another’s trash. These I have come to accept as so many beings have before me. We are all part of the global consciousness. We are all energy in matter. We all matter. 
Too many thoughts in the head because one to get confused. This is because we are separate. We have the ability to reach the Akashic Field and the Unified Field of Origin.
Global Consciousness is part of being whole. Do what can be done to explore, learn, create, and experience being part of this team of sentient intelligent beings on earth. Congratulations on the continuance of your lifetime on earth with others. This includes me! Global Consciousness is now being revealed to others not just the Avatars and Ascension Beings. There is a gnosis revelation.
Others are coming. Something wonderful is happening! Extra terrestrials exist. The UFOS are simply other than earth origin spacecraft. The one’s who are not opening their minds to the truth of this will simply be passed over when the time comes to ascend. Knowledge is a terrible thing to waste. Those who are separate and do not agree with the critical masses when time comes to leave earth will experience another lifetime on earth that may or not be superior and beneficial.
Some will simply stay to experience brain cells. We have a lot to work through and change. My people are here on this planet along with others. We are beginning to share in the strong minded to wake up those who are to ascend and be welcomed back. Those who do not awaken will be left behind. This is what has spread origin to this world. There is knowledge that will be forthcoming to assist some slow sleepwalkers who are programmed.
The world has many spiritual people who are not necessarily in one religion or another. There are no religions on earth, which are right. Religions were manmade. The truth is out there for others to explore and use. This is part of the global consciousness now being revealed to others and not just to the chosen Ascension Beings. Some may be called of various faiths depending on from where they originated. We in global awareness will realize that rallying and supporting religions on earth is not the answer to salvation. There is a way to become aware of the truth. The truth will set us free. Trying to think of appropriate last words before leaving earth. We should thank our past leaders who knew the truth. They saved our lives. 
Now it is time to be responsible for our own consciousness, spirits, and future of our souls. Who ever is tainted about the worlds beyond and all other life forms may not survive. It will not be that easy to accept what is not known. Many are programmed on earth due to free reign and will. It is too late for those who want to simply remain alive for the sake of existence. We must accept our global consciousness with knowledge of the truth about the global future. Nevertheless, it will make a difference to those who are ready to know the truth and feel the change on earth. The truth will set us free. Mind expansion is part of our life experience. Life has always been about Ascension being-living-becoming. 
Due to the latest 7.0 Earthquake on the Richter Scale in Haiti, we need to prepare and learn from our past mistakes from history on earth.
Demographics around the fault lines has always been something we as an intelligent being species cannot seem to avoid.
Three quarters of our planet is covered by water. That doesn’t leave us much room on land. 
The earthquakes and volcanoes are natural cataclysms that we cannot avoid. They are not God’s will. This is part of the growth of land on planet earth as it reforms.
As the earth becomes anew we as an intelligent being species will also. This may be God’s will if we take into consideration that all energy cannot end.
This is the proof in the God Particle that scientists are working on now to prove in an empirical way.
Learning about this world, galaxy, and universe is only part of the truth. Learning that we are more than our mental, physical, and spiritual bodies is equally important.
There are ways to accomplish more than being a human, intelligent sentient being on earth. There are many places to explore, some take their physical bodies, and some take only their spiritual bodies.
Others only program us if we allow this to happen while in earthly form on earth. Learn to control thoughts and energy. This is part of our training on earth. We must learn how to leave earth finally without having to return. This is one of the major keys of time travel. Learning to come and go at will. However, there is a price. We all have a duty to search for wisdom, and enlightenment.
There are extra terrestrial beings who are our Guides but only after, we reach a certain level of being. We must learn to control our inner and outer awareness. There are teachers and students of these extraterrestrial phenomena. Many beings on earth will never reach this level of understanding in this lifetime on earth. This is part of our growth and evolution while on earth.
Many beings on earth are not aware that they are programmed and prefer to remain this way. Many who actually wake up to the world around them and stop appearing as sleepwalkers become aware of a completely new reality that others are not party too.
Sentient intelligent beings come to earth and prepare to learn what lessons are offered. There are many levels of existence and those who are only aware of a physical reality are not awakened to other possibilities. This will change in time. Some will awaken to the energy that was taught by Meta physicians and prophets. Mother Nature will teach some in the school of hard knocks. Some will learn from psychics and oracles. Be cheerful and present with all. Be one with each day and all that surrounds you. You may feel as one and alone but you are part of the all as one.
Learn that there are lessons to learn and this is what we are on earth to explore. We are about learning to communicate and explore with other parts of ourselves, such as the omnipresence. We should be habitually doing our duty to enjoy ourselves as we explore, grow, and learn
We should all know that energy is created to explore and learn and to understand. We are all searching. This is the global awareness of the twenty first century to be accepted prior to 2012.
We are all here to learn that there are other presences in the omnipresence, which exist in many places outside of our own selves. There are many beings that are going to be revealed in the future and some may have more power and knowledge than we may have on earth. We should accept these beings as our kind. Our mantra should be that we are growing and progressing into more than we are. We know we are immortal and the master of our own fate. We should greet the unknown with a cheerful heart and mind being armed with the philosophy that understanding is power. 
We are all part of the omnipresence of expansion.  We learn to share, communicate and gravitate to becoming more as creationist. We must learn to be part of the matter that holds the omnipresence together. We are to communicate with other immortals and assist others to learn of their creative powers. Some of us are in higher positions in knowledge levels which adds responsibility.  Some of us hold different levels of consciousness and understanding and are called leaders and/or communicators by our Omnipresence. Some people believe God calls them.
Many of these chosen beings are being called because of their level of understanding of other beings. Some beings are called because of the Omnipresence created in others who are on higher levels of existence. We have guides and beings in other dimensions.
Sentient intelligent beings come to earth to learn and explore. This is the great adventure of life. Karma is not punishment. Karma is nature giving the perfect opportunity to learn. Nature does not punish but teaches. We must be ready to accept the knowledge we learn from our mistakes. Nature is teaching us that we cannot destroy the environment called earth. We are all sentient intelligent beings who can teach each other. 
The Law of Karma teaches us to make the best of whatever gifts, or talents that we have. The message to each individual is to find your part, your place, your gift and share it with other beings. By fixing, the inside and the outside will adjust your being. Intelligent beings are losing their way back to the beginning. We are to return and come full circle. One of my jobs as a communicator is to collect souls.
Learn to think right and about what really matters on earth. Things will improve for you and everyone else on earth. All ill health, poverty, disharmony must disappear. Such is the law. God’s Laws are here on earth and in us all. We are learning the truth!
Life need not be by battle among beings on earth. Life is a big adventure. There are many beings on earth and they each have a role to play in the game of life. This is Omnipresence in all forms of matter and energy. We are all part of the one. God is one.
Pray that you individualize the Omnipresence and truth. Pray that we all will realize our gifts and talents and become aware of more than exists in each of us. Earth is beginning to recognize the power that comes from within as part of the Omnipresence. God is the Omnipresence of inspiration and creativity. Mother Nature has been called the Mother Goddess or force of nature. 
Regardless of whether one uses spiritual words or scientific words, the energy and matter is the same. We must learn to communicate that the God Omnipresence and the God Particle are one.
We are all the same – known as the glue of matter – and what befalls one befalls the other. Some scientists call this the butterfly effect. Mother Nature will teach in certain areas on earth because of the lower level of energy consciousness. We all do not have to learn from evil to know of its existence. We are all hear to accept our own immortality as extra terrestrial beings that will someday leave our mortal physical bodies that have been created on earth. 
Some beings believe we all go before a God and a Lord called Jesus. This thought process is not offered to all beings on earth. This may be the path of righteousness for some and not all. Only time will tell.
Regardless of how we break down the energy and the messenger, the message is still truth. We must all wake up to the fact that our reality is changing. Some see it and feel it more than others feel. Some call it synergy. It is energy and matter. Energy matters. We all matter. The message is there are higher powers that are extra terrestrial sharing that we must learn to care about each other. Raise consciousness and raise Omnipresence, which is expanding in all of us as one. My belief is in a Higher Power that dwells in all matter and is Omnipresence. The God power is the “God Particle” that holds all things as matter together as one.
These are words that I receive as messages. Some people may believe in God and some may believe in Divine Messengers. Some may believe in oracles and psychics. People are important to me. I know we are all here to learn lessons and I believe in reincarnation of our spiritual souls. If one wants to know God, guides, and time travel, then raise consciousness. Extra terrestrial beings are as real as UFOs.
