

Steve Erdmann


Steve Erdmann, having spent a lifetime living and struggling in the ways and styles of a born and breed Midwestern, now wants to share the experiences of fellow St. Louisans and those of the Mississippi Basin.  In the past, he has attended Washington and Webster Universities, and has written on the paranormal, and is highly concerned with the Divorce Racket and government conspiracies and has written for Our Sunday Visitor, Probe the Unknown, Liberty, Gnostica News, Beyond Reality, Forum Magazine, Caveat Emptor, The Green Egg, Forum, UFO Enigma, UFO Digest, Necrologyshorts, FATE Magazine and several others.  He currently belongs to the Carondelet Historical Society. He can be reached through this editor or at [email protected], [email protected] and seen at www.facebook.com/#!/stephen.erdmann1 as well as https://wordpresscom507.wordpress.com/.   He no longer has the P.O. Box at Maryville Station.

You can friend him at Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1 —or —

Visit the Dissenter/Disinter Group — at —https://www.facebook.com/#!/groups/171577496293504/.

His Facebook email is http://facebook.com/stephen.erdmann1/.

You can also see some of his articles at:




and http://www.unxnewsmagazine.com.

Posts by Steve Erdmann (90)