Where or when do they come from? What are the Top Ten most-likely homes of UFO occupants – those beings who stare out at us from their UFOs? Part One of this article which features “Sources of UFO Occupants #1-4” is available here: https://www.ufodigest.com/article/top-10-home-sources-ufo-occupants
4. UFO Occupants Are From Within Our Solar System
In all our exotic theories on the origins of aliens, do we neglect the possibility that they come from within our Solar System?
Scientists in 2013 tend to agree that there is no advanced life in the Solar System except on Earth. Could they be wrong? Is there advanced life within the Solar System? In recent years scientists have also given us astounding new information on several of the moons of Saturn and Jupiter, and we have our questions about life on Mars!
There is the exciting possibly of finding higher forms of life when we explore these worlds within our Solar System; make no mistake, we will get to these worlds, perhaps in the next 25 years! The existence of gravity corridors between planets and moons as they sit in the fabric of space/time is a valid phenomenon which NASA has already used in un-manned space voyages. On the next link, I give the Top 5 worlds in the Solar System which might support higher life.

Here are other articles I have written on the possibility of advanced life within the Solar System:
5.UFO Occupants Are from Plasma World
This possibility relates to the kind of plasma we know about, not dark plasma which is a form of dark matter.
What if UFOs are composed of plasma? Even the infamous “swamp gas” had a plasma concept behind it. And, in truth we are made of bio-plasma.
In many sightings, the UFOs have a plasma-like appearance. Many times, UFOs defy gravity making right turns or small circles at tremendous speeds; science as we know it concludes that humanoid occupants inside they would die from the “g forces” involved.
Lightning travels on plasma currents. That this kind of extremely hot plasma can have no intelligence is a conclusion of science as we know it. However, we still have much to learn and we are wise to keep in mind that advanced science as witnessed by less-advanced beings (us), seems to be impossible even though we do witness it as it manifests.
Do we need to re-define what life itself is? If life is sheer consciousness, then perhaps it can exist in plasma. Remember that our consciousness exists in our minds and according to modern science, our minds “run” on electric circuitry. Does life itself dwell in this electromagnetic energy rather than in the corporeal form?
Read more of the plasma/UFO occupant possibility – or perhaps the ships themselves are made of plasma:
6.UFO Occupants Are from Another Universe (Dimension)
This listing tend to be a “catch-all” for those who feel that UFO occupants are from other dimensions; the word “dimensions” has fallen into disfavor but it is as descriptive as any word. Other-dimensional beings are also referred to as coming from another universe or mega-verse (depending on how you perceive “uni” and “mega”). However, time travelers are technically other-dimensionals, as are plasma beings and others.
Are there other dimensions (other branes, to use the current term of quantum physics), which are not those listed here in previous categories? Probably! Therefore, the home source for UFO occupants might be something like the Other-Earth of the “Fringe” science fiction series.
This might also include the astral world, a term which metaphysics has always used; perhaps the “astral world” is actually insight into another brane of the universe (other-dimension). Even the dream-state might be a portal into this other dimension. For those not sold on the dark plasma theory, this concept of “simply another dimension” might also be the home source of angels and similar. Metaphysics has always referred to “other realms” and so these might be the home source of UFO occupants.
7.UFO Occupants Are from Dark Plasma Halo Around Earth
We are composed of bio-plasma, a form of visible matter.
Physicists have discovered that dark plasma, a form of invisible dark matter, is abundant throughout the universe. In fact, there is approximately 6 times more dark matter than visible matter. We know there is bio-plasma but is there also dark bio-plasma? Are there dark matter life-forms? Are there dark matter bio-spheres parallel to ours? There is indeed a dark plasma halo all around Earth; this is science, not metaphysics.
Is there Intelligence visiting us from Dark Earth? Has Visible Earth (our Earth), always been gravitationally linked to Dark Earth?:
Our human myths and folklore are full of entities which seem to be lighter than air, capable of shifting shape, and who glow and dematerialize. Angels, both Christian and generic, first appear as glowing balls of what is probably plasma, and then take form so as the human observer can recognize them as an angel or even Jesus or Mother Mary.
For centuries, the Holy Quran has spoken of “jinns” who are said by Islamic scholars to be life-forms with transparent, shape-shifting bodies. Jinns might originate in the dark plasma biosphere of Other-Earth; in fact, it is believed Other-Earth (Dark Earth) has a huge diversity of life-forms just as Visible Earth (our Earth) does. All life-forms of Other-Earth can be considered “ultra-terrestrials.”
8.UFO Occupants Are Created by Earth Herself
9.UFO Occupants Are Light-Forms and Space/Sky Life
Space and sky life-forms definitely exist; let’s not automatically call living space life-forms “space critters” because “critters” might under-estimate this kind of UFO intelligence. It seems obvious that this kind of UFO is the intelligence itself and is not traveling in a vessel (of course this could be wrong). Orbs and often-beautiful sky/space life-forms are indeed living UFOs which have consciousness. How great is this intelligence? Let’s not under-estimate it!
10. UFO Occupants Are Created by the Mass Human Consciousness and/or Subconscious