A “TAKEN UP” Series Article
Dear Friends of TJ Morris on UFO Digest:
I write for those who have shared the last four years of my life on the world wide web on the Internet. We are now sharing more social networks and that is what I do as a social entrepreneur. However I specialize in the paranormal and the future that deals with my professional programming as an alien ET Hybrid designed to promote the ASCENSION.
There are many facets of this project called Ascension Center Enlightenment of which I am simply a messenger known as a Historian and Storyteller in the ACE FOLKLIFE project.

I would like to share some of my SOUL STORIES OF THE TAKEN UP KIND. I want to share the truth. The History Channel has done a good job of introducing what is shared at a basic level. There are those of us who may share more and this will create more interest for others all over the world. The Human Code in our genetic sequence was programmed upon our arrival here on earth before birth. Some of us have been altered at birth. I know that my husband and I were both altered and this is not such a bad thing. It serves to assist the entire future of our species. I will begin to explain throughout the “TAKEN UP” Series.
I am now sharing information with those of the Planet Information ET work. This will be created soon as http://planetinformationETwork.com and we already purchased the domain name and it is live now. We will begin including those who desire to work with us and will share in our Directory for those of our similar interests may find links. The reason being that the Internet is growing so large that it is hard for people to locate the Links that would best serve them and their own spiritual growth and journey learning information. I specialize in assisting Spiritual Intellectuals. I share many levels and expos as a social entrepreneur organizer. This basically means in I an Anchor for those who want to follow my path as it may serve them in mentoring for their own ET spiritual growth while on the planet.
Truth is what we make it as Lightworkers and Truthseekers on this planet. My friends will agree that most of my friends are Avatars, Lightworkers, Mysitcs, Sages or Truthseekers. We all have levels and planes we work in while here. We all use the Astral Plane for Meditational Purposes to heal our spirit and to assist Mother Nature heal the Planet.
We share our findings as information filtered through the humanoid experience meaning through out senses here on planet earth. Sometimes we share in group meditations.
We are each responsible for our own souls and can level up and except based on our sharing and giving of ourselves while on earth. This is synergy. Some of us are on assignments. We share levels and our soul’s purpose from time to time. We share reads and how we can assist others by sharing our thoughts with our guides.
I create in my own mind what I choose to believe the same as all other humanoids on earth. No one can take those from us. However, I would like to suggest that what we create can be TAKEN and what we dream may also be TAKEN.
I share my energy and essence with those friends who see themselves as creators and those who believe they could be interested in leaving this world and terra forming others.

Alien Extraterrestrial Concerns by TJ Morris ET Contactee: I believe that what I was sent to this planet to share in the knowledge that I learn from being here now in the present and how to share in Ascension Center Enlightenment Sustainability. We are all Citizens of the entire universe, multiverses, metaverse, xenoverses, and omniverse. We can all do our part to learn about our minds, our souls, our spirit, and how we can contribute to the world. We can all share in the future for the entire omniverse starting at our point of origin.
There are many of us on earth who participate in life here among the people of this world.

