This week with begin with Nick Pope’s monthly column and it’s about the Rendlesham Forest incident. Great read. Next, Tony Elliott reports on the Iranian connection and the disappearance of Malaysian Flight MH370. Then, Carolyn Shield points out that a cross had been located on Mars. Scott Corrales reports on 3-UFO flaps in the Yucatan. MUFON State Director John Ventre believes UFOs could be involved in the disappearance of Malaysia Flight 370. Then, Roger Marsh reports on a UFO monitoring a ship and an intelligent fireball flying over a West Virginal town. Roger also reviews the new TV series: Resurrection! Chris Holly believes in UFOs and aliens and advises us not to wait for disclosure. Next, Robin Smith-Johnson writes about a UFO sighting in 1971. The Examiner’s Jon Kelly reports on British black ops playing dirty tricks in Kiev and Doc Vega is back with a historical perspective on UFOs. Finally, Nick Redfern warns about monsters beneath our feet! Click here for additional articles. Also see new videos at the bottom of these articles. Enjoy Dirk
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ENCOUNTER IN RENDLESHAM FOREST by Nick Pope. The Rendlesham Forest incident is displacing Roswell as ufology’s flagship case. The death last year of Jesse Marcel Jr. was probably the final nail in the Roswell coffin, as the passing of the last main witness was the point at which Roswell moved from living memory into history. A string of recent TV shows leapfrogged Rendlesham ahead of Roswell, as TV networks and production companies realise there’s little more to be said about the 1947 crash, and focus instead on a case which is increasingly being regarded as comprising a ‘perfect storm’ of compelling evidence: an event that took place over three nights; that involved multiple witnesses, mainly in the military; a UFO that was tracked on radar; a structured craft that left physical evidence including scorch marks on the trees and radiation levels significantly higher than background levels; and most significantly, an audit trail of government documents that verify the key points of the case. More…
HAS A CROSS BEEN FOUND IN A MARS ROVER PHOTO by Carolyn Shield. A observant truthseeker has put out a video giving the viewers a closer look at the Cross. He has found a cross which appears to be either a territory marker or what we use as grave markers. Other objects on the video are interesting. It seems a structure is possible. The Ancient Egyptians used the cross as a sacred symbol for the ankh. The cross has been a sacred symbol since ancient times. Its fascinating to see the coincidence of a cross marker in the Mars Photo by Rover.. I hope we get a closer look by Rover because the area is very interesting. More…
THREE ‘UFO FLAPS’ DOCUMENTED IN YUCATAN by Scott Corrales. In UFO parlance, a “flap” means “frequent sightings of spacecraft (sic) in the same place and for several consecutive days. Throughout history, there have been UFO flaps in various European countries such as England, Italy, the Netherlands, German, while the Americas, the United States began having an increased quantity of cases until just the middle of the past century. Mexico occupies the second place in “UFO flap” cases, and these have mainly occurred in Toluca, the Federal District, Mexico City and Puebla, although cases have occurred in Veracruz, Monterrey, Guadalajara, etc. More…
WERE UFOS INVOLVED IN THE DISAPPEARANCE OF MALAYSIA FLIGHT 370? By John Ventre. Multiple visitors to the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) website have been asking about UFO activity after learning about the missing Malaysia Flight 370, according to Executive Director Jan C. Harzan reached at his Newport Beach, CA, headquarters office March 11, 2014. “We have not received any UFO reports from that region during the time of the flight or around the time period where it may have crashed,” Harzan said. “Historically there are very few UFO cases where an airplane is involved and then it just disappears.” More…
UFO MAY BE MONITORING SHIP ACCORDING TO FORMER NAVY SERVICEMAN by Roger Marsh. A former Navy serviceman reported an encounter with a ball of light mirroring his ship’s course and speed during a multi-national naval exercise near the Hawaiian Islands, according to March 10, 2014, testimony in Case 54547 from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database. More… Also read: ‘RESURRECTION’ ASKS IS IT POSSIBLE TO RETURN FROM THE DEAD?
I BELIEVE IN UFOS AND ALIENS – WHY YOU SHOULD NOT WAIT FOR DISCLOSURE by Chris Holly. Are you still waiting for the government or military to come out with a statement announcing disclosure, telling the world at long last yes they exist? Let me give you a big hint — don’t hold your breath! You are simply wasting your time if that is what you think will happen and waiting for it is really a useless waste of your time. More… Also read: LEVITATION AND THE ANCIENT SECRETS BEHIND IT – PART II
UFO SIGHTING IN JANUARY 1971! by Robin Smith-Johnson. Imagine a winter’s morning with snow on the ground and thick ice on Scargo Lake in Dennis. The morning must have seemed silent and magical. Then, a mysterious object shoots across the sky and disappears behind a line of trees. This event happened on Jan. 7, 1971 when a strange metallic object was seen by two boys on their way to school. More…
THE IRANIAN CONNECTION: THE DISAPPEARANCE OF MALAYSIAN FLIGHT MH370 by Tony Elliott. The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to Beijing, China with 227 passengers and 12 crewmembers on 3/8/2014 is unique in the fact that no one seems to have a clue of what really happened. The more time that passes with rescue efforts discovering nothing, raises more questions that go unanswered. More…
BE CAREFUL WHERE YOU WALK – MONSTERS BENEATH OUR FEET by Nick Redfern . Over the years, I have collected a number of very weird stories on one particular subject that doesn’t necessarily always get the coverage it deserves – regardless of whether the subject actually has any merit to it or not! It’s the issue of strange, humanoid creatures living deep below the UK, whether in caverns, caves, huge tunnels, and/or old and disused mines. And we’re talking about the modern era: the 20th and 21st centuries. More…
ARE BRITISH BLACK OPS PLAYING DIRTY TRICKS IN KIEV? by Jon Kelly. A new video published to YouTube on March 6, 2014, purports to reveal how a raid on Kiev conducted by British covert operatives was instrumental to sniper incidents that killed a reported 94 people during protests leading to the ouster of Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovich. “The Maidan Conspiracy: British black ops raid in Kyiv sniper attacks” formulates this conclusion from digital reflections of a wiretapped telephone call between European policy-makers leaked to the Internet on March 5, 2014. More…
UFOS: A HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE by Doc Vega. For us to draw a logical parallel between the sudden appearance of the mysterious UFO to the eyes of mankind on a literal global scale we must first appreciate the technological development of the human race in conjunction with the sudden appearance of the unknown. The question we must ask is that were we visited due to our development of instrumentality, potentially destructive weaponry, as well as our advancement into high speed platforms (missiles, jet aircraft, rocketry? More…
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