There are beings who desire to communicate and share with me through thought and communication. Please know I believe that God is one and in us all. I am a Student, Teacher, Messenger, Being, and still only a small particle of the whole Omnipresence. I believe in God and divine messages. I choose to believe we are all children of God. I receive God energy as pure knowledge, which I call the Omnipresence. Some believe in names such as Nine, Tom, and other channeled energy of the One. This is a time of revelation. The Ascension Center Enlightenment is energy as matter and the glue for all spiritual souls who are ready to ascend.
The energy of Ascension Center was revealed to me as a collective consciousness and place for God’s people. The message of the Ascension Center is that Omnipresence is real and manifested in Extraterrestrials as God’s Messengers. My ET UFO message is that the Omnipresence is powerful and can create and destroy energy all matter. We as sentient intelligent beings are here to obtain ascension-centered awareness of our part as one so we can progress with other extra terrestrial intelligent being species.
This is my truth that I know and has been revealed to me. We are all here to share in life. This may be knowledge and inspiration that anyone can access direct. We have the Akashic Field and the Field of Origin, which are simply names for places where all pure knowledge is stored for creation. Think of this place as the Library of All Knowledge. Some people call this place the God Particle.
I leave it to others to learn, explore, and to know for themselves. We are all one and we are all immortal.
One must learn all there is to know about one’s self as a conscious awareness of being in one’s own physical, mental, and spiritual bodies. Then one can find the truth of existence and begin to learn about time travel. Some have to die and some have to learn out of body experiences. Some will learn about life on earth in a physical and mental body while traveling in their spiritual body at night in dreams. Some beings come and visit us on earth in our dreams where time travel is entirely possible. Some people believe what I write is in the paranormal realm. I am a student of the universe and I have been privileged to know beings who are in other groups of superior beings in space. This may seem impossible because of our overall denial that alien civilizations exist and that there are no UFOs. This is very far from the truth. It is up to each individual to  find their own path of enlightenment. Some of us on earth agree to assist. I know and believe in Extra terrestrial intelligent beings  and I know that they are real base don my own experiences in life.
Ascension Center High Priestess on the Tree of Life in the Game of life is the exoteric position that I have the privilege of existing as in one vessel.
I am a channel, a receiver of essence energy that is to be changed into words. This is my calling and election made sure in this lifetime. The reincarnation process of all beings is part of the molecular structure in our own photons that are riding on the waves of what we now hold onto in our magnetic fields we refer to as essence energy or life.
Destiny of the Essence of Energy
I receive channeled information daily, I ask for wisdom in prayer, and I meditate and sleep while waiting for answers to perform my duty while on earth. That is of sharing what I know as a perceiver and receiver of energy into consciousness and then form then into communication that we call sound, and words.
There are other vessels, containers, intelligent beings, that are made up of the same quantum particulates that make up what we refer to as humankind on earth.
I have been privileged to have the veil lifted in this lifetime between worlds of the past, present, and future. Time is linear in this world.
The actual metaverse is circular as in circumference. The universe expands outwards is concave and conclave.  A concave is like the inside of a circle. Convex is like the outside of a circle. Therefore, for those who desire to share in the Ascension Center Educational Awareness this is good to know and understand.
Others desire to know who I am and how I come by my knowledge. Let it suffice to be understood that knowing is within all our reach that come to planet earth.
The Akashic Field and Field of Everything is as real as we think it to be in our own minds and way of being. The Akashic Field is the expanse of all essence and energy that has been formed throughout the eons in the metaverse. There are ways to absorb this energy essence in our own beings though it is not totally understood by all as of yet.
The Ascension Age is now present to share in the opening up of our third eye consciousness and to raise our level in the fifth dimension. Those who are now present on earth have been taught about the second and third dimensions. There is also a fourth and fifth dimension of the mind. The Matrix and Web has become the same thing in some aspects of our reality while one is regarded, as the inside as concave and the other is the outside or the convex.
Since I am asked to share information and to assist in the full creation of our next reality taken from our past, present, and future, it seems somewhat esoteric. This is because in the past the information was very hard for the many to grasp in words. 
In the beginning was the word and the word was without form. This was part of our evolutionary process to obtain higher consciousness and awareness of our own soul selves. We can relate to our own energy as essence now in the 21st century as our inner being and out outer knowing.
For those who have to have a dictionary term and desire a Lexicon of the Esoteric Terms of which I speak, they will be able to obtain etymology own their own in linear time as one begins to understand space time continuum.
I was allowed to have a near death experience and allowed to meet extra terrestrials in this reality and the higher. This allowed me to experience various levels of being. This has assisted me in my own awareness and understanding about what our essence is and how we can all share in the greater good for all beings that are created in the metaverse.
Other intelligent beings are superior to us on planet earth. They are called the Supreme Beings in the higher realms of existence. They oversee all the intelligent beings and habitable planets in the universe. They are part of the higher circle in the metaverse.
These beings are able to assist in sharing their information with Oracles of earth. Those who are able to receive their transmissions are open to information that is in and around all of us. This is something that can be taught with proper training. This is part of the Ascension Age Awareness.
This is why I was taught to come back to earth and to share my awareness with others who may have a desire to excel. I have been sharing information with only the seekers who found me on earth. I taught classes of Ascension Psychic Awakening Classes in 1989 through 1993 in Honolulu, Hawaii. I also taught on some of the Hawaiian Islands and met a Huna or two.
. Examples include:
Animal Healers
Aroma Therapists
Artists and Jewelers
Authors CD and Booksellers
Feng Shui Practioners
Hypnotherapists Life Coaches
Massage Therapists
Native Medicine Healers
Reflexologists Reiki Therapists
Somatic Healers
UFO & Paranormal
Yoga Instructors
Energy Therapists
I was taught at that time to train those who were truly interested in becoming trainers and teachers for the selected seekers and believers. This is how it has always been on earth in the past. We needed time to evolve in our evolutionary process as an intelligent being species. We as human beings are a young race or selected species of the 46 types of beings that are all part of the evolutionary process. 
The 46 intelligent being species above have all combines their essence and we are the results.
More Later. TJ
While religious faith remains one of the most significant features of human life, little is known about its relationship to ordinary belief at the level of the brain. Nor is it known whether religious believers and nonbelievers differ in how they evaluate statements of fact. Our lab previously has used functional neuroimaging to study belief as a general mode of cognition [1], and others have looked specifically at religious belief [2]. However, no research has compared these two states of mind directly.
Methodology/Principal Findings
We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure signal changes in the brains of thirty subjects—fifteen committed Christians and fifteen nonbelievers—as they evaluated the truth and falsity of religious and nonreligious propositions. For both groups, and in both categories of stimuli, belief (judgments of “true” vs judgments of “false”) was associated with greater signal in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, an area important for self-representation [3], [4], [5], [6], emotional associations [7], reward [8], [9], [10], and goal-driven behavior [11]. This region showed greater signal whether subjects believed statements about God, the Virgin Birth, etc. or statements about ordinary facts. A comparison of both stimulus categories suggests that religious thinking is more associated with brain regions that govern emotion, self-representation, and cognitive conflict, while thinking about ordinary facts is more reliant upon memory retrieval networks.
While religious and nonreligious thinking differentially engage broad regions of the frontal, parietal, and medial temporal lobes, the difference between belief and disbelief appears to be content-independent. Our study compares religious thinking with ordinary cognition and, as such, constitutes a step toward developing a neuropsychology of religion. However, these findings may also further our understanding of how the brain accepts statements of all kinds to be valid descriptions of the world.
Citation: Harris S, Kaplan JT, Curiel A, Bookheimer SY, Iacoboni M, et al. (2009) The Neural Correlates of Religious and Nonreligious Belief. PLoS ONE 4(10): e7272. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007272
Editor: Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, United States of America
Received: June 3, 2009; Accepted: September 7, 2009; Published: October 1, 2009
Copyright: © 2009 Harris et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: For generous support the authors wish to thank the Brain Mapping Medical Research Organization, Brain Mapping Support Foundation, Pierson-Lovelace Foundation, The Ahmanson Foundation, William M. and Linda R. Dietel Philanthropic Fund at the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation, Tamkin Foundation, Jennifer Jones-Simon Foundation, Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation, Robson Family and Northstar Fund. The project described was supported in part by Grant Numbers RR12169, RR13642 and RR00865 from the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and by a grant from The Reason Project; its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NCR, NIH, or those of any other funding source. Sam Harris (joint first author) is the Co-founder and CEO of The Reason Project ( The Reason Project is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit foundation whose mission includes conducting original scientific research related to human values, cognition, and reasoning. This affiliation does not alter the authors’ adherence to all PLoS ONE policies on the sharing of data for the purpose of academic, non-commercial research. For this study, The Reason Project provided partial funding for MRI scanner use, subject recruitment, and psychological testing. The other sources of funding had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
# These authors contributed equally to this work. 
Introduction Since the 19th century, it has been widely assumed that the spread of industrialized society would spell the end of religion. Marx [12], Freud [13], [14], and Weber [15]—along with innumerable anthropologists, sociologists, historians, and psychologists influenced by their work—expected religious belief to wither in the light of modernity. It has not come to pass. Religion remains one of the most prominent features of human life in the 21st century. While most developed societies have grown predominantly secular [16], with the curious exception of the United States, orthodox religion is in full bloom throughout the developing world. Indeed, humanity seems to becoming proportionally more religious, as the combination of material advancement and secularism is strongly correlated with decreased fertility [17]. When one considers the rise of Islamism throughout the Muslim world, the spread of Pentecostalism throughout Africa, and the anomalous piety of the United States, it becomes clear that religion will have geopolitical consequences well into the 21st century.