I believe we are all on our own soul journey. I share my quest on a spiritual path with those who desire to be awakened and aware of the fact that we are all chosen to live a vertical life swimming up stream so to speak in the river of ascension of energy and essence in this dimension and plane. While we are learning to return to the overall soul which our past ancestors referred to as the “Oversoul” we can sometimes share our memories and imprints that are ingrained into us at the DNA level of life. This being said, we can sometimes have recurring past life recalls.
I have been asked to share in a way that many will not yet believe in and that is where the future past leads us back to the present and loops beyond what we call the past life experiences which travel with us in all our present existences. Some of us are called Avatars and some have some memories and some of us have all memories restored through time travel. We can use what some call astral travel and some use Neuro Linguistic Programming. Regardless of the paths we understand in this lifetime, we are all on the same course and we all travel on the same orb in space we now call planet earth.
It is time for me to now enter a new phase of my life here on earth. As an Alien ET Contactee that shares information that pertains only to me and how I share my life with others on earth, I will be sharing only with those who are now considered my friends in life due to the nature of the topics I have been asked to share news, views, and opinions as a paranormal investigator. I will share that which I believe to be separated from the science fiction fantasy and the present human experience we call reality that some simply call a delusional illusion of our own minds.
We each can create our own world inside our own minds and it is becoming more and more frequently noted that we must begin to share in the global information network which to many has various layers.NLP may refer to:
1 Artificial intelligence
2 Legislation
3 Mathematics
4 Medicine and biology
5 Communications and psychotherapy
6 Political organizations
7 Other organizations
Artificial intelligence
Natural language processing, a field of computer science and linguistics concerned with the interactions between computers and human (natural) languages
No-Longer Polymers List
Nonlinear programming
Medicine and biology
No light perception, or total blindness, the complete lack of form and visual light perception
Ninein-like protein, a human gene
Neoplastic lumbosacral plexopathy
Communications and psychotherapy
Neuro-linguistic programming, a method applied to interpersonal communication, organizational change and psychotherapy
Neuro-linguistic psychotherapy, an approach to psychotherapy based on Neuro-linguistic programming
The corporate working world sees the Global Community as a place to make a living and to take what we deem necessary in marketing and sales of our products and services.
This is one level of understanding the history of our planet referring to sustaining life with past sharing of information.
Political organizations
National Labour Party, a political party in Kenya
New Labour Party, a name shared by a number of political parties
Natural Law Party, a name shared by a number of political parties
National Liberal Party, a name shared by a number of political parties
National Loktantrik Party, a political party in India
Norwegian Labour Party, a Norwegian centre-left political party
Other organizations
New Line Productions, an American film studio most often referred to as New Line Cinema, or simply New Line
National Library of the Philippines
National Library of Pakistan
The Non-League Paper, a British sports paper
We also have a level of sustaining life in the Green Planet world of Whole Life Products and Services of which I am a part. We are they who are concerned with what is best for the entire planet when it comes to sustaining a healthy world with concern for the entire environment with healthy creations. I have been participating in expos and events since 1993 when the Whole Life Expo and the Eco Expo Green Business Conference was my arena to present my own products of cuercus suber oak tree from Spain and Portugal.
It is now time on earth to share more as a social entrepreneur with a commitment to share what I believe is the truth for those in the Ascension Center Enlightenment and ACE FOLKLIFE we call Lightworkers and Truthseekers. We share the life arena with others of similar interests in the Spiritual Guide Work and World.
See also: Sustainable development:

Sustainability is the capacity to endure. In ecology, the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. Long-lived and healthy wetlands and forests are examples of sustainable biological systems. For humans, sustainability is the potential for long-term maintenance of well being, which has environmental, economic, and social dimensions, and encompasses the concept of stewardship, the responsible planning and management of resources.

Healthy ecosystems and environments provide vital goods and services to humans and other organisms. There are two major ways of reducing negative human impact and enhancing ecosystem services. One approach is environmental management; this approach is based largely on information gained from earth science,environmental science, and conservation biology. Another approach is management of consumption of resources, which is based largely on information gained from economics.
Sustainability interfaces with economics through the social and ecological consequences of economic activity. Moving towards sustainability is also a social challenge that entails, among other factors, international and national law, urban planning and transport, local and individuallifestyles and ethical consumerism. Ways of living more sustainably can take many forms from reorganising living conditions (e.g.,ecovillages, eco-municipalities and sustainable cities), to reappraising work practices (e.g. using permaculture, green building, sustainable agriculture), or developing new technologies that reduce the consumption of resources.

