A UFO Digest Public Announcement:
Missouri MUFON Meeting
An Orb Train Over UK – June 4th, 2009
Missouri UFOs & Orb Sightings
Illinois Cow Mutilation
Featured Speaker

Debbie Ziegelmeyer
Missouri MUFON State Director
Come find out what strange things have happening in the State of Missouri lately – the biggest UFO sightings and strange orbs and balls of light – and hear about the latest animal mutilation in Illinois that was investigated by Debbie Z. and Joe Palermo! MUFON Field Investigators are invited to elaborate on their investigations as Debbie covers them. Margie Kay will give us an update on other strange events in the Kansas City area and deaths in the UFO community due to unexplained cancer.
Golden Corral Restaurant
19120 E Valley View Parkway, Independence, MO 64055
(816-795-0875 is their number, if you get lost)
This is a dinner meeting – the buffet dinner is $11.49, $2.49 for a drink and for those 60 and over ask for the $1 discount. They have a huge buffet at this location and the food is very good.
There is no charge for this meeting but a donation is requested to help cover expenses – whatever you can afford. Guests are welcome to attend. No one under 16 allowed. Please watch the chat list for messages, if the weather is bad the meeting will be postponed.