In this week’s newsletter we begin with an article by Chris Holly about aliens, mankind and God. Next, Cheryl Costa who writes weekly about UFOs just had her own experience involving an orange fireball! Then Pat Regan updates his warning about earth under threat from a cosmic global killer! Latin American contributor Scott Corrales reports on a UFO which appeared over a soccer match. Theresa J Morris claims aliens are concerned about the Jade Helm exercises. New contributor Gene Stewart writes about the Extra-Terrestrial Hypothesis, which uses space aliens to explain UFOs, the abduction phenomenon, the origins of the human race. Next, Amy Major just wrote a book about rescuing spirits. Then Sean Casteel intrigues us with an article about Red Mercury. Another new contributor Cam Clayton has his own opinion about Rennes-Le-Chateau. Robert D. Morningstar reports on how to reverse aging with an article about Kat James. Finally, Deanna Jaxine Stinson shares the secret of life. Enjoy Dirk
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ALIENS, MANKIND AND GOD by Chris Holly. A few months ago I was sent an email by a woman who was furious at me for writing about aliens due to the fact that she felt that contemplating the idea they existed would mean there was no God. Frankly I could not wrap my head around her logic but knew she was not alone in this thinking as it was not the first time I heard this confusion or ideas very similar to it.
MY ORANGE FIREBALL EXPERIENCE by Cheryl Costa. The last thing I expected on this trip was an orange fireball sighting. For nearly two years, I’ve been reporting UFO stories and sightings that other people have had. Yes, of course, I’ve had a few UFO sightings in my youth and young adult years, but nothing I can cite in recent years. That is, until this past week. On June 6, 2015, there were seven of us in a van returning from a conference in Philadelphia. All of us were exhausted from attending three days worth of conference presentations and lectures. For the most part, the return trip was uneventful. We stopped once on Interstate 476 near Allentown for fuel and to get something to eat. All of us thought the highlight of the return trip was watching American Pharaoh win the Triple Crown.
EARTH UNDER THREAT FROM COSMIC GLOBAL KILLER: HUMANITY WILL BE DEFENCELESS IN ITS WAKE! by Pat Regan. Whichever way we want to cut the mustard our planet is now clearly under attack and we are only getting incomplete warnings about incoming UFOs entering our air space from the authorities that we are ‘supposed’ to trust! Yesterday once again we were presented with primary and harsh evidence of our sheer vulnerability against unexpected cosmic events. Whilst the widely-trusted scientific community was so busy watching the close trajectory of asteroid 2012DA14 this ‘other’ more deadly entity came in fast and hard. Mankind was in fact looking the ‘other’ way…
UFO RECORDED DURING SOCCER MATCH IN CHILE by Scott Corrales. A luminous objct startled fans of “La Roja” who were enjoying the game at the National Stadium. It was crossed the skies over Nuñoa for nearly 3 minutes. It was gone in the same way it appeared. The alleged UFO during the opening ceremonies of the Copa America at the National Stadium was swift and fleeting,
ALIEN CONCERNS ADDRESS JADE HELM EXERCISES FOR THE COSMOS? by Theresa J Morris. We are always concerned about planet and species sustainability. We the humanoid sentient intelligent being species have our own individual unique knowing that we are alive and would like to remain so as long as possible. Alien concerns exist in many levels of our consciousness about the physical life forms that exist. We are looking for proof that alien extraterrestrials exist and come and go from this planet.
Gene Stewart. The Extra-Terrestrial Hypothesis, ETH, uses space aliens to explain UFOs, the abduction phenomenon, the origins of the human race, why homo sapiens sapiens suddenly leaped ahead in tool use and brain capacity, and many other things.
RESCUING SPIRITS, TRAPPED SOULS, AND EARTHBOUND GHOSTS by Warwick Associates. In recent times, there’s been increasing interest in the field of Spirit Rescue. Spirit Rescue has been a form of mediumship that has been pushed aside, hidden, or even looked down upon at times. This happens for many reasons, but the most common reasons would be due to fear and misconceptions. Working with ghosts or earthbound energies has always been seen as something that was negative.
If you enjoyed this issue of the UFO Digest Newsletter please send a copy to a friend and recommend us. I would really appreciate it. Dirk
QUESTION – WHAT’S SMALLER THAN A LUNCHBOX AND AS DEADLY AS A NUCLEAR BOMB? THE MYSTERIOUS RED MERCURY by Sean Casteel. The CIA says it doesn’t exist. Terrorists and rogue nations have offered to pay millions of dollars to procure it. Scientists fear its lethal potential. Red Mercury – this ominous name has long been whispered among the operatives in the nuclear underground and in the dark avenues of international espionage.
Cam Clayton. I am what you might call an ‘Old School’ Rennie. Like most of my fellow Old School Rennies, my interest in Rennes-le-Chateau (RLC) began with Holy Blood, Holy Grail (HBHG). The idea that there might be a hidden, alternative history to explain the mystery of RLC, and perhaps even the arc of European history in general, captured the imaginations of many readers. What attracted us to this book was that its speculative hypotheses purported to be real history, not historical fiction.
REVERSE AGING: -> EXPERIENCE “TOTAL TRANSFORMATION” WITH KAT JAMES – BRENTWOOD, CA JUNE 26- 30TH, 2015 by Robert D. Morningstar. A rare opportunity has just arisen that will be limited to a few of our readers in the San Francisco area who can respond before the deadline of Tuesday, June 17th, 2015. I highly recommend Kat James’ Total Transformation Program, as have been doing more and more doctors in recent years. Kat James’ Total Transformation can restore health in a truly unique way, by correcting the body’s biochemistry, end cravings and resolve the metabolic issues that are the root cause of not only weight problems, but cancer and most other diseases.
THE SECRET OF LIFE THAT YOU SHOULD KNOW by Deanna Jaxine Stinson. The night is dressed up like a battle cry. Stars are hung up like medals in the sky. The most important ones are shining the brightest, their shapes are the largest and they take lead over the rest. The moon is a silver color like a shield held high, guarding the heart of the knight.
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