We also share the arena as an Alliance with those of the United Nations Education Science Culture Organization.
UNESCO’s mission is to contribute to the “building of peace”, reducing poverty, promoting sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and information. The Organization focuses, in particular, on two global priorities: Africa and Gender Equality.
Other priorities of the Organization include attaining quality education for all and lifelong learning, addressing emerging social and ethical challenges, fostering cultural diversity, a culture of peace and building inclusive knowledge societies through information and communication. The broad goals and concrete objectives of the international community – as set out in the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – underpin all UNESCO’s strategies and activities.
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO; pronounced /ju?’n?sko?/) is a specialized agency of the United Nations. Its stated purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration through education,science, and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and thehuman rights along with fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the UN Charter. It is the heir of the League of Nations’ International Commission on Intellectual Cooperation.
UNESCO has 193 Member States and seven Associate Members.
Most of the field offices are “cluster” offices covering three or more countries; there are also national and regional offices. UNESCO pursues its objectives through five major programs: education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, and communication and information. Projects sponsored by UNESCO include literacy, technical, and teacher-training programs; international science programs; the promotion of independent media and freedom of the press; regional and cultural history projects; the promotion of cultural diversity; international cooperation agreements to secure the world cultural and natural heritage (World Heritage Sites) and to preserve human rights, and attempts to bridge the worldwide digital divide. It is also a member of the United Nations Development Group.
Please join me in sharing what I am interested in as friends. The new security of Facebook will be changing the way we communicate. Check your new security settings and only allow those who are friends and are committed to the Ascension Awakening Awareness of our Species which entails the Body-Mind-Spirit having the Birth-Life-Death Experience. I will be taking those with me to a higher level of understanding in our ACE FOLKLIFE – art, culture, education, science, technology. TJ
UNESCO and its mandate for international intellectual co-operation can be traced back to the League of Nations resolution on 21 September 1921, to elect a Commission to study the question. The International Committee on Intellectual Co-operation (CICI) was officially created on 4 January 1922, as a consultative organ composed of individuals elected based on their personal qualifications. The International Institute for Intellectual Cooperation (IICI) was then created in Paris on 9 August 1925, to act as the executing agency for the CICI.
On 18 December 1925, the International Bureau of Education (IBE) began work as a non-governmental organization in the service of international educational development. However, the work of these predecessor organizations was largely interrupted by the onset of the Second World War.
After the signing of the Atlantic Charter and the Declaration of the United Nations, the Conference of Allied Ministers of Education (CAME) began meetings in London which continued between 16 November 1942 to 5 December 1945. On 30 October 1943, the necessity for an international organization was expressed in the Moscow Declaration, agreed upon by China, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and the USSR.
This was followed by the Dumbarton Oaks Conference proposals of 9 October 1944. Upon the proposal of CAME and in accordance with the recommendations of the United Nations Conference on International Organization (UNCIO), held in San Francisco in April–June 1945, a United Nations Conference for the establishment of an educational and cultural organization (ECO/CONF) was convened in London 1–16 November 1945. 44 governments were represented. At the ECO/CONF, the Constitution of UNESCO was introduced and signed by 37 countries, and a Preparatory Commission was established. The Preparatory Commission operated between 16 November 1945, and 4 November 1946 – the date when UNESCO’s Constitution came into force with the deposit of the twentieth ratification by a member state.
The first General Conference took place from 19 November to 10 December 1946, and elected Dr. Julian Huxley to the post of Director-General. The Constitution was amended in November 1954 when the General Conference resolved that members of the Executive Board would be representatives of the governments of the States of which they are nationals and would not, as before, act in their personal capacity.
This change in governance distinguished UNESCO from its predecessor, the CICI, in terms of how member states would work together in the Organization’s fields of competence. As member states worked together over time to realize UNESCO’s mandate, political and historical factors have shaped the Organization’s operations in particular during the Cold War, the decolonization process, and the dissolution of the USSR.
Among the major achievements of the Organization is its work against racism, for example through influential statements on race starting with a declaration of anthropologists (among them was Claude Lévi-Strauss) and other scientists in 1950 and concluding with the 1978 Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice.
In 1956, the Republic of South Africa withdrew from UNESCO claiming that some of the Organization’s publications amounted to “interference” in the country’s “racial problems.” South Africa rejoined the Organization in 1994 under the leadership of Nelson Mandela.
UNESCO’s early work in the field of education included the pilot project on fundamental education in the Marbial Valley, Haiti, started in 1947.
This project was followed by expert missions to other countries, including, for example, a mission to Afghanistan in 1949.
In 1948, UNESCO recommended that Member States should make free primary education compulsory and universal.
In 1990 the World Conference on Education for All, in Jomtien, Thailand, launched a global movement to provide basic education for all children, youths and adults.
Ten years later, the 2000 World Education Forum held in Dakar, Senegal, led member governments to commit to achieving basic education for all by 2015.
UNESCO’s early activities in the field of culture included, for example, the Nubia Campaign, launched in 1960.
The purpose of the campaign was to move the Great Temple of Abu Simbel to keep it from being swamped by the Nile after construction of the Aswan Dam. During the 20-year campaign, 22 monuments and architectural complexes were relocated. This was the first and largest in a series of campaigns including Mohenjo-daro (Pakistan), Fes (Morocco), Kathmandu (Nepal), Borobudur (Indonesia) and the Acropolis (Greece).
The Organization’s work on heritage led to the adoption, in 1972, of the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage.
The World Heritage Committee was established in 1976 and the first sites inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1978.
Since then important legal instruments on cultural heritage and diversity have been adopted by UNESCO member states in 2003 (Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage[26]) and 2005 (Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions).
At an intergovernmental meeting of UNESCO in Paris in December 1951 was held which led to the creation of the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN) in 1954.
The World Wide Web was born at CERN in 1989.