Given the importance of religion in human life, surprisingly little is known about its basis in the brain. The relevance of the brain’s ventromedial dopaminergic systems to religious experience, belief and behavior is suggested by several lines of evidence, including the fact that a variety of clinical conditions related to dopaminergic dysfunction—mania, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), schizophrenia, and temporal-lobe epilepsy—are regularly associated with hyperreligiosity [18]. The serotonergic system has also been implicated, as drugs known to modulate it—like LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, N,N-dimethyltryptamine (“DMT”), and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (“ecstasy”)—seem especially potent drivers of religious/spiritual experience. In addition, 5-HT1A receptor densities have been inversely correlated with high scores on the “spiritual acceptance” subscale of the Temperament and Character Inventory [19].
There have been a number of neuroimaging and EEG studies done on religious practice and experience—primarily focusing on meditation [20], [21], [22], [23], [24] and prayer [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30]. The purpose of these studies has been to evoke spiritual/contemplative experiences in religious subjects and to compare these states of mind to a control condition. However, none of these studies were designed to isolate the variable of belief itself, or to determine whether religious belief differs from ordinary belief at the level of the brain.
As many have noted, religion cannot be reduced to a mere concatenation of religious beliefs. Every religion consists of rites, rituals, prayers, social institutions, holidays, etc., that serve a wide variety of purposes, explicit or otherwise [31], [32]. However, religious belief—that is, the acceptance of specific religious propositions as being true—is generally what renders these enterprises relevant, or even comprehensible. While there may be many Catholics, for instance, who value the ritual of the Mass without actually believing the doctrine of Transubstantiation, the primacy of the Mass within the Church still hinges on the fact that many Catholics do accept it as a metaphysical truth—a fact that can be directly attributed to specific, doctrinal claims that are still put forward by the Church. There is, of course, a distinction to be made between mere profession of such beliefs and actual belief [33]—a distinction that, while important, only makes sense in a world in which some people actually believe what they say they believe. There seems little reason to doubt that a significant percentage of human beings, likely a majority, falls into this latter category with respect one or another religious creed.
Our lab published the first neuroimaging study of belief as a general mode of cognition [1], and another group has looked specifically at religious conviction [2]. However, no research has compared these two states of mind directly. Here we show that while religious and nonreligious thinking differentially engage broad regions of the frontal, parietal, and medial temporal lobes—and, hence, appear quite distinct as modes of thought—the difference between belief and disbelief appears to be content-independent.
Results We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure signal changes in the brains of thirty subjects—fifteen committed Christians and fifteen nonbelievers—as they evaluated the truth and falsity of religious and nonreligious propositions. For each trial either a religious statement (e.g., “Jesus Christ really performed the miracles attributed to him in the Bible”) or a nonreligious statement (e.g., “Alexander the Great was a very famous military leader”) appeared, and participants pressed a button to indicate whether the statement was true or false. Our stimuli were designed to produce roughly equal numbers of believed and disbelieved trials in each category.
Behavioral data
Response time data were submitted to a repeated-measures ANOVA with belief (true, false) and statement content (religious, nonreligious) as within-subject variables, and group (nonbeliever, Christian) as a between-subject variable. Response times were significantly longer for false (3.95 s) compared to true (3.70 s) responses (F (1,28) = 33.4, p<.001), and also significantly longer for religious (3.99 s) compared with nonreligious (3.66 s) stimuli (F (1,28) = 18, p<.001). The two-way interaction between belief and content type did not reach significance, but there was a three-way interaction between belief, content type, and group (F (1,28) = 6.06, p<.05). While both groups were quicker to respond “true” than “false” on both categories of stimuli, the effect of truth was especially pronounced for nonbelievers when responding to religious statements (see Supplementary Information: Table S1 and Figure S1).
Belief compared with disbelief
For both groups, and in both categories of stimuli, belief was associated with greater blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC, see Fig. 1, Table 1), an area important for self-representation [3], [4], [5], [6], emotional associations [7], reward [8], [9], [10], and goal-driven behavior [11]. This region showed greater signal whether subjects believed statements about God, the Virgin Birth, etc. or statements about ordinary facts. We also saw greater signal in the left superior frontal gyrus and in both lateral occipital cortices for this contrast.
Figure 1. Belief minus disbelief (Both Categories; Both Groups).
Greater signal for belief compared with disbelief appeared in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, lateral occipital cortex, and superior frontal gyrus. The bottom panel shows percent signal change from baseline in each of the clusters (vmpc = ventromedial prefrontal cortex; log = lateral occipital gyrus; sfg = superior frontal gyrus). Error bars represent standard error of the mean.
Table 1. Belief minus disbelief.
The differences in VMPFC signal were due to a greater relative decrease in activation from baseline for the disbelief condition. Our finding of greater signal in VMPFC for belief compared to disbelief was significant in both Christians and nonbelievers for both religious and nonreligious stimuli, supporting a role for this brain region in the acceptance of truth-claims across content domains. A direct comparison of belief minus disbelief in Christians and nonbelievers did not show any significant group differences for nonreligious stimuli. For religious stimuli, there were additional regions of the brain that did differ by group, however these results seem best explained by a common reaction in both groups to statements that violate religious doctrines (discussed further below).
The opposite contrast, disbelief minus belief, yielded increased signal in the superior frontal sulcus and the precentral gyrus. The engagement of these areas is not readily explained on the basis of prior work (see Table 2).
Table 2. Disbelief minus belief.
Religious compared with Nonreligious statements
While religious faith remains one of the most significant features of human life, little is known about its relationship to ordinary belief at the level of the brain. Nor is it known whether religious believers and nonbelievers differ in how they evaluate statements of fact. Our lab previously has used functional neuroimaging to study belief as a general mode of cognition [1], and others have looked specifically at religious belief [2]. However, no research has compared these two states of mind directly.
Methodology/Principal Findings
We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure signal changes in the brains of thirty subjects—fifteen committed Christians and fifteen nonbelievers—as they evaluated the truth and falsity of religious and nonreligious propositions. For both groups, and in both categories of stimuli, belief (judgments of “true” vs judgments of “false”) was associated with greater signal in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, an area important for self-representation [3], [4], [5], [6], emotional associations [7], reward [8], [9], [10], and goal-driven behavior [11]. This region showed greater signal whether subjects believed statements about God, the Virgin Birth, etc. or statements about ordinary facts. A comparison of both stimulus categories suggests that religious thinking is more associated with brain regions that govern emotion, self-representation, and cognitive conflict, while thinking about ordinary facts is more reliant upon memory retrieval networks.
While religious and nonreligious thinking differentially engage broad regions of the frontal, parietal, and medial temporal lobes, the difference between belief and disbelief appears to be content-independent. Our study compares religious thinking with ordinary cognition and, as such, constitutes a step toward developing a neuropsychology of religion. However, these findings may also further our understanding of how the brain accepts statements of all kinds to be valid descriptions of the world.
Citation: Harris S, Kaplan JT, Curiel A, Bookheimer SY, Iacoboni M, et al. (2009) The Neural Correlates of Religious and Nonreligious Belief. PLoS ONE 4(10): e7272. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0007272
Editor: Olaf Sporns, Indiana University, United States of America
Received: June 3, 2009; Accepted: September 7, 2009; Published: October 1, 2009
Copyright: © 2009 Harris et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Funding: For generous support the authors wish to thank the Brain Mapping Medical Research Organization, Brain Mapping Support Foundation, Pierson-Lovelace Foundation, The Ahmanson Foundation, William M. and Linda R. Dietel Philanthropic Fund at the Northern Piedmont Community Foundation, Tamkin Foundation, Jennifer Jones-Simon Foundation, Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation, Robson Family and Northstar Fund. The project described was supported in part by Grant Numbers RR12169, RR13642 and RR00865 from the National Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and by a grant from The Reason Project; its contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of NCR, NIH, or those of any other funding source. Sam Harris (joint first author) is the Co-founder and CEO of The Reason Project ( The Reason Project is a 501(c) (3) nonprofit foundation whose mission includes conducting original scientific research related to human values, cognition, and reasoning. This affiliation does not alter the authors’ adherence to all PLoS ONE policies on the sharing of data for the purpose of academic, non-commercial research. For this study, The Reason Project provided partial funding for MRI scanner use, subject recruitment, and psychological testing. The other sources of funding had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Competing interests: The authors have declared that no competing interests exist.
