
A father and son never expected to see a rectangle UFO over the power lines. In early November 2014 at about 9:30 p.m., Albert and his son Ronny were driving west just past the Oakdale Mall in Johnson City, N.Y. That’s when something unusual caught Albert’s attention.

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“I noticed an object with red and white lights, a cube or rectangle shape, hovering near a ‘power line tower’. The lights were static and were not blinking,” he said.

Something just didn’t seem right so Albert slowed down his car to a crawl to get a good look and to make sense of what he had seen out of the corner of his eye.

“It appeared to be about 500 feet or more above ground,” he said. “It was large, but not huge.”

Albert’s son Ronny was in the front seat and just as curious. He rolled down the window to get a better look. Meanwhile Albert safely pulled his car off onto the shoulder of the road. With the window down the only thing the father and son could hear was the occasional sound of a passing car but heard nothing from the direction of the rectangle-shaped object hovering near the power lines. Ronny was fascinated by whatever it was, exclaiming to his dad, “It’s about the size three cars!”

Ronny noted that it was starting to move in a northeast direction. This was in the opposite direction that car had been traveling so Albert turned it around. They began to follow the object up Oakdale road for about two miles but the rectangular-shaped object was pulling away at an increasing speed. After a few minutes, the father and son lost sight of the unusual aerial object.

“It certainly wasn’t any kind of conventional aircraft…that’s for sure,” Albert remarked.

Article continues:  http://www.syracusenewtimes.com/rectangle-ufo-power-lines/


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