Commemorating the 124th Anniversary of the Aurora Texas Crash

Remembering the 124th Anniversary of the Aurora Texas Crash


A classic case of modern UFOlogy, “The Case Aurora.” Data from an event that dates back for the April 17, 1897. The story goes that a spaceship collides with a windmill and the crash of the object the mayor of that time given a Christian burial to the alien. So much so that there is still a plaque in front of the cemetery on that reveals the presence Aurora of an extraterrestrial body there.

 Reinaldo Rios was given the task of finding of this alien body.
Another story tells that he was removed by a UFO organization in the United States. This Many residents remember this enigmatic history.
Occurs 50 years before Roswell and has dimensions similar to the case mentioned.
“It would be proper that the President, the CIA, the Pentagon or the FBI to express themselves on this case recently been declassified since the Roswell case as true, we’ll see if the 2,000 pages Digital: “The Vault” is contained the history of Aurora, which in itself represents the first case UFO crash in the U.S. where there was talk of flying saucers “

UFO groups around the world led by the teacher and international UFO researcher Reinaldo Rios Interview to the last witness in the case and late  confirm presence as honorary event. Hopefully the authorities in the area declare this date as a landmark in the UFO and the FBI also expressed respect. 

 UFO groups around the world led by the teacher and international UFO researcher Reinaldo Rios Interview to the last witness in the case and late  confirm presence as honorary event. Hopefully the authorities in the area declare this date as a landmark in the UFO and the FBI also expressed respect.


Close-of of plaque.

Reinaldo Rios calls to nearby Aurora Cemetery in Dallas Fort Worth at any time April 24 (Day of Resurrection) the date that will mark the 124th anniversary of the event even for a walk around the same, do a meditation and exercises pipeline to honor the first extraterrestrial history recovered and buried in any cemetery. 

 Click on link above to watch the video.


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