Relaunch of Coincides with Sighting of South Bay Bessie

NEWS RELEASE: Port Colborne, Ontario Canada:

Dirk Vander Ploeg, publisher of was in contact with a gentleman from Hamilton, Ontario Canada, during the summer of 2010, that claims to have spotted and subsequently videotaped the seldom seen, very elusive, monster of Lake Erie, affectionately known as South Bay Bessie.

Mr. Vander Ploeg was contacted by email and subsequently spoke to Rob (last name withheld) about his sighting. The following are excerpts from Rob’s initial email:

“Although I would expect me to more sceptical about what my two sons and I seen today – I will say I have a Sony HD video recorder that captured something extremely strange on video. I am not sure what to do with this video and really do not want to even mention what I seen and have recorded. At approximately 11 a.m. Thursday August 12th,  2010 I recorded something I can not explain.”

“My son was about to jump in off the boat in the middle of the inner bay of Long Point, Ontario Canada and I seen something of the back off the boat – it was a wave that was white capping but the lake was calm. I said to not go in as there is something in the water – he is 11 years old. We watched this wave going across the water – my first thought was wind or something of a rogue wave. “

“I knew shortly after a few minutes something big was creating this wave. I grabbed the HD Handycam and proceeded to film it. I have to view through the LCD display and it was bright and hard to follow but I have captured something on video I can not explain and do want to show to determine what it is. It was about 30 to 40 feet in length and made a large swell in the water as well as a wavelike that of a small boat. ”

“It was serpent like and notch or bumps on its back the video speaks for itself. I do not think that my two boys or myself will ever swim in that bay again. I have been going there since I was a boy and never had any fear of the water or what is in it, that changed today. I would hope someone could clearly tell me this was a school of fish or a sturgeon or something – I know that is not likely actually I know what I seen and it was nothing I have ever seen before and not likely to see again.”1

Rob emphasised: “I will again let you  know I do not want my name used or published as I am a single Dad and really want my life to remain quiet and not some spectacle about what I have on video.”

Mr. Vander Ploeg tried several times to follow up on this report but despite being promised access to the video have been unable to either confirm or deny its existence.

The complete article concerning Rob’s sighting is available on, one of the earliest websites devoted to investigating cryptozoology, especially lake monsters. Mr. Vander Ploeg has been completely redesigned his website to better serve the website’s international readers.  This popular website that has focused on the Lake Erie Monster  and other lake monsters now offers free membership to enthusiasts worldwide seeking information and video proof of a myriad of unknown and scientifically unacknowledged creatures that co-exist with mankind.

Mr. Vander Ploeg is also the publisher of and as such utilizes the services of over 100 authors and freelance writers many of which have extensive knowledge of so-called mythical creatures categorized as crytozoological.

The resigned websites offers readers new forums, a comment section and the ability to submit articles and stories regarding their eyewitness accounts and analysis of famous and newsworthy subjects such as the Lochness Monster and Bigfoot!

Mr. Vander Ploeg invites previous visitors and new visitors to check out Monster Tracker’s articles and videos and by obtaining a free membership  join in the social networking that Monster Tracker and Mr. Vander Ploeg’s other websites offer his readers.

Mr. Vander Ploeg can be contacted by email at:

[email protected]


Or by phone: 905 834-2177

Or by fax: 905 312-9312

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Monster Tracker

RR2 11106 Maple Street

Port Colborne, On L3K 5V4


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