Population Curve Tracked Goes back to 10,000 B.C. which we now use as a Bonafide Date in Science and Archaeology for tracking Homo Sapien HUMANOIDS Sentient Intelligent Being Species among those of us who are ET Contactee Hybrid Researchers.
Arid Zone programming, 1948–1966, is another example of an early major UNESCO project in the field of natural sciences.
In 1968, UNESCO organized the first intergovernmental conference aimed at reconciling the environment and development, a problem which continues to be addressed in the field of sustainable development.
The main outcome of the 1968 conference was the creation of UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Program.
In the field of communication, the free flow of information has been a priority for UNESCO from its beginnings. In the years immediately following World War II, efforts were concentrated on reconstruction and on the identification of needs for means of mass communication around the world. UNESCO started organizing training and education for journalists in the 1950s. I, TJ was born Dece.mber 26, 1951 and have been trained and tracked all my life as a human hybrid in order to provide other terra forming planets with similar human beings of our humanoid sentient intelligent being species. The Information I receive in Quantum Mind Transferrence or QMT is that from the other dimension or plane which we can see performed in Quantum Physics. I will begin to share this only with those who are truly interested and take the time to learn about their own souls and minds. Many have shared the PSI and NLP experiences on earth with me already. We have much still to learn and those who are intelligent as we call the Spiritual Intellectuals are welcome.
MENSA members may participate if willing to share in the whole life spiritual experience.
In response to calls for a “New World Information and Communication Order” in the late 1970s, UNESCO established the International Commission for the Study of Communication Problems, which produced the 1980 MacBride report (named after the Chair of the Commission, the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Seán MacBride).
Following the MacBride report, UNESCO introduced the Information Society for All programme and Toward Knowledge Societies program in the lead up to the World Summit on the Information Society in 2003 (Geneva) and 2005 (Tunis).
^ International Institute for Sustainable Development (2009). What is Sustainable Development?. Retrieved on: 2009-02-18.]
^ EurActiv (2004). “Sustainable Development: Introduction.”Retrieved on: 2009-02-24
^ Kates, R., Parris, T. & Leiserowitz, A. (2005). “What is Sustainable Development?” Environment 47(3): 8–21. Retrieved on: 2009-04-14.
^ Holling, C. S. (2000). “Theories for Sustainable Futures”Conservation Ecology 4(2): 7. Retrieved on: 2009-02-24.
^ Redclift, M. (2005). “Sustainable Development (1987–2005): an Oxymoron Comes of Age.” Sustainable Development 13(4):