Because of the massive influx of hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrant children from Mexico and Central America who are carrying diseases such as H1N1 Swine Flu virus as well as various diseases we in the US have not seen in decades such as Chicken Pox, various forms of Measles, and strep virus. The probability of a massive epidemic is imminent.The Federal government is doing everything it can to keep this quiet in the media and strictly forbids health care workers from talking about it by threatening them with being fired. The news broke a few days ago here in San Antonio, Texas of the first case of H1N1 discovered at Lackland Air Force Base where many of the children are being housed.

Since then no followup story has been seen.However,another article has surfaced confirming the children are sick with many diseases of which are virtually non existent in the US.

Aside from the real possibility of an epidemic of massive proportions from the H1N1 virus happening here in the US we have the Federal government doing all possible to keep the situation quiet. The only reason the Feds would be doing this is because they were ultimately responsible for the massive invasion of illegal immigrant children coming here in the first place. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that hundreds of thousands of adolescents could not have made the trek from Central America to the US without help from various governments along the way.

 The Obama Administration with the help of the Department of Homeland Security has made all this possible by coordinating with various drug cartels in Central America and Mexico to get these children here to the US. The only reason for doing this is to inundate the US wso many adolescents who are here illegally to make it appear that the President has to act swiftly by Executive Order on the crisis.The Obama Administration's frustration with getting it's way on granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants has caused the President to make a very fatal error that just may plunge the US into an epidemic of which it hasn't seen the likes of in modern times.Such an act, born out of simply not getting his way makes President Obama exclusively responsible for perhaps thousands of deaths of Americans.








The Obama Administration with the help of the Department of Homeland Security has made all this possible by coordinating with various drug cartels in Central America and Mexico to get these children here to the US. The only reason for doing this is to inundate the US with so many adolescents who are here illegally to make it appear that the President has to act swiftly by Executive Order on the crisis. The Obama Administration’s frustration with getting it’s way on granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants has caused the President to make a very fatal error that just may plunge the US into an epidemic of which it hasn’t seen the likes of in modern times.Such an act, born out of simply not getting his way makes President Obama exclusively responsible for perhaps thousands of deaths of Americans.

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