# These authors contributed equally to this work. 
Introduction Since the 19th century, it has been widely assumed that the spread of industrialized society would spell the end of religion. Marx [12], Freud [13], [14], and Weber [15]—along with innumerable anthropologists, sociologists, historians, and psychologists influenced by their work—expected religious belief to wither in the light of modernity. It has not come to pass. Religion remains one of the most prominent features of human life in the 21st century. While most developed societies have grown predominantly secular [16], with the curious exception of the United States, orthodox religion is in full bloom throughout the developing world. Indeed, humanity seems to becoming proportionally more religious, as the combination of material advancement and secularism is strongly correlated with decreased fertility [17]. When one considers the rise of Islamism throughout the Muslim world, the spread of Pentecostalism throughout Africa, and the anomalous piety of the United States, it becomes clear that religion will have geopolitical consequences well into the 21st century.
Given the importance of religion in human life, surprisingly little is known about its basis in the brain. The relevance of the brain’s ventromedial dopaminergic systems to religious experience, belief and behavior is suggested by several lines of evidence, including the fact that a variety of clinical conditions related to dopaminergic dysfunction—mania, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), schizophrenia, and temporal-lobe epilepsy—are regularly associated with hyperreligiosity [18]. The serotonergic system has also been implicated, as drugs known to modulate it—like LSD, psilocybin, mescaline, N,N-dimethyltryptamine (“DMT”), and 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (“ecstasy”)—seem especially potent drivers of religious/spiritual experience. In addition, 5-HT1A receptor densities have been inversely correlated with high scores on the “spiritual acceptance” subscale of the Temperament and Character Inventory [19].
There have been a number of neuroimaging and EEG studies done on religious practice and experience—primarily focusing on meditation [20], [21], [22], [23], [24] and prayer [25], [26], [27], [28], [29], [30]. The purpose of these studies has been to evoke spiritual/contemplative experiences in religious subjects and to compare these states of mind to a control condition. However, none of these studies were designed to isolate the variable of belief itself, or to determine whether religious belief differs from ordinary belief at the level of the brain.
As many have noted, religion cannot be reduced to a mere concatenation of religious beliefs. Every religion consists of rites, rituals, prayers, social institutions, holidays, etc., that serve a wide variety of purposes, explicit or otherwise [31], [32]. However, religious belief—that is, the acceptance of specific religious propositions as being true—is generally what renders these enterprises relevant, or even comprehensible. While there may be many Catholics, for instance, who value the ritual of the Mass without actually believing the doctrine of Transubstantiation, the primacy of the Mass within the Church still hinges on the fact that many Catholics do accept it as a metaphysical truth—a fact that can be directly attributed to specific, doctrinal claims that are still put forward by the Church. There is, of course, a distinction to be made between mere profession of such beliefs and actual belief [33]—a distinction that, while important, only makes sense in a world in which some people actually believe what they say they believe. There seems little reason to doubt that a significant percentage of human beings, likely a majority, falls into this latter category with respect one or another religious creed.
Our lab published the first neuroimaging study of belief as a general mode of cognition [1], and another group has looked specifically at religious conviction [2]. However, no research has compared these two states of mind directly. Here we show that while religious and nonreligious thinking differentially engage broad regions of the frontal, parietal, and medial temporal lobes—and, hence, appear quite distinct as modes of thought—the difference between belief and disbelief appears to be content-independent.
Results We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to measure signal changes in the brains of thirty subjects—fifteen committed Christians and fifteen nonbelievers—as they evaluated the truth and falsity of religious and nonreligious propositions. For each trial either a religious statement (e.g., “Jesus Christ really performed the miracles attributed to him in the Bible”) or a nonreligious statement (e.g., “Alexander the Great was a very famous military leader”) appeared, and participants pressed a button to indicate whether the statement was true or false. Our stimuli were designed to produce roughly equal numbers of believed and disbelieved trials in each category.
Behavioral data
Response time data were submitted to a repeated-measures ANOVA with belief (true, false) and statement content (religious, nonreligious) as within-subject variables, and group (nonbeliever, Christian) as a between-subject variable. Response times were significantly longer for false (3.95 s) compared to true (3.70 s) responses (F (1,28) = 33.4, p<.001), and also significantly longer for religious (3.99 s) compared with nonreligious (3.66 s) stimuli (F (1,28) = 18, p<.001). The two-way interaction between belief and content type did not reach significance, but there was a three-way interaction between belief, content type, and group (F (1,28) = 6.06, p<.05). While both groups were quicker to respond “true” than “false” on both categories of stimuli, the effect of truth was especially pronounced for nonbelievers when responding to religious statements (see Supplementary Information: Table S1 and Figure S1).
Belief compared with disbelief
For both groups, and in both categories of stimuli, belief was associated with greater blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) signal in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (VMPFC, see Fig. 1, Table 1), an area important for self-representation [3], [4], [5], [6], emotional associations [7], reward [8], [9], [10], and goal-driven behavior [11]. This region showed greater signal whether subjects believed statements about God, the Virgin Birth, etc. or statements about ordinary facts. We also saw greater signal in the left superior frontal gyrus and in both lateral occipital cortices for this contrast.
Figure 1. Belief minus disbelief (Both Categories; Both Groups).
Greater signal for belief compared with disbelief appeared in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex, lateral occipital cortex, and superior frontal gyrus. The bottom panel shows percent signal change from baseline in each of the clusters (vmpc = ventromedial prefrontal cortex; log = lateral occipital gyrus; sfg = superior frontal gyrus). Error bars represent standard error of the mean.
Table 1. Belief minus disbelief.
The differences in VMPFC signal were due to a greater relative decrease in activation from baseline for the disbelief condition. Our finding of greater signal in VMPFC for belief compared to disbelief was significant in both Christians and nonbelievers for both religious and nonreligious stimuli, supporting a role for this brain region in the acceptance of truth-claims across content domains. A direct comparison of belief minus disbelief in Christians and nonbelievers did not show any significant group differences for nonreligious stimuli. For religious stimuli, there were additional regions of the brain that did differ by group, however these results seem best explained by a common reaction in both groups to statements that violate religious doctrines (discussed further below).
The opposite contrast, disbelief minus belief, yielded increased signal in the superior frontal sulcus and the precentral gyrus. The engagement of these areas is not readily explained on the basis of prior work (see Table 2).
Table 2. Disbelief minus belief.
Religious compared with Nonreligious statements
While the contrast of belief minus disbelief yielded similar activation patterns for both stimulus categories, a comparison of all religious trials to all nonreligious trials produced a wide range of signal differences throughout the brain. The contrast of religious stimuli minus nonreligious stimuli (see Fig. 2A, Table 3.) revealed greater signal in many regions, including the anterior insula and the ventral striatum. The anterior insula has been regularly linked to pain perception [34] and even to the perception of pain in others [35]. This region is also widely believed to mediate negatively valenced feelings like disgust [36], [37]. The ventral striatum is also regularly associated with emotional processing, especially with reward [38] and appears to play a role in cognitive planning [39]. We also found greater signal for religious stimuli in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). The ACC is often taken to be a reporter of response conflict [40], and activity in this region has been negatively correlated with religious conviction [41].
Figure 2. Religious versus nonreligious statements.
(A) The MRI signal was greater when subjects evaluated religious statements compared with nonreligious statements in areas throughout the brain, including the precuneus, anterior cingulate, insula, and ventral striatum. (B) Increased signal was found for nonreligious statements compared with religious statements in several left hemisphere regions including the parahippocampal gyrus, retrosplenial cortex, temporal pole, middle temporal gyrus and hippocampus.
Table 3. Religious minus nonreligious statements.
Another key region that appears to be preferentially engaged by religious thinking is the posterior medial cortex. This area is part of the previously described resting state network that shows greater activity during both rest and self-referential tasks [3].
