Stanley Fulham Dies: Warned ETs Will Intervene & Save Earth’s Collapsing Ecology

12:00 AM (8 minutes ago)
Dear Randy,
One may consider this unusual, but I actually felt Stanley Fulham’s presence here today, this very afternoon. I had the very strong impression that I felt him standing near me in the room. i was so surprised by the sensation that I even turned my head, reflexively glancing sideways
For no apparent reason, my thoughts were called from their current track and train, suddenly and abruptly to our conversation last October.
Then, I thought:
t “That is strange…Why should I be thinking of him now?
But…<feeling> It was really good to speak to him…glad I did.
I should call him again.”
I thought of him for quite a while, reviewing the train of events from, his predictions in July and August, September’s UFOs & Nukes Press Conference, to the NYC UFO Fly-over on October 13th, to my meeting with Dr. Mazlan Osman the very next day, then to ruminating over the many topics that I discussed with Stan 2 weeks later.
I felt a glow of gratitude to have had that long conversation that we both enjoyed so much after the October 13th NYC UFO manifestation. Stanley Fulham was a dedicated Royal Canadian Air Force Officer and a deeply spiritual man. He was very happy to hear my discourse on Fatima, the Moon in Virgo, and the UFO manifestation.
I am sad that I shall not meet him in the flesh, but it appears to me that Stan and I have already met again in the Spirit, a bittersweet joy to understand. His passing makes this a saddened Christmas.
You have my deep sympathies and sincere condolences.
Robert Morningstar
Editor, UFO Digest
but not through faint hearts.
Stanly Fulham Speaks on
The Challenges of Change
On Thu, Dec 23, 2010 at 11:02 PM, EXOPOLITICS.COM <[email protected]> wrote:
Stanley Arthur Fulham (1923-2010)
Stanley Fulham dies, warned ETs will intervene & save Earth’s collapsing ecology
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd
Vancouver, B.C. V6N3E5 CANADA
Email: [email protected]
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