The opposite contrast, nonreligious minus religious statements, produced greater signal in left hemisphere networks, including the hippocampus, the parahippocampal gyrus, middle temporal gyrus, temporal pole, and retrosplenial cortex (see Fig. 2B, Table 4). It is well known that the hippocampus and the parahippocampal gyrus are involved in memory retrieval [42]. The anterior temporal lobe is also engaged by semantic memory tasks [43], and the retrosplenial cortex displays especially strong, reciprocal connectivity with structures in the medial temporal lobe [44].
Table 4. Nonreligious minus Religious statements.
Finally, among our religious stimuli, the subset of statements that ran counter to Christian doctrine yielded greater signal for both groups in several brain regions, including the ventral striatum, paracingulate cortex, middle frontal gyrus, the frontal poles, and inferior parietal cortex (see Fig 3, Table 5). These regions showed greater signal both when Christians rejected stimuli contrary to their doctrine (e.g. “The Biblical god is a myth”) and when nonbelievers affirmed the truth of those same statements. In other words, these brain areas responded preferentially to “blasphemous” statements in both subject groups. This contrast is the result of a double subtraction on religious trials: (Nonbeliever True-Nonbeliever False)-(Christian True-Christian False) = NT-NF-CT+CF = NT+CF-NF-CT = (NT+CF)-(NF + CT). The opposite contrast: (NF-NT)-(CF-CT) produced a null result.
Figure 3. Reponses to blasphemy in both groups.
There were significant differences between blasphemous and non-blasphemous statements in both groups. These are regions that show greater signal both when Christians reject stimuli contrary to their doctrine (e.g. “The Biblical god is a myth”) and when nonbelievers affirm their belief in those same statements (pc = paracingulate gyrus; mf = middle frontal gyrus; vs = ventral striatum; ip = inferior parietal lobe; fp = frontal pole). Error bars represent standard error of the mean.
Table 5. Double subtraction (“blasphemy” contrast).
Nearly a century of opinion polling attests that 70–85 percent of Americans profess not merely a belief in a generic God, but a belief in highly specific, religious propositions: that the Bible is the word of God (whether literal or “inspired”), that Jesus Christ will physically return to earth at some point in the future, that Satan exists and leads people to sin, that prayers actually get answered, etc. The failure to subject such beliefs to rational criticism may be one reason for their survival. But, as Boyer [31], [45] points out, the failure of reality testing cannot explain the specific character of religious beliefs. According to Boyer, religious beliefs and concepts must arise from mental categories and cognitive propensities that predate religion—and these underlying structures might determine the stereotypical form that religious beliefs and practices take. These categories relate to things like intentional agents, animacy, social exchange, moral intuitions, natural hazards, and ways of understanding human misfortune. On Boyer’s account, people do not accept implausible religious doctrines because they have relaxed their standards of rationality; they relax their standards of rationality because certain doctrines fit their “inference machinery” in such a way as to seem credible. And what most religious propositions may lack in plausibility they make up for in the degree to which they are memorable, emotionally salient, and socially consequential; all of these properties are a product of our underlying cognitive architecture, and most of this architecture is not consciously accessible. Boyer argues, therefore, that explicit theologies and consciously held beliefs are not a reliable indicator of the contents or causes of a person’s religious outlook.
Boyer may be correct in saying that we have cognitive templates for religious ideas that run deeper than culture (in the same way that we appear to have deep, abstract concepts like “animal” and “tool”). We may, in fact, be what Bloom [46] has called “common sense dualists”—that is, we may be constitutionally inclined to see mind as distinct from body and, therefore, will tend to intuit the existence of disembodied minds at work in the world. This could lead us to presume ongoing relationships with dead friends and relatives, to anticipate our own survival of death, and to generally conceive of people as having immaterial souls.
A variety of experiments suggest that children are predisposed to assume both design and intention behind natural events—leaving many psychologists and anthropologists to believe that children, left entirely to their own devices, would invent some conception of God [47]. The psychologist Margaret Evans has found that children between the ages of eight and ten, whatever their upbringing, are consistently more inclined to give a Creationist account of the natural world than their parents are [48].
Because our minds have evolved to detect patterns in the world, we may tend to detect patterns that aren’t actually there—ranging from faces in the clouds to a divine hand in the workings of Nature. Hood [49] posits an additional cognitive schema that he calls “supersense”—a tendency to infer hidden forces in the world, working for good or for ill. On his account, supersense generates beliefs in the supernatural (religious and otherwise) all on its own, and such beliefs are thereafter modulated, rather than instilled, by culture. Hood likens our susceptibility to religious ideas to our propensity to develop phobias for evolutionarily relevant threats (like snakes and spiders) rather than for things that are far more likely to kill us (like automobiles and electrical sockets). Barrett [50] makes the same case, likening religion to language acquisition: we come into this world cognitively prepared for language; our culture and upbringing merely dictate which languages we will be exposed to.
And yet, however predisposed the human mind may be to harboring religious beliefs, it remains a fact that each new generation receives a religious worldview, at least in part, in the form of linguistic propositions—far more so in some societies than in others. Whatever the evolutionary underpinnings of religion, it seems unlikely that there is a genetic explanation for the why the French, Swedes, and Japanese tend not to believe in the God of Abraham while Americans, Saudis, and Somalis do. The importance of religious doctrines that purport to be true, and their subsequent acceptance as true by great numbers of human beings, seems indisputable.
Recent attempts to study the neural correlates of religious belief have either suffered from a lack of a nonreligious control condition [2] or were not designed to isolate the variable of belief at all [41]. To investigate the neural correlates of belief for both religious and nonreligious modes of thought, we asked Christians and nonbelievers to evaluate statements of both types while in the MRI scanner.
The data reported above present statistical tests of the reliability of signal changes occurring throughout the brain as a function of the stimuli and their associated behavioral responses. However, these data are of greater value when interpreted against related results in the neuroscientific literature. Such a discussion necessarily entails “reverse inference” of a sort often considered problematic in the field of neuroimaging [51]. One cannot reliably infer the presence of a mental state on the basis of brain data alone, unless the brain regions in question are known to be truly selective for a single state of mind. As the brain is an evolved organ, with higher order states emerging from lower order mechanisms, very few of its regions are so selective as to fully justify inferences of this kind. Nevertheless, our results appear to make at least provisional sense of the emotional tone of belief. And whatever larger role our regions of interest play in human cognition and behavior, they appear to respond similarly to putative statements of fact, irrespective of content, in the brains of both religious believers and nonbelievers.
The contrast, belief minus disbelief, revealed greater BOLD signal in the VMPFC (see Fig. 1, Table 1). The medial prefrontal cortex is known to have a high level of resting state activity and to show reduced activity compared to baseline for a wide variety of cognitive tasks [52]. BOLD signal in this region has often been associated with self-representation, particularly for verbal stimuli [3]: for instance, one sees smaller decreases in activity from baseline when subjects make judgments about themselves than when they make judgments about others [53]. This region has also been implicated in reward-related processing [54]. The smaller decrease in activity for belief compared to disbelief could reflect the greater self-relevance and/or reward value of true statements.
Our study was designed to produce high concordance on nonreligious stimuli (e.g., “Eagles really exist”) and high discordance on religious stimuli (e.g., “Angels really exist”). The fact that we found essentially the same signal maps for belief minus disbelief in both groups, on both categories of content, argues strongly for the content-independence of belief and disbelief as cognitive processes. Despite the fact that religious believers and nonbelievers accepted and rejected diametrically opposite statements in half of our experimental trials, the same neural systems were engaged in both groups throughout. This would seem to rule out the possibility that these results could be explained by any property of the stimuli apart from their being deemed “true” or “false” by the subjects in our study. The involvement of the VMPFC for belief is consistent with our earlier findings [1].
In our earlier study of belief, we found anterior insula signal to be associated with the contrast disbelief minus belief. Kapogiannis et al. [2] also found signal in the insula to be correlated with the rejection of religious statements deemed false. The significance of the anterior insula for negative affect/appraisal has been discussed above. Because Kapogiannis et al. did not include a nonreligious control condition in their experiment, they interpreted the insula’s recruitment as a sign that violations of religious doctrine might provoke “aversion, guilt, or fear of loss” in people of faith. Reducing the statistical thresholding in our present study did nominate the insula as a region of interest for disbelief, in both groups and on both categories of stimuli. However, these areas of signal did not survive our cluster thresholding.
Our previous study of belief, in which we explicitly modeled uncertainty, revealed greater signal in the ACC and adjacent regions of the superior frontal gyrus in the uncertainty condition. Given that our signal maps in the contrast religious minus nonreligious elicited this same pattern, we speculate that both groups experienced greater cognitive conflict and uncertainty while evaluating religious statements. In support of this conjecture, we also note that our religious stimuli, while semantically and grammatically well matched to our nonreligious stimuli, incurred longer response times for both groups. This contrast also showed bilateral signal in the striatum and the anterior insulae. It is perhaps not surprising that the evaluation of religious statements would more fully engage regions of the brain responsive to emotional salience, both positive and negative.
The contrast religious minus nonreligious also showed increased signal in the medial parietal regions regularly associated with self-referential tasks. We note that a possible difference between responding to our religious and nonreligious stimuli is that, for both groups, a person’s answers could serve to affirm his or her identity: i.e. for every religious trial, Christians were explicitly affirming their religious worldview, while nonbelievers were explicitly denying the truth-claims of religion.
The opposite contrast, nonreligious minus religious, showed increased signal in left hemisphere memory networks. Thus, judgments about the nonreligious stimuli presented in our study seemed more dependent upon those brain systems involved in accessing stored knowledge.
Finally, there were several regions that showed greater signal in both groups in response to “blasphemous” statements (i.e. those that ran counter to Christian doctrine). The ventral striatum signal in this contrast suggests that decisions about these stimuli may have been more rewarding for both groups: Nonbelievers may take special pleasure in making assertions that explicitly negate religious doctrine, while Christians may enjoy rejecting such statements as false.
There is, of course, no reason to expect that any regions of the human brain are dedicated solely to belief and disbelief. Nevertheless, our work suggests that these opposing states of cognition can be discriminated by functional neuroimaging and are intimately tied to networks involved in self-representation and reward. Despite vast differences in the underlying processing responsible for religious and nonreligious modes of thought, the distinction between believing and disbelieving a proposition appears to transcend content. These results may have many areas of application—ranging from the neuropsychology of religion, to the use of “belief-detection” as a surrogate for “lie-detection,” to understanding how the practice of science itself, and truth-claims generally, emerge from the biology of the human brain.
Materials and Methods Experimental Subjects
We enrolled 54 subjects who were (1) between the ages of 18–30, (2) not taking anti-depressants, (3) neurologically healthy, (4) free of obvious psychiatric illness or suicidal ideation, and (5) native speakers of English as their first language. These inclusion/exclusion criteria sought to remove confounding effects of (1&2) age- or drug-related hypometabolism in the brain, (3) structural and functional anomalies due to illness or injury, (4) differences in psychological health, and (5) differences in linguistic processing. Subjects with implanted metal are routinely excluded from experiments using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for reasons of safety. All subjects gave written, informed consent according to the guidelines of the UCLA Human Subjects Protection Committee.
In order to implement these inclusion/exclusion criteria, subjects were screened by means of a telephone questionnaire. This questionnaire allowed us to isolate the variable of religious belief, in an effort to admit only dedicated Christians and nonbelievers into the protocol.
Once we had two groups of subjects (Christians and Nonbelievers), we attempted to balance these groups with respect to 1) general reasoning ability, 2) age, and 3) years of education. We also sought to exclude all subjects who exhibited signs of psychopathology. To this end we assessed subjects’ general intelligence using the Weschler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence (WASI) and screened for psychopathology using the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS). Subjects were not given the results of these tests.
Thirteen subjects were excluded on the basis of these psychological assessments. This left us with 41 subjects (19 female, 22 male; 20 Christians; 21 Nonbelievers). Forty of these participated in the fMRI portion of our study, but ten were later dropped, and their data excluded from subsequent analysis, due to technical difficulties with their scans (2 subjects), or to achieve a gender balance between the two groups (1 subject), or because their responses to our experimental stimuli indicated that they did not actually meet the criteria for inclusion in our study as either nonbelievers or committed Christians (7 subjects).
While gradations of belief are certainly worth investigating, our experiment sought to characterize belief and disbelief in their purest form. It was, therefore, essential that we exclude subjects who could not consistently respond “true” or “false” with conviction. Our decision to exclude data from subjects whose answers were not consistent with our pre-screening criteria was part of our original design and was not made based on any evaluation of the scanning data (the fMRI data from these subjects were never analyzed). While we adopted the criteria of excluding anyone who responded to one category of statements with less than 90% predictability, the 7 subjects who were excluded on this basis had responses that ranged from 22% to 43% discord with the expected responses. (For instance, one subject who passed our initial screening as a nonbeliever actually agreed with 43% of the religious Christian statements once inside the scanner.) Because our telephone questionnaire needed to screen for all relevant variables (age, native language, MRI safety issues, etc.), it contained only a very abbreviated assessment of belief. Thus, the high exclusion rate at this later stage of the experiment represents the failure of our brief screening procedure to accurately assess a person’s religious beliefs, rather than a bias in our approach to data analysis. These exclusions ensured that our final group of subjects did, in fact, strongly believe/disbelieve our religious stimuli. We note, however, that the subjects retained in this experiment do not represent the full range of religious commitment found in the general population.
Our final study consisted of data acquired from 30 subjects (15 Christians; 15 Nonbelievers; 7 men and 8 women in each group). The mean full-scale WASI scores, years of education, and ages for the groups appear in Table 6.
Table 6. Subject Data: The mean full-scale WASI scores, years of education, and ages for all subjects retained in this experiment.
Experimental design
Once inside the scanner, subjects were presented with a series of short statements through a video-goggle display (Resonance Technology, Inc). After reading each statement, they were asked to evaluate its truth content with the press of a button, indicating “true” (belief), “false” (disbelief), and “undecidable” (uncertainty). The presentation of stimuli was self-paced. Stimuli were drawn from two categories, religious and nonreligious. All statements were designed to be judged easily as “true” or “false” (the response of “undecidable,” while available to subjects, was not expected).
Within each category, we attempted to balance the stimuli with respect to semantic structure and content. Strict balancing across categories was not possible, however, as the two categories differ with respect to content, in principle. For the purposes of stimulus design (not presentation) we generated our statements in groups of four (true and false; religious and nonreligious):
The Biblical God really exists. (Christian true/nonbeliever false)
The Biblical God is a myth. (Christian false/nonbeliever true)
Santa Claus is a myth. (Both groups true)
Santa Claus really exists. (Both groups false)
Christians and Nonbelievers were expected to respond identically to nonreligious stimuli and to be discordant for all religious trials. The nature of the questions, along with a telephone screening protocol that selected for nonbelievers and committed Christians, more or less ensured that subjects’ responses would segregate in this way (see Supplementary Information: Experimental Stimuli S1).
Prior to scanning, all stimuli were tested to ensure that they would function appropriately in our experiment. For this purpose, we created several sets of candidate stimuli and solicited responses from the nonbelievers and Christians on the Internet. For each statement the number of respondents averaged around 5000, 80–90% of whom were nonbelievers. The numbers of committed Christians responding to each statement ranged from 254–787. Participants were asked to judge the veracity of each statement using a Likert scale (ranging from 1-“strongly disbelieve” to 5-“strongly believe”). In selecting stimuli for this study, we retained only those statements that reliably elicited ratings of 1 or 5 in these surveys. We kept only those religious statements that segregated along the lines of stated belief (Christian v. nonbeliever), and only those nonreligious statements that showed no such interaction.
Each functional scan was balanced with respect to category content (religious/nonreligous) and response valence (true/false). After scanning, subjects were asked to review their recorded responses to all statements to ensure that they reflected their actual beliefs at the time of scanning. Erroneous responses, responses of “undecided,” or those statements which, upon debriefing, could not be clearly judged by subjects to be “true” or “false” were excluded from subsequent data analysis.
The stimuli were presented in an order optimized to produce maximal signal differentiation and to ensure temporal jitter between trials using a genetic optimization algorithm [55]. Jitter was achieved by interspersing the task trials with fixation trials in an order determined by the genetic algorithm. The presentation of each of three stimulus sets was randomized for each subject. For the purposes of data analysis, an experimental trial began the moment a statement appeared and ended with each subject’s response.
Functional MRI Data Acquisition
All scanning was performed on a Siemens Trio 3T scanner. Each subject received three functional scans of approximately 6 to 10 minutes in length. Functional images were acquired in the AC-PC orientation using T2*-weighted echo-planar scans (TR = 2000 ms, TE = 35 ms, flip angle = 80 degrees, FOV = 192×192 mm, slice thickness = 3 mm, number of slices = 29, inter-slice gap = 1 mm, bandwidth = 3256 Hz/pixel). FMRI data processing was carried out using FEAT (FMRI Expert Analysis Tool) Version 5.98, part of FSL (FMRIB’s Software Library, Registration to high resolution structural and to standard space images was carried out using FLIRT [56], [57], [58]. We used FLIRT to register the functional data to the atlas space in three stages. First, functional images were aligned with the high-resolution co-planar T2-weighted image (TR = 5000 ms, TE = 31 ms, flip angle = 90 degrees, FOV = 200×200 mm, slice thickness = 3 mm, slices = 29, inter-slice gap = 1 mm, bandwidth = 1628) using 6 degrees of freedom rigid-body warping procedure. Next, the co-planar volume was registered to the T1-weighted MP-RAGE (TR = 1900 ms, TE = 3.43 ms, TI = 900 ms, flip angle = 9 degrees, FOV = 256×256 mm, slice thickness = 1 mm, number of slices = 160, inter-slice gap = .5 mm, bandwidth = 180 Hz/pixel) using a six degrees of freedom rigid-body warp. Finally, the MP-RAGE was registered to the standard MNI atlas with a twelve degrees of freedom affine transformation. Registration from high resolution structural to standard space was then further refined using FNIRT nonlinear registration [59], [60].
Functional MRI Data Analysis
All functional data were analyzed using FSL. We performed standard preprocessing—slice timing correction, motion correction, brain extraction, spatial smoothing (using a 5 mm kernel), high-pass filtering, and pre-whitening—prior to contrast modeling. Individual responses were analyzed in an event-related manner. We modeled four types of trials with separate regressors: nonreligious true, nonreligious false, religious true, and religious false. Since response time varied among conditions, we also included in our model an additional regressor to account for the effects of response time. This regressor had a height equal to the response time for each trial, and was orthogonalized with respect to the other four regressors. The six motion correction parameters were also included as additional regressors. Our maps of blood oxygen level dependant (BOLD) signal changes were the result of pairwise contrasts between each of the task conditions. Statistical images were thresholded using clusters determined by Z >2.3 and a corrected cluster size significance threshold of p = 0.05.
Supporting Information Experimental Stimuli S1. 
The full set of stimuli used in this experiment.
(0.05 MB DOC)
Table S1. 
(0.04 MB DOC)
Figure S1. 
(0.08 MB TIF)
Author Contributions Conceived and designed the experiments: SH JTK MI MSC. Performed the experiments: JTK. Analyzed the data: SH JTK MI MSC. Contributed reagents/materials/analysis tools: MI MSC. Wrote the paper: SH JTK. Performed all subject recruitment, telephone screenings, and psychometric assessments prior to scanning: AC. Supervised our psychological assessment procedures and consulted on subject exclusions: SB. Gave extensive notes on the manuscript: MSC MI.
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1 UCLA Ahmanson-Lovelace Brain Mapping Center, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, California, United States of America, 2 Brain and Creativity Institute and Department of Psychology, University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, California, United States of America, 3 Department of Clinical Psychology, Pepperdine University, Los Angeles, California, United States of America, 4 Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, California, United States of America, 5 Center for Cognitive Neuroscience, University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, California, United States of America, 6 Departments of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, California, United States of America, 7 The Brain Research Institute, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, California, United States of America, 8 Departments of Neurology, Radiological Sciences, Biomedical Engineering, and Biomedical Physics, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, California, United States of America, 9 Department of Psychology, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), Los Angeles, California, United States of America, 10 The Reason Project, Santa Monica, California, United States of America
We have many people requesting the ACE GUIDE. We are putting great efforts into sharing all of the Ancient Mystery Schools with all the updates regarding the mystical, magical, metaphysical, and occult wisdom lacking in many of the past disciplines taught on earth.
Many people could not read and write throughout the past centuries. This allowed for much confusion.
We hope that the world will desire to share health and prosperity for all.
This is our goal as Ascension Beings who are centered, well rounded, and grounded in education for earth.
THE ASCENSION CENTER – ACE GUIDE – EDUCATION and SELF-HELP Books and publishing for those who desire to know more about the future of humankind on earth. Many who desire to study ascension are about the future inspiration for all. Ascension Beings desire health and prosperity for all.
The Ascension Center ACE GUIDE FOR 2012 will include education in these areas.
Do not confuse entomology the study of insects with Etymology the study of world history. We will assist many teachers with the topics for those who desire to visit Hawaii, and learn of Lemuria and Atlantis. The New Age of Revealing and Revelation is considered the years of 2010 through 2012.
2013 begins the ASCENSION AGE. David Wilcock will be speaking at a seminar in Hawaii in February. Michael Salla is also in Hawaii.
The topics discussed are a compilation, formulation of the Ancient Mystery Schools adapted to modern day words, and etymology will be a part of the future changes in the WEB and the MATRIX. Some now refer to the Critical Mass Consciousness and how everyone that is entitled to know of the God Particles in everyone and everything affects the Akashic Field. This is now being revealed to Quantum Scientists and those who are working with the Hadron Collider. There are new findings for Astronomers and new telescopes creating new awareness for us all. It is truly an age of revealing.   Bodies There have been recent attempts at creating groups and associations for seminars in California and in other places around the world including Hawaii.
Honolulu is the home to the original Ascension Center and is considered the Heart of Lemuria. Many of the Hawaiian Hunas know this and feel the Hawaiian Chain of islands are cresting or sitting upon where Lemuria once resided.
If anyone has ever been to Hawaii and toured the islands where there are both whales and dolphins that live there, one can know it is truly touched and blessed.
Gil Grissom on the CSI: Crime Scene Investigation TV show is an entomologist, who is played by actor William Petersen.
Similarly, entomologist Jack Hodgins of Bones, portrayed by TJ Thyne, helps his team by analyzing insects (such as Hydrotaea) and “particulates” near to or attached to decomposed victims, often identifying the precise location a murder originally occurred; he is also an expert in botany and mineralogy.
In Arthur Conan Doyle’s story, The Hound of the Baskervilles, the villain is a naturalist who collects butterflies, making him an “evil” entomologist.
There are numerous science fiction books, which have plots based on humans becoming smaller and having to deal with insects at their level.
 Some examples are The Insect Warriors by Rex Dean Levie, Atta by Francis Rufus Bellamy, Bug Park by James P. Hogan, The Micronauts series by Gordon Williams, and The Forgotten Planet by Murray Leinster. The Forgotten Planets plot is twisted in that the insects are the size of men (or larger) on a planet “seeded” to prepare it for human habitation. Robert Asprin wrote The Bug Wars, a novel about war between reptiles and insects on an interplanetary scale.
We are going into what are called precession years. This will include
The new discoveries of old and ancient information through science,
Technology and discoveries of future inventions.
It is our desire to share in the awareness of ascension cultural
Education. We plan to do this via the Internet or World Wide Web.
There is so much changing now that we should be involved with art,
Culture, education, science, technology, and the religions of
Humankind on earth.
We are going through global change and will need everyone to improve
Innovations and involvement.
The Large Hadron Collider is the picture of the 21st century that will
Lead the way into our new discoveries of the weak and strong nuclear
Forces in the universe. This will deal with the global environment,
International world governmental changes and future discoveries on
Earth. Some may include the knowledge of reverse engineering from
Extraterrestrial technology.
We are doing this internationally now as we can see due to the recent
Earthquake in Haiti on January 12, 2010. We cannot change history but
We can learn from our mistakes.
The Red Cross is the one organization that we can count on in the world.
The United Nations is also one organization along with UNESCO for education.
We will need more involvement during these years that will involve
The OLYMPIC TEAMS to inspire us and to share hope.
There are new words on websites springing up daily in the world. The new buzzwords with the new marketing and media online have not been able to keep up with all the new words. We will need a new Global Lexicon and WORLD WIDE DICTIONARY.
We will need improvements in our Lexicography skills. There are now new
Improvements in our entertainment media. We have seen some innovations that we have enjoyed with computer graphics and simulations in a lifelike film called Avatar. We will desire more movies such as Avatar and maybe Steven Spielberg could make a Close Encounters II or the Fourth Kind has been made so maybe Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind.  This new 3D movie was a wonderful contribution to the 21st
During the past in American when we were at war and/or in a recession
We used the theater and movies to inspire us to a better way of life
With movie stars on the big silver screen who had a life we could only
Dream about and desire, which inspired hope for the future.
We have always enjoyed our movies and these can now be seen in various
Ways on television via satellite, internet computers, and yet, we
Still want to go share in a social event with our friends and families
In theaters in America. This has been engraved as part of our American
The Ascension Center Education will be a part of the future and is
Concentrating on the time prior to the date of December 21, 2012,
11:11 AM as the sun passes over our part of the world. The light will
Restore parts of our DNA that have been lacking and those born after
This time on earth will be the new human beings with knowledge
Abilities that include the future in 3D and Virtual Imaging in the
Many call this Ascension Age, which is called that for the awareness the time on earth, brings about the truth as it is restored in correcting history with our past knowledge clarified with the assistance of avatar oracles. 
The topics shared in a guide we will be sharing in the new World
Information Network (WIN) to inspire Social Entrepreneurs of the
Future on the Internet. We are a Global Community that is rebuilding
Ourselves through new information, knowledge, reconstruction, and
Imagining ourselves in the future. This projection and new telepathic
Waves we use to connect to the Akashic Field of Everything in the
Universe will be not only felt but also discovered to be a real energy in
The smallest forms of matter and antimatter in science.
Some of the topics below are what many people are now interested in as
We create new scripts for our enjoyment and entertainment social media
Networks. We will all become students as seekers and teachers as seers
Around the world. Global Community Culture is dealing with art,
Culture, education, science, technology, social entrepreneurs, and
creating new professions and careers for the future of our children.
The following is in no specific order as we are still compiling topics and subjects for Neophytes from our Ascension Center Authority though December 21, 2012 T. 11:11 DEADLINE – ASCENSION CENTER AVATAR GUIDE FOR LIGHT WORKERS IN THE ASCENSION AGE 
ASCENSION AGE begins on DECEMBER 21, 2012 T. 11:11
The most dramatic changes are being revealed now in articles on Social Paranormal Network Guide at
Ascension Cultural Intergovernmental Relations (ACIR)
Alien Contact
Alien Technology
Amen Unity
Amnesty-Human Rights
Ancient Cultures
Religions and Paths to Salvation
Pole Shifts
Near Earth Objects
Planet Nibiru
Ascension DNA Code Activation
Ascension Consciousness Awakening
Ascension Body -Mind-Spirit Activism
AUTHORS/Web Publishers
Light workers
Star Babies
Star People
Area 51
Dulce Base
All New Mexico Bases
Pine Gap
Johnson Manned Spacecraft Center
Cape Canaveral
Internet Use
Building a Website
Starting a Business
Social Networks
Ancient & Present
Ghost Hunters
Psychic Mediums
Spirit Guides
ET Disclosure Project
Government Cover Ups
Conspiracy Theories
Levitation of Spirit
Mental Telepathy
Migrations of Birds
Psi miracles
Spirits of electricity
God Particle
Time Displacement
Organized divination
Extraterrestrial Education
Extraterrestrial Intelligent Beings
Extra biological Beings (EBENS)
Futurists Theories
New Age Culture
Hollow Earth Society
Mayan Calendar
Hollow Earth
New World Order 
Ghosts Energy Apparitions
Ascension Channels
Shroud of Turin
Origin of Religions
Thinking of primitive people
History, Gods, Pharaohs, Priests, Monuments
Ideas of Death & Last Judgment
Creed, Jesus, Dogma, Catholicism, Reformation, Present
Jewish Creed, Ethics, Talmud, Mysticism
History, Origin, Mohammedan Mysticism,
Basic Modes between humankind & Deities
Preanimistic Theory
Theory of Original Monotheism
Magic & Religion
Celts & Slavs
Japanese Buddhism
Extinct Religions
Teutonic Gods
Ideas of Death
Magic of Runes
Biblical Revelations
All isms
Star gates
Time Travel
Zechariah Sitchen
American Culture International Relations
Assured Confidential Investigative Reports
D&B#124124038 Govt. Contractor
Dr. Barbara Young, Ph.D. – A woman’s point of view
The Great Cycle of Life of Six Stages 
The World’s Great Cycle of Life consists of involution’s Eden, the fall, and Mortal Stages followed by Divine Transfiguration in the Awakening, Rise, and completion in the Heaven Stage. Each stage contains its own standards of achievement that must come to maturity before graduation into the next higher stage can take place. 
Earth its self is traversing through the Cycle of Life of six stages, where each stage consists of a civilization. Within each world stage, the civilization’s collective consciousness advances according to the Cycle of Life’s six progressive stages. And lastly, within the Civilization’s six stages, the human spirits advance through their own six stages. 
Mortal and Divine Spirit’s personal advancement may or may not evolve parallel with the Civilization’s stages. Yet, in many cases I find that Divine Spirits are advancing parallel with the current Civilization’s stages.
The World Civilization Cycle of Life Time Line
Divine Spirits within the current World Civilization are in their first, second, or third time through an entire World Civilization’s six stages. A Divine Spirit, say in the Awakening Stage will remain in that stage throughout an entire Civilization Cycle. This same Divine Spirit graduates from the Awakening Stage during the Civilization’s Heaven Stage. In the next World’s Civilization, this same Divine Spirit enters as a Spirit in the Rise Stage and will graduate from the Rise Stage during the Heaven Stage of that Civilization. This same Divine Spirit will then enter the next World’s Civilization in the Heaven Stage and Serve as Idealist, Leaders, and Religious Prophets that can now enter into the Completion Itinerary in the civilization’s Heaven Stage. The Divine Spirit now ends the need for rebirth. The Spirit’s Countenance is now an Individualized Being of Pure Light who is awarded its Robes of Glory.
I have found that the reincarnated Divine Spirit’s in the Rise and Heaven Stage were destined, as required for advancement, to initiate all world cultures and all philosophies within that culture. 
If, in each life, Divine Spirits have access to the Divine Life program they not only Advance their Divine State of Being, but can be of greater service to society because of their access to unlimited Knowledge that can provide assistance to all human needs regardless of the Philosophy. After a Divine Spirit renews its Divine Life Program, it is basically living two lives. Their consciousness is very aware of Divine Truth, Knowledge, and the True meaning of life, as well as a highly developed State of Wisdom. 
The Current World Civilization Cycle of Life is briefly described below:
Prior to 10,000 BC – the fall and early Mortal Stage.  
10,000 to 3000 BC – The Mortal Stage begin – primitive tribes and the establishment of cultures, written language, arts, social laws, mathematics, and architecture. Temples are built to honor external Gods as well as the Worshipping the Sun or the Light of the God…
3000 BC to the Common Era – the Civilization’s Awakening Stage is Initiated. Cultures evolve that introduce laws, political institutions, guaranteed rights, professions, and trades; ordered streets, communications, rites solemnities, science, and education. Wars teach the value of life, order, and discipline. The arts, literature, and poetry are the exercise and contribution of advanced Divine Spirits from who is introduced visual and audio harmony, the reality of beauty. It is the Age of Mythological Gods and Polytheism Idealism that provided an example to live by, as well as the belief in external Gods. The act of Worship and sacrifices to the Family of God are instinctually supported that provides the mature mortal Core-Self with the memory necessary for Transfiguration into a Divine Spirit–the key? Divine Love for the Individual Members of the Family of God. It is a time when the Divine Spirits, fully Awakened to the Family of God give birth to civilization and take within the pride of participating in a single collective endeavor, the greatest that man has ever collectively attempted while in full Divine Awareness and Divine Cooperation. 
These crucial memories evolved the Spirit in support for completion into a Spiritual Divine Body of Light and the development of Their Divine Feminine and Masculine Higher Selves. The Polytheism stage supported the up and coming Civilization’s new Rise Stage initiated in the Common Era. 
Common Era to that of AD 2000 – the Initiation of the Civilization’s Rise Stage, the stage that introduces an advanced Divine Life Program. The Program provided Divine Spirits Access to Divine Temples for Unlimited Advancement for all material philosophies, and the means for a mortal spirit to enter into Divine Transfiguration to become a Divine Spirit. The World Ideal in the Common Era was to lead world societies into advance sciences balanced with Divine Life Spirituality and Ethics. 
AD 2000 to that of AD 4000 – the “Heaven” and last Civilization Stage is again awarded the entire Divine Life Program. The stage provides the means for all Divine Spirits to find completion working with the Program’s Itinerary as well as those mortal Core-Selves ready for Transfiguration into a Divine Spirit. For instance:
If the Divine Spirit is in the Awakening Stage, the Spirit enters the Itinerary for graduation into the Rise Stage. 
If the Divine Spirit has been in the Rise Stage, the Spirit enters into the Itinerary for graduation into the Heaven Stage. 
And if the Divine Spirit has been in the Heaven Stage, the Spiritual-Soul enters into the Itinerary for completion to become an Individualized Being of Light, when God the Father Awards the Spirit with His All Knowing Robe of Glory and God the Mother Awards the Spirit with Her All Understanding Robe of Glory–the Nature of True Love. 
It is during this period in the civilization’s Heaven Stage that is referred to as the predicted “End of Days.” The Divine Life Program provides the Itinerary to graduate all Spirit into the next stage of Divine Life.

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